Saying to a troll--"you're the lowest dps"

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by anotherpacifist, May 12, 2016.

  1. Derio 15000 Post Club

    If a troller is bottom dps that only means that the other support roles are more damage efficient( assuming the other support roles performed their role flawlessly)
  2. Mightyhon Well-Known Player

    You make it sound so tempting and interesting!
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  3. Lara Kelly Well-Known Player

    yeah I thought I just added that to explain why that player may think troll's actaully need to do damage lol

    It's interesting...I was quite suprise too when I first started Blade and Soul [I am a level 50 Hm2 Blade Master now - max Level is 50 Hm10] and wondered how to get agro as I been used to DCUO's support.

    tho it seem even in EverQuest II [I am also a ShadowKnight tank there] as seen in this dissussion -->
    But also it shows that you can use hate spell and hate mods too instead of trying to compete with the other dps but yet still should do some significant damage. And I can actually do enough damage to do solo misions by myself quite easily.

    yeah I used to think support was not supposed to do that much damage too.
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  4. Kouber Cage Level 30

    Very easily? I'm a 162 CR and I have NEVER even once entered BN. The only T7 raids I've completed are HH x2, BSP x1 and BBS x1. That's it. I just ran solos, duos, and alerts and stayed tf away from raids because I quite frankly don't enjoy running them. It's a slower way of getting Marks but it's entirely doable.
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  5. RyderSM Well-Known Player

    It's nice if the support roles put some damage out but it's just icing on the cake, that's not what they're there for. The person complaining about your dps numbers while you were trolling was an idiot.
  6. TechWarrior0329 Steadfast Player

    ahhhh so good to be back and able to post again. okay I looked this up because I could NOT respond when it first posted. This sort of thing has been going on for a LONG time. Almost a YEAR ago I joined a Intergang alert and we had 4 DPS on the team. We struggled a bit on the outside missions and in group chat one of the other players mentioned "we could really use a healer or a tank". OKAY I cant give you a healer without switching alts BUT .. Poof I switched armories and became the team tank. Things went very smooth after that until the final boss battle and mainly because of one small mis step by ?? I don't know and didn't really care we had a team wipe. We all rez, we all repair gear and then suddenly DPS # 1 is in chat looking to point that "FINGER OF BLAME" and tells me "You need to step up your damage you are lower than everyone else." Well quickly after that DPS 2 and 3 both point out that my character switched from DPS to TANK clear back before we left Metropolis.. Of course he isn't doing as much damage "He's the TANK" (translation PAY ATTENTION and stop looking for someone to blame.. do your JOB). Very shortly after that DPS # 1 probably had a hissy fit at home over being made to look bad and rage quit.


    A few minutes later a new DPS joined the team and we went back in and kicked Bruno's sorry butt with no problem. Hmmmmm Makes you wonder exactly who was actually the one responsible for that team wipe to begin with doesn't it? LOL

    Along those same lines I was on my Quantum Troll and doing the Zamaron Alert for the first time and we had a team wipe on the final boss. A DPS quit the team and shortly after that we had a healer join the team. We had another wipe and then the healer decides its time to give us all a lesson in how to master this alert. one of the last things he said to ME was "Get more power to the tank.. don't worry about us he needs that power so get him what ever he needs." Umm OKAY are you guys planning to stand outside and just me and the tank go in or are you REALLY that uninformed that you think I have a button here that allows me to decide who gets how much power? For anyone reading this that is not aware a TROLL has pretty much two methods to get power to a team. Power over Time (or POT) is an attack that allows every member of the team to get a certain number of clicks of power over a set time frame (about 30 seconds as I recall) before it runs out and the troll can cast POT again. The other method is commonly referred to as a power push or Power Burst.. where the Troll casts and a single large dose of power is distributed to team members. Now in BOTH cases each member of the team get the exact same amount of available power. The Troll has no means to provide more power to any one member of that team. Oh and just to further clarify when a troll casts POT he gets a share of power distributed to him character just like all the other members of the team. When that same troll uses a power push every other member of the team EXCEPT THE TROLL gets to divide that power up equally. Just another example of players not having a clue how other roles work.
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  7. Red Templar Dedicated Player

    Also worth noting that your instant power push only gives power to the 4 lowest members of the group.
  8. TechWarrior0329 Steadfast Player

    Very TRUE but on an alert there are only four including me but YEAH on a RAID three other team mates and ME would also get no power push. For those out there still scratching your heads.. Ever notice how MOST of the time the one team mate that always has almost NO power, unless you have a REALLY bad troll, is the troll? THAT would be because POWER PUSH drains a trolls power really fast and since they get no power back from it.. every one else's power goes up....OURS goes way down. Which makes being the solo troll on a raid with 5 DPS all chasing the high scoreboard marks and not a single one has a clue how AM or WM works just a real treat.
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  9. Red Templar Dedicated Player

    Add in the fact that Controllers only gain power through PoT and through building up attack combos, and if the controller has to keep spamming say defibulate, because people are not using AMs or messing up their AMs, the controller has no time to work on regening their own power in the process.

