4 hrs in um 61 people and counting

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by BipolarDiva, Oct 23, 2015.

  1. Kreachure Committed Player

    I don't think any nerfs are needed. When this came out I was so happy. This was everything a raid should have been if not more. But it would be interesting to see a new queue system or a "Novice" version like older raids. It would be easier to PUG maybe with slightly lower gear rewards that way people can get used to mechanics then try reg for a harder experience and better gear and then try their luck in elite.
  2. BipolarDiva Loyal Player

    I said General community...
  3. BipolarDiva Loyal Player

    For those saying it doesn't need touching I will keep a running tally of the General community
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  4. BipolarDiva Loyal Player

  5. BipolarDiva Loyal Player

  6. BipolarDiva Loyal Player

  7. Senko Committed Player

    Congrats on beating it with a pug group in 18 minutes however my statement stands my issue is NOT the mechanics its that I can't find/make a group because no one WANTS to run it as a pug group. At least that's what it seems on USPC been on at various times/days and no luck. In fact right now for the past 3 hours all I've seen is two people looking for experienced players for elite and one normal group that declined me because I was too weak to run it. Hence my statement elite can be a challenge but normal is NOT puggable at least as far as the general community is concerned unless you only look for the very top tier (in theory) players with 143 CR and 200+SP. Moreover I think one of those elite groups abandoned the effort since they started off asking for a dps, then by the last message to go by wanted tank, heal and dps.

    Nope my mistake they're still around but now they want troll/heals for elite. Either way I've been on for 3 hours and not found a group and they've been looking for at least the last hour (can't talk about what they posted in league/friends only LFG). So yeah its a challenge great but for a lot of us its a challenge we'll never see because by the time we're considered acceptable we'll be trying to run the next months releases and gear up there instead.
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  8. Aqua Surge Loyal Player

    There are people who cannot finish elite Trigon still. If your group is struggling on Blood fight you're in trouble for Trigon.
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  9. BipolarDiva Loyal Player

    This is the true state of the General community. I want best gear in vendor, however if only the top 25% can pug or pass this it will be another paradox massacre and 75% won't reset it. They will just wait for other content/ gear in vendor. This kind of thing will hurt the game even more financially.
  10. BipolarDiva Loyal Player

  11. BipolarDiva Loyal Player

    90 and disbanded.
  12. BipolarDiva Loyal Player

    294 min.54 sec.
  13. Fatal Star 10000 Post Club

    Guess no one understood my sarcasm, oh well *shrugs*
  14. BipolarDiva Loyal Player

    Please put best gear in vendor if you are insistent on un puggable raids not counting lfg which was used. As things stand between rng and raids like this on regular.. Bye bye profits...
  15. TKMcClone Steadfast Player

    Novice is essentially what the regular raid should be... that's part of why Elite Raids were introduced
    That said, I think UM is totally fine with the alteration removing Trigons pull during the Evil Raven phase.
    Some pugs will still struggle and that's normal too. There are players in the game who take a lot more practice than others to learn mechanics. Some even need to wait until they are over geared to be successful. It's the nature of PUGing to play with all kinds of players, good and not so good.
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  16. MetaMax75 Devoted Player

    You should of quit 3-4 hours earlier.
  17. BipolarDiva Loyal Player

    Smh. If their goal is selling replays to the Highest number of people ( which it is) they should Not take your advice.
  18. Senko Committed Player

    Or not play with them which is the issue here. No one is running that raid except with friends/league in 90% of the cases. I've pretty much resigned myself to never completing it because in a few weeks I'll be doing the solo's/duos of 18 for better gear instead. Speaking of quitting its what I"m doing right now 3.5 hours trying to find a group for UMn while farming the sub constructs for the last two astral alloy pieces I need and I just got the boots so I'll go play something else for awhile.

    Also no Astral I missed that sarcasm completely thought it was a serious comment sorry.
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  19. BipolarDiva Loyal Player

    I wanted a picture of how things really are outside my insulated friends list.
  20. Harlequin Devoted Player

    I hear #BESTGEARINVENDOR cures cancer.
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