Dev Discussion Cross Play

Discussion in 'Concluded' started by Mepps, Feb 2, 2016.

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  1. OnyxM8 New Player

    thanks mepps for put off membersip
  2. NikoK24 Well-Known Player

    I am on pc server, but when i am at the login screen it says that i am on EUPS. Is that intended or havent you changed it to just: EU yet?


    (Proof that i am on pc in top left corner)
  3. Morcra Committed Player

    Is that an afterburner?

  4. djcrossfade Committed Player

    i call bull everyone knows that us pc players love donuts . mmmmm [IMG]
  5. NikoK24 Well-Known Player

    I do believe it's the latest version. I do not recall it telling me there is a new update
  6. sozincomet New Player

    I played this game for years on playstation no longer play playstation but now i play pc can i take my toons from ps and use them on pc? i would probable play again if that was the case
  7. Darkerusaelp Devoted Player


    No, you cannot transfer characters cross platform. You can however play with players on different platforms.
  8. TestReporter Loyal Player

    Why can't PS players reset PC players and pc reset ps?
  9. Pez Fedora Developer

    Falls within certain limitations set by Sony.
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  10. ShadowCyborg92 Loyal Player

    that's bull
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  11. StealthBlue Loyal Player

    A friend and I made new characters on the US server today and had some seemingly related hangups in the game. They both happened after creating our bases.
    My game locked up as I tried to leave my base through the teleporter amenity.
    My friend went outside to Metropolis and locked up when he tried to go back in his base.

    For reference, I'm on PS and he is on PC.
  12. tinoman Dedicated Player

    Sony doesn't want sony players to spend more money on replays thru psn to reset pc players. So wierd. Why wouldn't you want to make more money?
  13. WildcatHunter Committed Player

    Flip your statement. There are a lot more ps player than pc. Looking at those numbers they dont want to lose any money to pc players resetting ps players. It's now a closed deal they only profit.
  14. Rockhound665 Steadfast Player

    Not being able to attach anything across platforms is my only issue. J/K I didn't have any issues yesterday except during Corrupted Zamerron duo my guy froze for a couple of minutes. I could chat and open my inventory and such, I just couldn't move but it only lasted about a minute or so. Also, during the party at Robinson Park, I wasn't able to look down or up. I logged in and logged out which seem to have fixed the problem.
  15. Grand Shaw Loyal Player

    Lag causing players to appear as falling though the floor and the invisible bug is happening more frequently. (At least in PvP)
  16. Brother Allen Loyal Player

    Run into some weird bugs, some old some new but the old bugs are showing up way more than before, since Cross Play was introduced.

    1.) Mental: Terrorize and Menace seem to be locking players up in a manner where they can't break out, use powers, or move. While I know this bug has been in the game for a while, I don't ever remember seeing it lock players up at the rate it is.

    2.) The invisibility bug was very prominent the last two nights. I've had multiple games in Legends and Arenas (scrims and ques) where there has been someone invisible.

    3.) There appears to be a Legends only bug where when you que in you can't attack or use powers. You can only move around. Dying does not work. You have to leave the match for it to go away.
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  17. KodyDerp Dedicated Player

    I think #1 mainly deserves it's own thread.
    Mepps please have your guys look into this, I'd like to have mental playable for the tournament on the 20th, it sucks that I have to ban an entire powerset that a lot of the team members happen to be playing as.
  18. Viktoryos SS Active Player

    Too many scammers from PS side we dont know how to deal with them they try to cheet us and robing us all thime
    this is madnes
  19. Rohan New Player

    Guys i have probem whit set Superman and Hawkman what i do
  20. Lord Jareth Steadfast Player

    [IMG]As you can see i was at that party and man was it fun, i was also a villain who got knocked out but i don't care it was fun i am enjoying every second of crossplay i seriously am. THANK YOU DEVS also Thank you to an evil Robot name Mepps or is it Meeps? ;)
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