SP need to be percentage based

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Theblackcat456, Nov 3, 2015.

  1. Theblackcat456 Committed Player

    At each passing Month SP is becoming less and less effective, for example the bottom line in each tree with 75 might ,90 resto etc is becoming less useful as our stats are rising quickly from gear but the stats from SP stay the same.
    Defense and health Stats from SP are completely useless in comparison to the defense and health from our gear. My healer for example has like 15500 resto and climbing , what use is 20+ sp for 90 resto or 20+ sp for 75 might when gear with new episodes skyrocket up your stats. For my dps when im respecing and i see 25 might per point on the bottom row i just see it to very illogical. Percentages need to replace the minuscule stats, this way Sp will never need to be adjusted similar to the updated white mods all with percentages that continually progress with new episodes.
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  2. DustyAnkh Loyal Player

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  3. Drathmor Unwavering Player

    there should be no static stats........ they should all be percent based to allow for growth
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  4. DEMONIZER1 Loyal Player

    It's sad that you work hard to be the best too find out it means nothing in the long run....smh

    Just another really stupid direction this game is going...!

    Not digging this SP thing at all!

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  5. ChillCat Loyal Player

    Agreed, but it must be done ....carefully. If you stack large percentage numbers, you run the risk of having ridiculous stat escalation, and that will lead to a scaling problem. If Devs ever agreed to look into it, I would advocate small, controlled percentages that would probably be less than 1% per slot. Probably something like the third row grants 0.25% per SP applied as an example. Loche's super genius math skill could probably work out something within reason.
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  6. same Johnny Dedicated Player

    Ok, here's the thing, Skill Points, what they mean and how they are achieved were a mistake, especially in light of the "recent" trend (making the game more casual friendly). This is, of course, all my opinion and I'm pretty sure there's tons of reasons that can be given why I'm wrong.

    The issue, though, is that, if any SENSIBLE game developer wants to keep bringing in as many new players as he/she can, SP and the way they are implemented in this game, are a huge issue. You can't expect a newcomer to be able to compete, SP wise, with a 5 years veteran. You just can't, even if that's one of the things that MMOs are all about - rewarding long time players.

    But, again, the trend in the past months (years?) has been making the game more accessible to new players, whether or not they're staying. AMs and CR based damage alone show that. A new comer doesn't really have to learn a power set and figure out what is optimal, just follow instructions (be it 1 >2 > 3 > 4, tap > tap > hold, or 1+2 > repeat 3 until 1 and 2 are off cooldown), get gear, and you're good to go to be a dps.

    In all honesty, I highly doubt anything will ever change with SP in the way of making them more relevant. Again, IMO, they were a mistake that just kept getting bigger and bigger and now there's really no way to fix it without upsetting a whole ton of folks. They should have had no effects to stats to begin with, or minor effects, at the very most. They should have been for bragging rights or to get rare styles/vanity items, similar to WoW.

    They started as important for stats, they became redundant after what, 120? 130? and now they're pretty much useless considering how much our stats jump on a monthly basis. Get your crit innates and then get over it. Get over SP. Your size is just fine, don't worry about it.

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  7. SethZoulMonEl 10000 Post Club

    Most MMOs have feats that are more for bragging rights than progression. That seems to be the path we are on in this game with the combat rating scaling. SP still matter but not nearly as much as they did when weapon mastery was first introduced. We were in a similar situation at the end of tier 5 due to the stats on gear heavily outweighing any stats we could get from skill points.

    We may see another flip flop like weapon mastery if people continue to bring the landslide with combat rating versus skill points to their attention. If so, I think ChillCat's idea is probably a good middle ground to prevent power creep while giving a noticeable bonus.
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  8. Biggdaddycane Dedicated Player

    Smh lol,

    Been saying this since Amazon Fury 1.

    See its finally coming to fruition as we advance Tiers, Gear, & CR.
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  9. MEBegnalsFan Devoted Player

    I agree that SP should matter, but I'm not sure how to improve upon the current model. I am not against us moving static to % base stats; however, I want to point out that static stats have advantages and disadvantages. At lower levels if you have a 200 SP T1 toon you get a really nice boost to your overall stats. At T7 that % increase is smaller due to the higher stats from T7 gear. The % increases we are asking for will skew all stats and make what is fairly easy content even easier, especially at T7. Also, players who are playing alts with high SP we see a drop in stats across the board that they currently have on lower level alts. All of this plays into question around how to proceed with stats.

    If they do anything my guess would be content from T7 up would be impacted. T6 and lower your tier 3 stats helped and as such 101 gear would be the last set of gear impacting SP static stats as it stands today. With that said, if the tier 3 stats go % base, it would be calculated around the increase that a player would notice with 101 elite gear from ToTD. Meaning, a full 101 set what is your might / precision and what % increase do you see with each SP spent in the tier 3 stat. That would than be the factor we get. It could be as high as .25% or .05%. Is this an approach we want to take?

