SP need to be percentage based

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Theblackcat456, Nov 3, 2015.

  1. SethZoulMonEl 10000 Post Club

    A lot of games don't allow people who achieve feats to be OP. This game was an exception at times. Feats are generally for bragging rights in most MMOs.

    I typically have a lot of respect for players with more skill points. They generally are team players and willing to help others get better. There are exceptions, though. I had a 240+ SP player yesterday in a group with me who was very selfish. I don't feel players like that deserve to be OP. :p

    My personal opinion: I'm indifferent for the most part. As long as someone with a lot of SP isn't performing more than 10-15% better than someone who has an average amount, I'd be fine with them meaning a bit more.
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  2. akaivy Dedicated Player

    If feats were solely based on individual achievement I would be all for changing things so that skill points mattered more, no matter what type of change it was.

    As it stands now, most of the feats I need are dependent on luck of the drop or the kindness of others. Neither of which hold out much hope.

    Don't preach leagues or friends to me. Most of my friends have either left the game or scaled back on their playing and are 130 and under. Most leagues are prone to drama, and I have been in 3 leagues that folded since I've been playing. Two of them since league halls were available. The league I'm in now is my own. I have 2 active members (me and one other). We are not at the same level (he is 84, I am 141) so we are running in different circles.
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  3. redwolfyogi Well-Known Player

    I feel the only way SP would get an adjustment would be if they made it where you cannot run instances locked. You can run content for feats while being loot locked but you cant increase your CR... If it was where you had to "pay" to get SP they would be worth more.

    But I doubt they would do that... or anarchy would take place.
  4. majosea Dedicated Player

    hmm I would agree with sp to percentage base , but since # 47 a alot people left and game and alot of low sp people at end game content , It takes a long to pug group for raid as it is , this percentage thing could backfire for the low sp people at the end game content and push they away and make it take longer to pug groups , I could be wrong , but people with low sp will not go for this , and some how the cenus app will yes part this problem too .
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  5. Pink Revenge Committed Player

    sometimes i wonder if the original coders of this game didn't expect the game to last. they seem to have written NOTHING in a way that would work/scale optimally 4 years down the road: marks, SP, mods, etc.
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  6. Proxystar #Perception

    Agreed some people have a bad attitude but unfortunately that doesn't make them undeserving

    Same can be said for people that have 240sp but seem so clueless they can't even do an am dps rotation lol :)
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  7. BumblingB I got better.

    Marks, at launch, worked. The problem was, there were a few issues with cohesion of the tiers and DLCs. I can see why they unified the mark system, but it didn't change the fact it was hurting the players leveling more. They actually kind of went back to it, but different with the bracket relevancy.

    SP... I don't think they really thought players would view it as they do. No seriously. I think they were thinking, well, they can unlock weapons, the bonuses are just fluff. That changed quickly.

    Mods... Well, I think it was a good idea, but the RnD system just never got bigger. This new thing isn't a bad part, but really, they just need to expand upon the RnD system and make some of the stuff you can currently make worth it. (Shock soders anyone?)

    There are some things I can see your point on, but overall, they lacked modularity more than some ideas that players are caring about now. SP you only need the crit innates. Everything else eventually gets outclass by gear. Even before the CR changes.
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  8. CaptainColdilocks Dedicated Player

    I feel a 1% increase per point is overkill and would cause toons to be way too beast. I am working on my 11th tree... So under this model I would have an extra 30% added on. And that's beast.
  9. AberrantAngel Committed Player

    Time to add another bottom 2 rows to the trees. With a higher number. And instead of making them might and precision. Maybe just Might just dom something like that.
  10. RoxyStormbringer Dedicated Player

    SP should be percentage based, because SP and CR are supposed to be equally important, but CR eclipses SP now. If SP had more weight, more people would run all of the content to chase feats. There are people complaining about long queue times, but there are lots of people that need various feats out of older content that would queue just to get them.

    Every MMO I've played has benefited long-term players with both limited time items and being stronger than new players. Those that have invested thousands of hours in a game should be better than those that have just a few hundred. Many of the year one veterans left because of the changes that GU47 brought. If people want to have a well-built character they'll have to actually put time in and do it.
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  11. Ichiro Loyal Player

    It certainly is but I don't think there is any happy median. Any change will either be too small and they are not significant, or too large and you are beast. There is no just right amount because everyone idea of just right is different. I think go big and just let people place them optionally until they are just beast enough. I haven't even placed the last 3 skill points that I got.
  12. megamanzero Loyal Player

    they shouldnt be op. sp should just be for bragging rights or a slight very slight advantage. it shouldnt be to the point where the gap is huge enough to make the game frustrating ro newcomers or casuals who would be driven away from this game. if we had a better community i probably wouldnt care but im tired of seeing ppl be nasty to each other over bytes of data that dont even dictate ones player skill
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  13. Pink Revenge Committed Player

    what's so wrong with having something to work towards? instead of having it handed to you [CR].
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  14. megamanzero Loyal Player

    i never said there was anything wrong with working towards something. you sure you quoted the right post?

    and cr is not just handed to you. you actually have to take the time to do the content.
  15. Pink Revenge Committed Player

    "it shouldnt be to the point where the gap is huge enough to make the game frustrating ro newcomers or casuals who would be driven away from this game."

    if i just started a game and someone who spent a lot more time and developed their hero more than me is better than me... that teaches me that if i keep working i can be better as well. the mentality of our game though is... make sure that the new player and players who only login once a month are able to be the top without trying.

    and CR is TOTALLY handed to some people [usually dps]. example: 1 healer [who has to do his job], 1 troll [who has to do his job], 1 tank [who has to do his job], 5 dps [1-3 of which usually suck horribly yet still get gear and rise to the top CR].
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  16. megamanzero Loyal Player

    if you actually read that quote carefully you would see that i was saying the gap shouldnt be too huge not that there should be no gap at all. in this i am talking about 2 ppl of the same cr not a level 1 and cr 140. just wantee to clarify that. what this means is that players shouldnt be super op just because they played the game longer than ppl who managed to get to their same cr in a shorter time frame. stronger sure but it should only be slightly for bragging rights and not to be game breaking or kill the competitive drive. (do not take this as me supporting score chasing because that is not what it is. competition is healthy as long as it doesnt hinder others performance or whatever)

    your point about cr can be applied to sp. plenty of ppl in this game are carried in feat runs by their leagues or friends. reversely a player can get max cr by putting forth a lot of effort to get their levels up. so why is one considered handed and the other not?
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  17. Pink Revenge Committed Player

    if you got carried through 500 duos... good for you. that's much bigger feat than the lame **** constantly occurring which i just described.
  18. megamanzero Loyal Player

    except those aren't the only feats available. nor are they the bulk.

    either way its a carry. and the stuff you described is the devs fault not the players. if you want harder content so 3 dps arent carried then ask for harder content
  19. kyrieirving Active Player

    All i know is that when skill points mattered a lot of pvpers would sub so they could get pve feats so thats money lost
  20. BlazeChamp Committed Player

    I disagree. You have to think about this in the long run. People with a large amount of SP's stats will be so much higher than those who don't that people with low SP won't even be able to get into groups. The effect would pretty much be the same as adding a required SP to run content. And what's the point of subbing or buying content if you can't even play it?