Where are the VETERANS of the game?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Scypher6, Dec 26, 2015.

  1. Tharkis The Pretty Kitty Princess

    *shows off a beta emblem on their suit* Some of us have been playing for a very long time =)
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  2. SasquaT Dedicated Player

    Some people like some dont like chellongge im ok with this for me dox wasnt broken it was just hard but in same time it was FUN!!!!!!
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  3. the solowing Unwavering Player

    it was broken at launch for the ps3, that whens there were clear rendering issues
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  4. 12AngelOfLife21 Loyal Player

    Chellongge? You mean challenge? I like challenge. Dox was more than a challenge though. Dox WAS broken. Devs even admitted it was. No group in its first couple months could get the EO or speed feats in it without glitching it even if they had the best gear available. It took 2 to 3 months of nerfing to make EO even reasonable without glitching lol. The first group to legitimately get EO got it after almost 3 and a half months of nerfs and fixes. That's not a challenge. That's broken beyond stupid is what it is. It was broken on both the PC and PS sides. And PS side groups were glitching it left and right even after all the nerfs. It was just a bad raid all around.

    You remember how broken Throne was and how certain Throne feats were absolutely impossible without glitching right? Dox was that times 10. Worse yet. They never shut Dox down like they did Throne, and all those who did glitch for feats and gear got to keep both the feats and the gear. No consequences. Just a horrible, horrible time.

    And for those who actually found Dox fun, maybe you like BDSM, but some of us don't lol. Some of us aren't sadomasochists. It can be challenging without being impossible.
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  5. CHUD Loyal Player

    Veteran player here........I'm around,......well....physically at least. Mentally is another story,....but I'm here.
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  6. hoaxone Committed Player

    Hold up.it wasn't that broken Jesus.it was tough but not broken.you keep mentioning the devs saying they messed up,that was only because most of the community couldn't dodge.not that it was broken beyond belief.
    I know for a fact we was constantly beating it.the only issue was some pieces of the traces gear wasn't dropping.all the other issues present is a constant issue within the entire game.
    I know of a couple former leaguemates would agree that DLC was the greatest thing to happen to dcuo in terms of gearing up to play hardest challenge
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  7. 12AngelOfLife21 Loyal Player

    LOL Seriously? It's documented, son. Dox WAS broken. You are 100% WRONG saying it wasn't broken. Devs themselves even said it was broken. Adds were hitting harder than intended. Visuals weren't showing. This was happening on both the PC and the PS. It was broken beyond stupid. Fact. EO and the speed feat were totally impossible for the first 2 to 3 months without glitching even if you had the best gear available because of how broken it was. You didn't see groups start getting those feats legit until 3 to 4 months later. This is all documented fact lol. It was more than tough. It WAS broken, dare I say it was beyond broken even. And the devs spent half a year nerfing and fixing it just to make it reasonable.

    And those who say that that DLC was the greatest thing to happen to dcuo in terms of gearing up to play the hardest challenge are wrong. It wasn't. A lot of players left because they hated how Dox was handled. It was Dox that drove people AWAY from the game. It wasn't until WotL 1 that the game really started to recover from the lows of OC. Fact. Some did return with the Trigon DLC but it was WotL 1 that put the lows of OC to bed.

    I find it funny that you claim it wasn't broken when the devs even admitted it was and spent half a year fixing it. If it wasn't broken, why did it take them 3 to 4 months just to make EO reasonable without glitching and another 2 to 3 fixing up the various glitches that remained lol? Seriously, it was the most broken raid the game has ever had. Throne in its most broken state wasn't even half as broken as Dox was. Fact. Heck, devs even introduced some things into the game based on the mostly negative feedback of Dox. Like the rare style vendor. That came from the negative Dox feedback. Making dropped raid gear just slightly better than vendor gear in WotL1 also came from the mostly negative Dox feedback. The devs realized how poorly Dox came out and made changes to try to keep it from getting to that point again. You are in total denial if you think otherwise.
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  8. AdaptiveAndroid Well-Known Player