    On top of that the developers would add all the stat % increase and calculate the might boost based on that %. If the developers do a rolling % calculation we would actually get a much bigger boost and that should not happen.

    With all the % that we already have in this game, I would rather them not take any of these risk that could lead us to be more OP than we are today. I would rather them find a way for us to boost the damage of our ability by spending X amount of SP. For instance, I am able to boost Light Claw base damage number by 10% by spending 10SP or make it so that each SP we spend into ability boost damage we get a 1% in that ability base damage.

    However, they would have to limit how much we can boost an ability. I would say no ability can get boosted beyond 10% for basic abilities, finishers can get boosted for 5%, etc...

    There are other ways SP can be used and focusing on stats is so narrow minded. I want to customize my toon more, not just focus on stats.
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  10. CaptainColdilocks Dedicated Player

    Agreed. I'd suggest .333333% per poit so that way each tree would end up giving you 1% increase that way we could hopefully avoid being CRAZY powerful. Having ALL trees speced into would only be an 11% increase and I think that's reasonable. Right?
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  11. Aqua Surge Loyal Player

    I do agree with you and it adds more rewards for those who farm their skill points.
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  12. BumblingB I got better.

    I've been saying this since before the first skill point revamp and the T2 innates were added.

    But static or percentage. Does it matter? All damage is factored by CR anything on top, is just minor fluff. Does make a difference between two equally geared players, but so does connection time.
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  13. ChillCat Loyal Player

    I don't know what would be reasonable but the model exactly fits what I believe would work. The end goal is to figure out what would be the max acceptable % if you were to fill out every stat slot in every skill tree and then break it down...probably weighting the third row a little heavier than the second, second heavier than first. Same thing as saying all slots in all skill trees combined should not provide more than 12% increase in Might (making that number up for the example), then go back to each skill tree and distribute the per-SP values into each slot.
  14. Derio 15000 Post Club

    Lol 15k resto, that's just silly
  15. Ichiro Loyal Player

    I think only the bottom row should be percentage 1 % per a point or 3 % per a tree which would be a nice bonus for those of us wiling to go for the skill points. The rest of the trees could just use a static number increase. Make the grind worth while.
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  16. IIThe QuestionII Loyal Player

    =o I hope they stay the way they are.
    Since CR became the defining factor in a fight i stopped hunting for feats :D

    JK, i really hope they make them matter more, it would give players a reason to hunt for them, the reason i dont grind the lpve feats is because i hate lpve and i do see those feats as pointless SP, if SP were to matter a bit more then i guess i would actually find a point in grinding that side of the game
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  17. MEBegnalsFan Devoted Player

    Using Tunso test we know that a toon that uses 77 SP that gets all weapon crits will have a might of 8.951. 25 increase in might is .003% in might.

    Given this data and with what I stated above about 101 elite gear, I estimate that each SP in tier 3 stats would give us as players a 0.003% increase in Might and precision would be slightly higher.

    Is that what we want our % increase to be, because if we go higher than that our stat would start to escalate faster and make higher SP players OP when SP are a slight advantage.

    I would rather go with another option where I can customize my toon more.
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  18. Roomba Dedicated Player

    Let's be real, SPs are intentionally superficial at this point.

    Several systems (namely LPVE) have been in place to allow newer players to "catch up" and feel relevant.

    The last thing they want is OG players stomping new players faces left and right.

    Do I like it? Nah, I think it could be tweaked. Do I get it? Yeah sure.
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  19. Proxystar #Perception

    Hang on so you're saying high sp players don't deserve to be op? Way to diminish their effort.

    The sp need to be worth exceptionally more. Why should someone with 100sp be anywhere near as strong as someone with 200+

    That person has put in double the effort.

    At the end of the day if the low sp players want to be op like high sp players then they need to pull their finger out and grind some feats.

    The sp need to be revamped desperately.
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  20. TheArmorsmith Dedicated Player

    Look it all sounds good and Space Dandy, but have people consider that maybe the dev's just can't do it and it was design this way for a reason? Also there is no grantee it would be implemented in a we may like. In many cases this year what many have asked for has backed fired, example controllers, and GU47. So lets slow down and thing about the technical side of it many small things have cause major glitches. This may have to take a full over haul of how we level up and gear effects of powers maybe all kinds of things.

    I want the Dev's to focus on these Steps maybe in this order.
    • Step 1 the powers.
    • Step 2 needs to be PvP.
    • Step 3 needs to be UI.
    • Step 4 should be this.
    Right now its not a pressing issues well at least I think its not pressing compared to what I named in my steps.