    I miss the days of two Controllers one for PoT and Spot Power back, and the other for Debuffs, stuns, and spot power back.
  10. AnonymousEUPS Dedicated Player

    And because it's the quickest WM it also has the smallest power reduction, not even close to half and also has the worst damage. That crutch of a WM disgusts me. 2H>Arrow Storm ftw.
  11. anotherpacifist Well-Known Player

    Not aware that the speed of the WM impacts on power reduction or power generation. And no, controller damage is negligible in the final tally, so 2h->arrow storm is even worse than DW->flurry or staff->mortar in terms of speed.
    I will bet you I can provide more power and regenerate quicker with brawl->shiruken.
  12. AnonymousEUPS Dedicated Player

    Well now you are aware, the testing has been done. An no, a good controller, and by good I mean one d the 2%, can do a hell of alot of damage, most can't and will never see it done. And the reason I mention 2h is it had the 2nd best regen after Brawling, not to mention making a mockery of the Br>MA damage. Trolling is and always was too easy to need Br>MA regen and the power reduction is pitifully small.
  13. anotherpacifist Well-Known Player

    Reference please.
    I still think that if I can do more debuffs and recharges using brawl/MA, it's worthwhile.
    Trollers should not do more damage than any of the dps, unless the dps suck. In the final tally, a good amount of trollers damage is 1 order less than the dps. That is fairly negligible in 5 dps runs.
    And I do know the 2h/arrow storm WM combo. (In fact I know all the WM combos) Mobility sucks and sometimes healers cannot wait for you to finish your combo to get power. I would much rather have my brawlers in the new raid, for example. Any more time in a pool in the first boss and you're dead.
  14. AnonymousEUPS Dedicated Player

    Go look through oracles database yourself, I'm not about to spoon feed it to you.
  15. The Jelly Bean Dedicated Player

    Now if there were 2 trolls... Then one would be lower than the other.
  16. The Jelly Bean Dedicated Player

    I get kicked for fixing stupid. So I stopped.
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  17. anotherpacifist Well-Known Player

    Way to shut off the debate. And you didn't address mobility and the lack of damage relevance compared to dps damage.
    Here, I Iooked it up. As I thought, it's combo counter that regenerates power:

    "The current winner for fastest regen is Brawling with Weapon Mastery Unlocked into Shuriken Storm. You can reach tier 2 in 1.5 seconds, tier 3 in 3 seconds, & tier 4 in 6 seconds.
    2 Hand is much slower bust has a short counter. It can reach tier 2 in 3.6 seconds, tier 3 in 7.3 seconds, & tier 4 in 13 seconds."

    It does say about 2h damage(see below). However, that is before they implemented pools like in UM and the newest raid where mobility is crucial. So my point about mobility of brawling still stands.

    "If you're in groups where power consumption is low, you can use the other weapons and focus more on damage.
    Damage is dealt by all roles and more specifically by Controllers by default due to how the Controller role operates. 2 Hand is a popular offensive Controller weapon due to it's Weapon Mastery Damage with Arrow Storm & because of its low Weapon Combo hits. DW is also good as well as HandBlasters. For weapons with longer than 4 second set ups for damage, do not forget to hit the Instant Power Heal as soon as the WM combo is over."
    I've solo trolled the new raid, so please don't talk to me like you're talking to a newbie.
  18. Pink Revenge Committed Player

    what about those "trolls" whose damage is higher [by at least 2x] than their power out but still being beaten by the healer [on damage AND power out]?
  19. AnonymousEUPS Dedicated Player

    Mobility? lol any combo can be clipped out of early, mobility is what you make of it. And there it is. What group doesn't have low power consumption these days.

    Nerfing your own damage to keep up with power that isn't even needed with all this AM rubbish? Why? I was soloing anything and everything with 2H WM BEFORE AMs with no power issues and doing more than respectable damage to boot and still would be now if the role hadn't gone from most engaging of them all too so mind numbingly boring to the point I went tank 18 months ago after 3.5 years as a troll, no reason any half decent troll can't do the same no WITH AMs...

    Nobody said anything to the contrary about combo counters regenerating power. That is beside the point anyway. It's not the size of the combo that matters really, it's the tier you reach that will have a bigger effect, as you alluded too, and as I'v said from the start, 2H had the second best regen since it can reach the higher tiers faster, second only to brawling. So thanks for looking it up yourself and proving my point. You missed the WM power reduction part though, conveniently enough...

    And I couldn't care less what you've solo'd with Br>Ma, a monkey could do it. That WM is a crutch, and a pillow fisted one at that, I don't care what anyone says.

    So explain to me why, in the games current state with power consumption at an all time low, you would use the weakest WM combo with the smallest power cost reduction purely for the purpose of giving power?
  20. Gam3r4Lif3 Dedicated Player

    Color mods arent even necessary. Im catching up on gear so I dont mod until I get to about 3 or 4 cr away from the highest (fell behind on episodes). SP also arent that important.

    I(celestial dps) was running DP reg with an Atomic DPS a Quantum dps and a nature healer. I have only white mods and I did 13 million and the other 2 did as much damage as the healer. The had some sort of synthetic/betas in. Im only at 135 SP.

    Why did I say all this? I really dont know.
    But what I do know is the lack of tutorials is hurting the next dcuo generation. Players are just piggy backed all the way. I teach when I can but this isnt my job.