Winter Seasonal Style Request: The Ninja Scarf

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Darkerusaelp, Oct 9, 2015.

  1. Curse Bringer Most Wanted


    Assassin gear. I want
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  2. TITAN ephemeral Loyal Player

    NO CAPES!!![IMG]
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  3. TITAN ephemeral Loyal Player

    Actually I subbed 2 years Champions Online...and in many ways the only thing that limits it is its budget...this game has a huge budget compared to CO...and many of its limitations seems more self inflicted than anything. But overall it is slightly AHEAD of champs....and that is the reason I have stayed Legendary here...
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  4. DarkVisor 15000 Post Club

    Thank you, was lead to believe the limitations with this game was the PS3
  5. TITAN ephemeral Loyal Player

    This game has serious flaws and issues far beyond how clunky and limited some of the hardware is that runs it
  6. Ken Spartan Committed Player

    It actually still doesn't make much sense, outside of gliding, because it can easily be used by a super strong opponent as a means to toss him around.
  7. Kuno Loyal Player

    Question is... Did you took a look at CO state of the game for the last 2 years. The game is dead. No development or new content they just release stupid vehicles and some costume sets in form of Lockbox to milk out even suscribers.
    The gameplay is clunky AF. I love the customization and some zones are beatiful but can't enjoy playing it.
    While I was playing CoH I played CO and DCUO from beta and would still be playing CoH if it was still around.
    Best superhero game EVER. Even with the budget-engine limitations ***** on CO and DCUO lol or used to when it was live.
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  8. DarkVisor 15000 Post Club

    If CoH was so great and wonderful, the epitome of what an MMO should be, why did it get shut down? o_O
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  9. Kuno Loyal Player

    Bad NCsoft decisions from West regarding an old game for their EU/US market. But I'm not saying it was the ultimate MMO. I'm saying for me was the best, and got really awesome and original elements. And I miss it and would be still playing it if it was still around.
    You know, just my opinion.
  10. DarkVisor 15000 Post Club

    Wasn't meaning to mock or be derisive, just keep hearing about how great it was, was wondering what happened, sound slike would have enjoyed it, but am enjoying CO so far (made a Zombie Ninja {or is she a Ninja Zombie? not sure which came first for her :p} but main is waiting for me to earn enough of the special currency to unlock the Holoforce armour :()
  11. Kuno Loyal Player

    I really wish I could get into CO and actually enjoy playing it. Im kinda angry with DCUO and makes me want to rage quit the game.
    But I think CO gameplay is so awful I cant stand it. Only good to play around with customization.
  12. TITAN ephemeral Loyal Player

    Actually the City of games still had hundreds of thousands of players...PAYING...when they announced they were shutting down. I think the biggest reason for the shut down was their fear of THIS game...and the potential for marvel to make a similar game as well. The game was aging a bit and I think they were terrified everyone would leave for these newer games and their pop was going to plummet. Better to burn out then fade away...and all that...
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  13. DarkVisor 15000 Post Club

    Sounds like they dealt with an ingrown toenail by chopping off the head
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  14. Darkerusaelp Devoted Player

    In real life sure but in comic books Batman's Cape has never gave him any issues. It has several other functions as well.

    1. It can be used to shield him from fire.
    2. It is sometimes shown to be bullet proof.
    3. The sharp ends of the cape have been used as a weapon.
    4. It provides misdirected, it hides the body and makes it difficult to know where to strike Batman.
    5. It provides the ability to glide.

    In real life well it would be very difficult to create that fifth function...

    ...however DCUO isn't real life.
  15. Ken Spartan Committed Player

    So I'm guessing a scarf that doesn't hide the body, is cotton, would be used by your opponents as a handle as they hang you from the nearest tree or light pole, and would definitely be too short to fling at your opponents without them being near you (not to mention it being unwrapped) would totally be a good option. Seriously though, the gear they have given us is fine, and works well with other styles, while an over sized scarf would just get in the way, and look silly.
  16. Darkerusaelp Devoted Player

    The developers do a great job at giving us a lot of style variety. However this is a style request topic, I am neither complaining or demanding a Ninja Scarf Style. I am not quite sure why you are so adamantly against this idea. Whether or not this style is "silly" is subjective. However ( you may or may not have noticed) the developers have added several new styles to seasonal vendors throughout 2015.'s_Novelty_Headband
    (5th dimensional hairstyle for the 2015 St Patrick's Day Event.)
    (Beach tank, Beach shorts and Beach shades for the 2015 Summer Event.)

    So then it can be assumed by following that trend that the developers will (most likely) give us a new gear style, skin or hairstyle for the 2015 Winter Seasonal not to mention the possibility of new base items or trinkets.
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  17. DarkVisor 15000 Post Club

    We had a Novelty Headband for V-Day? Don't remember that, and unfortunately the DCUO wiki doesn't work on this browser so can't see what it looks like :(

    And for those saying that scarves loo silly, tell that to Tom Baker!!
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  18. Slade Wilson Devoted Player

    You do realize that you just described my character build used on one of my mains in detail, including preferred tactics?
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  19. DarkVisor 15000 Post Club

    Sounds like there wasn't that much originality or creativity as CoH'ers claim :p
    Unless that really was your character they described, then that is just worse :eek:
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  20. Slade Wilson Devoted Player

    Actually, there was :D However, some updates always triggered a certain "FOTM", like when dual pistols came out or when the stalker archetype was finally allowed to be moved to hero side (or stay between sides and access both factional restricted areas). On top of that, both using the same archetype and style of play still allows for differences in weapon, combat preferences, preferred bonus from "sets" and of course, the archetype was not linked to a certain power - and thus, 6 skills in the "rotation" - which wasn't one actually - to differ on top of the shared slots for stealth and teleport ;)
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