    I logged in just to give this a thumbs up lol. Great post
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  9. Whizzkid Dedicated Player

    Let's see if I can recall correctly, it was so long ago. Dox and Nexus were a step up in difficulty from Prime/Gates, clearly too steep for most. However, though it was riddled with mechanical and visual bugs it wasn't impossible. IIRC, it was stated that only 2% of the current population, which was much larger at the time IMO, could complete the T5 raids. That in turn led to people "not playing" which I still find that hard to believe but whatever. There were some clear bugs but I also believe T5 content was the ushering in of a new wave of players that complained about things being too hard without even trying. For example, I remember seeing people rage about being one shotted because they weren't used to having to evade attacks. They were used to a tank n' spank mentality that allowed them to play/dps/support from one spot. Adding in Nexus shield mechanics(teamwork) or simple attentiveness and awareness via Dox/Nex was apparently too much for many to grasp.

    As far as gearing up, I was fine with how they had planned the loot distribution i.e certain bosses drop certain pieces but then it was revealed that pieces were missing from the loot tables entirely. However, gearing up became more difficult, IMO, because the ninja-looting fiasco blew up which introduced solo-loot. I took a break from the game during the entire summer that people did nothing but spam the glitched EO feat day in day out without completing the full set of ToT gear.

    Tl;dr - There were some visual/mechanical glitches with Wave/Nex and the loot tables had holes in them but those raids were nerfed so many times because of the playerbase, not the content. EVERY DLC after OC was significantly easier which slowly brought back the people OC allegedly drove away.
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  10. John Gates Active Player

    I never bothered coming to the forums before I took my 2 year break and I see why I never bothered to come here. To me the game feels dead when the staff post very little in the topics we create, if they posted their thoughts about what the topic was about it can spark new ideas instead of them keeping all their plans and decisions hidden until the next time they log onto twitch.
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  11. hoaxone Committed Player

    To make this easy.they kept nerfing the difficulty by changing little things over those months.they wanted money from replay sales that the majority of the community wouldn't buy because they couldn't beat it.
    Trust me as I was beating the raid the first week and took a month break to play ffxiv.when I came back I got the feats quick.
    The difficulty was perfect.you could tell the level of difference between league play and pugs.
    So devs chalked it up as a loss.started making easier content.accommodated the better players with SM.you wanna know the people who beat it legit and got the feats.look up the server firsts for the original oan SM.
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  12. 12AngelOfLife21 Loyal Player

    Yeah, and all those people who did finish it early on were either closing tunnels or glitching the EO feat lol. Most were spamming the EO glitches pretty much all day. There were 1 shots long before Dox. 1 shots were happening even in the bat cave raids at level. 1 shots weren't new in T5, but T5 did see people leave the game because they got sick of 1 shot mechanics taking hold as much as they did in Dox whereas, before Dox, 1 shot mechanics weren't so common.

    As far as the gearing up in OC goes, I would like to correct myself earlier. Doing BIA and Family to prepare myself for Nexus and Dox I did find fun. To this day, BIA is actually a favorite piece of content of mine. But all the problems with Dox just killed OC. Dox was so broken in the beginning, no group could even run EO legitimately, even if they spammed replays closing tunnels to get the gear. It was beyond tough for everyone. Hence why so many simply said screw it and glitched it.
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  13. 12AngelOfLife21 Loyal Player

    Uh, you do realize that a certain villain league posted a video showing how they glitched Dox EO on these very forums and that thread got deleted from the forums, don't you? Go take a look at the members of that villain league. I'll send you a PM of the name of the league so I don't publicly black list them if you want lol. I read the threads back then concerning how they certainly did NOT get the feat legitimately lol.

