The Anime Thread

Discussion in 'Joker’s Funhouse (Off Topic)' started by Free2BeMe, Jul 21, 2014.

  1. Bendmetal Dedicated Player

  2. willflynne 10000 Post Club

  3. Yui Loyal Player

    If you want to save yourself time, there's a recap episode, which is episode 10.5, that covers episodes 1-10. You could just watch that then watch episode 11 :)
  4. willflynne 10000 Post Club

    Well sure, I could go that route, especially if I wasn't that engaged in the show.

    But I loved it. :D I've got no problem taking the time to rewatch the series because I can't think of an episode that I didn't enjoy, plus I may pick up on some things I missed first time around.
  5. Yui Loyal Player

    Just saw this.

    I'm really interested in watching this. The animation is splendid. The plot is interesting.

    It's a shame, however, that it's only going to be a 1 episode OVA. From what I've read it was supposed to be a 26-episode Anime. However, they didn't receive enough funding on Kickstarter to produce more episodes. Hopefully, they receive enough funds in the future to produce more episodes in the future.

    The OVA is set to be released in Spring 2016.
  6. Sabigya Steadfast Player

    Just finished it. Pretty solid. Only 12 episodes but worth the watch.
    Though I wish the female protag would learn a different song.
    Also the poster picture is misleading. The male protag looks much younger than that.
  7. willflynne 10000 Post Club

    With some of the new shows getting ready to start up, there's one that I just can't seem to get a read on one way or the other, and that's The Asterisk War.

    I've read the plot synopsis, seen the English subtitled trailer, but I'm just coming up empty trying to decide if it'll be worth a look. Maybe it's slight burnout on the "kids with powers training in a school" type of story, but it really doesn't seem to be doing much to distinguish itself from other shows like that (Blade Dance of the Elementalers, Absolute Duo, etc).

    That or I was just spoiled slightly by the variety of odd/creative shows over the summer. LOL
  8. Yui Loyal Player

    I'm planning to give it a try mainly because I'm a huge fan of the studio that produced it.
  9. willflynne 10000 Post Club

    Thinking about it a little more, I'm wondering if my ambivalence might be due more to World Break than the other shows I mentioned. Blade Dance and Absolute Duo were okay shows, other than being a bit on the generic side. World Break was just bad.

    Yes, I'm still complaining about that show. LOL

    I did read through some of the behind-the-scenes details, and noticed that the general director was involved with The Irregular at Magic High School, so that does give some hope for decent action sequences at the least. Even if it was a little slow paced, the action sequences in Irregular were pretty good.
  10. lokithoz Committed Player

    Any toughs about one piece last chapter :D? IT was epic
  11. Yui Loyal Player

    I think I remember why I put World Break on-hold after seeing episode 1 when it came out. I didn't really like the plot. The characters also didn't appeal to me at all. I'm now debating on whether I should drop it or continue watching it.

    Well, there you go. One more reason to give the show a try. I couldn't agree with you more on Irregular. It was so well-done.
  12. willflynne 10000 Post Club

    With World Break it was a combination of shrill annoying characters, some really poor animation and the tendency to sprinkle in something potentially interesting among the bad and then do NOTHING with it that caused my dislike of that show. It's not a show I can recommend in good conscience, even if someone wanted to give it the MST3K treatment while watching.
  13. Black Dawn Steadfast Player

    Started Fate last night.

    The main protagonist female (Rin) I said looked like what Dawn (my character) would be in anime...surprise surprise when her servant (Archer) looked like Dev (my husband's character). Only watched two episodes, but I think I am going to like this show.
    • Like x 1
  14. DCUO Post Loyal Player

    This is so pretty @_@ I want this so bad. Too bad its only for Japan.

    本日9/25(金)は「ノラガミ Blu-ray BOX 初回生産限定版」の発売日!初回特典は川元利浩描き下ろし三方背BOX、豪華ノラガミビジュアルブック(40P)です♪


  15. DarkVisor 15000 Post Club

    Was watching some Sailor Moon (thanks to Daggie for reminding me about it :p ), but they have been sped up and they sound like neutered chipmunks (and they don't have the same VA's as can remember from the 20 years ago :()

    Company that usually get videos and stuff from has the DVD and Blu-Ray with the proper VA's, but it's actually Sailor Moon R (episodes 47-68) but they still don't have a release date yet :(
  16. willflynne 10000 Post Club

    The Sailor Moon re-release in the US is a different animal from the old stuff. Viz got the rights and went to town with it, including a new dub cast, all the episodes in original form and no westernized names for the characters.

    Not sure if there's a dub for the new Crystal series in the works using the new dub cast or not, though. If there is I missed that bit of news somewhere along the lines.
  17. willflynne 10000 Post Club

    Curious, did you start the original Fate/stay night series or the newer Unlimited Blade Works series?

    The original is decent but it has a slower pace so it can take a little while for it to get going. Haven't watched Unlimited Blade Works, though, so I can't comment too much on that beyond it looking gorgeous from the trailers I saw.
  18. Black Dawn Steadfast Player

    OH sorry, the Fate/stay night. I didn't even know there was a second series. We've only seen the first two episodes, but so far I like the pace, artistic style and the outfits XD.
  19. willflynne 10000 Post Club

    Okay, I was just curious. There's been a few Fate-related anime series so I wasn't sure.

    Fate/stay night was the first one I knew of, then a few years ago there was a prequel series made called Fate/Zero. Unlimited Blade Works was done by the same studio as Zero and came out last year.

    If I remember right it's all based off of a visual novel, so there's a distinct possibility that Unlimited Blade Works might tell a different version of the story from the original Fate/stay night series.

    I won't even try to get into the "magical girl" spinoff series that came from the Fate series. :confused:
  20. DarkVisor 15000 Post Club

    Grew up with 'Serena' and the 'westernized names'
    Whichever version this opening was from:

    The full episodes just sound so very much wrong: