Saying to a troll--"you're the lowest dps"

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by anotherpacifist, May 12, 2016.

  1. Morsy808 Committed Player

    Mods do have a very large impact. Not just the actual mod stats themselves, but the affinity bonuses too. I have always had fully modded role gear. Used to have fully modded dps armories until i too fell behind on episodes. Finding the upkeep increasingly difficult to maintain on both toons exo wise.

    But where I lack expert mods in my dps, I use synthetics for the affinity bonuses. The added critical chance etc are just too useful to not use.

    Yes, sp doesn't really count like it should, but it will be soon. I've been working on my sp on both toons (206 and 207), sowhen stats do matter, I will have an edge.
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  2. Gam3r4Lif3 Dedicated Player

    Yeah the affinities are important. I did forget bout those. Yeah Im going to create a toon who will only farm and store bits and bytes. I gotta catch up on gear so I can properly mod.
  3. JeffEllis Committed Player

    My on my (at that time) 150ish troll, my wife on her 150ish healer were style farming so we pugged inner sanctum 4 man. We decided not to switch to DPS so the lowbies could feel like they were doing something. We got to the room where everyone has to click on the gear things, where you first meet up with Catwoman. The two DPS in the group just kept killing and killing and we tried to explain what needed to be done, bubbling people with Bastion every time I had enough SC, whatever we could to try to get them to click. After several minutes of this, one DPS left the group the other one decided to tell us how much we sucked because we couldn't help them kill the mobs fast enough to clear the room and then that person also left. The next two people knew what to do and we finished 10 minutes later lol.

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  4. TITAN ephemeral Loyal Player

    That you would have to explain that...incredible!!!
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  5. TITAN ephemeral Loyal Player

    They play a game where success must be achieved at times through mechanics...and only mechanics...and they just stupidly burn themselves to were better off without them...any Robot Sidekick can pew pew...
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  6. anotherpacifist Well-Known Player

    Wow there is so much to unpack here...

    I didn't say I was nerfing my damage. All I'm saying is, in the final tally, a difference of br->ma damage vs. 2h->bow damage is NOTHING compared to any decent dps. It won't matter a bit if you do that extra damage for the group. If you have to do extra damage to finish the raid, your dps must suck.

    You haven't trolled recently, have you? Try solo trolling DWF and tell me that healers use low power. (Tanking is mindnumbly easy, BTW)

    The WM power reduction is a moot point. If I can regenerate power quicker with WM->MA, I don't need to save as much power. And I can do more debuffs than 2h.

    OK, br->ma is easy, but so are ALL the other combos. I actually started out with blasters->bow but the extra mobility helps. (Try dodging Brainiac lasers while recharging in BBS)

    And finally, power consumption is low only with easy raids and good players. Try doing that in a pug group and with DWF even with good players. If you haven't trolled for 18 months (!), please don't berate current trollers.
  7. AnonymousEUPS Dedicated Player

    In a game world that is based around damage, you say that 'little bit' more damage doesn't help? lol. Just because your damage as a troll is nothing on the DPS, doesn't mean all trolls do despicably awful damage...

    The fact that the raid is soloable says it all. Tanked recently have you? If tanking is the hardest role and is mindbogglingly easy then what does that say for the other 3 roles...

    Power reduction is a moot point because you're regening quicker? And also using power quicker...

    It's ease of use i'v haven't questioned, it's everything about the weapon being incredibly weak by some distance outside of regen... In a climate where power isn't an issue.

    And finally, I refer you back to my second point. I haven't trolled for 18 months due to the state of the role (and the bs they did to mental) and the role is still in the exact same state now, nothing has changed. Regardless, that WM is a pillow fisted cruch, there's no two ways about it.
  8. anotherpacifist Well-Known Player

    Yes, I've an ice tank and an atomic tank(formerly rage tank and sorcery healer). And I have a celestial healer, and my main (currently munitions) used to be gadgets, mental, earth, nature. And my villain is quantum, formerly electricity. So yes, tanking is relaxing compared to healing and trolling.
    Please troll the new raid and get back to me with your 2h combos. Otherwise there's no point arguing in the abstract. Btw, mental is OP now, if you want to go back to it.
  9. AnonymousEUPS Dedicated Player

    I couldn't care less how OP it is, I wouldn't be a fire tank in PVE if I wanted to be OP. Try fire tanking it with the suggested CR and see how relaxing that is... But still, nothing changes the fact that between AMs and Br>MA you have the reason for solo controllers, without that weapon the 98% couldn't manage it. I'v still got a HL troll, aswell as a sorc heal, it's cake. But I'd do you one better when I get my troll geared, I'l solo it using only HL combos.