    And I beg to differ. They WERE selling replays because the majority of the community who knew of the glitch were spamming replays to spam the Dox EO glitches. No doubt they made a killing with the replays they sold. They just lost a lot of respect from players who left because of how bad Dox was. And you only got the feats quick after coming back because of the 3 or so months of nerfs lol. No way were you or anyone getting EO legit before all the nerfs as it was so broken it was actually flat out IMPOSSIBLE to get EO legit pre nerfs.
  14. hoaxone Committed Player

    You don't have to send me the name Lol their hero's were in my league at that time.and again I came back a month after dox release not 3 months.and before you stated those 3 months were fixes to the bugs....now it's 3 months of nerfs to the difficulty. Those are 2 different things.
    If something is completable by anyone legit its not broken.i know what side of the fence you fall on.have a good night
  15. Whizzkid Dedicated Player

    Well, I know that this will have no face value as there is no way to prove or verify unless I name drop, though that wouldn't prove much either, but there were actual groups completing the raid without glitching it. I ran with a group, myself, that were capable of completing Wave in about 35-40mins early on. Sure, we had to close all tunnels then three, two, one and eventually none as time progressed and we learned. It was no easy feat and we could really only do so with the core 7 people. However, as stated you can dismiss or believe that as you will because it's neither here nor there. I had actually forgotten about that league's act that made them infamous.

    Allow me to clarify, I wasn't saying 1-shots weren't around before T5 but many of the players that came to the game joined around the T3-T4 Era where the Megaservers calamity stabilized thus bringing people in. I base this assumption off of the notion that many of the players I encountered during T5 days never ran FoS2, FoS3, or any of the older content which, to me, meant they were new(er) and super power-leveled to end game.

    Hoaxone does have a point about the watering down of content for the sake of replay sales. If only 2% of the population can beat content then they're missing out on a huge profit margin. So in order to avoid losing money they caved in to the masses and even allowed the EO glitching to go on for the entire summer that followed. I'll also add the I've always said that if DLC 5 would've been delivered flawlessly without bugs it would've potentially been one of the best DLC's in the game, DLC3 is still my favorite. However, the negative feedback and impact it had changed the pace of the game and future DLCs, raids, and content that followed.
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  16. 12AngelOfLife21 Loyal Player

    As you said, you closed tunnels. Doing all bosses up that early on wasn't even possible legitimately because of how broken it was. It's like those who supposedly beat Throne elite day 1 and got Deathproof and what not early on. It simply wasn't possible without glitching because of the broken nature of the raid. Those who got EO early on glitched it. Everyone else who beat it closed tunnels.
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  17. 12AngelOfLife21 Loyal Player

    LOL You have reading comprehensions I see. Before I stated those were 3 months of nerfs AND fixes. They are 2 different things. You got that part right. They were 2 different things that were being worked on AT THE SAME TIME lol. Thing is EO was NOT completable legit early on. It took 3 months of nerfs AND fixes to make it legitimately possible. Those who got it early on CHEATED to get it. Fact. You may think you know what side of the fence I fall on, but you obviously don't know the facts.

    When did you get it by chance? There wasn't a single group running Dox EO legitimately until mid to late August of that year. Bragging rights went to the very first group to legitimately prove they were the first to get EO legitimately, and that group was from mid August.
  18. Curse Bringer Most Wanted

    Beta vet here <----- Doesn't post much anymore because threads are just rehashed topics for the 15th thousandth time
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  19. hoaxone Committed Player

    Ok.to end this..you wasn't apart of this 2% that beat the raid.
  20. 12AngelOfLife21 Loyal Player

    So you say. In actual fact though, I WAS part of that 2%. I did it right though lol. You weren't seeing me glitching it, and I'm proud to say that when I finally did end up getting EO, I got it legitimately, WITHOUT CHEATING, when Dox was still the hardest raid in the game. Mind you, I did only beat it once for the headline and just ignored it for months because of how bad it really was, but I was part of that 2% who beat it nonetheless.

    Anyway, doesn't really matter at this point. Since you are defending those who DID cheat for the feat, you are just as bad. You were likely one of them yourself. Believe what you wish. Those of us who refused to glitch it know better.
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