Equipment Vendor 151617

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Amanda Bailey, Aug 5, 2015.

  1. ncgreenlantern Loyal Player

    The raid drop styles have been in the rare style vendor for along time.
  2. Amanda Bailey Devoted Player

    It would be lovely to get the Scion of Ion style in the Vendor 00 :3
  3. ncgreenlantern Loyal Player

    What about the raid styles are they going in the style vendor.
  4. SkullGang Devoted Player

    For HoP2 the Furious style was in the vendor and DLC's before it.
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  5. Korlick Loyal Player

    You can get it from the Mogo vendor for less marks than the Vendor style.
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  6. Backseid Devoted Player

    Huh. Guess I musta had them all anytime I looked in there. Guess I can get the Furious feet now. Obviously they will never actually drop (until I buy em. Lol).
  7. ncgreenlantern Loyal Player

    So I guess there's no info on the raid styles not being in the style vendor .
  8. tukuan Devoted Player

    Inconvenient maybe, but I don't think you can call it stupid, it's just one of two options. With the episode model you still will get generally the same number of new vendor and content drop styles over the same 3 month period. Do you really think it would make more sense to drop it all in the first ep?

    To me this is the more logical approach. I suppose another option would be to make a full set per episode but I would think pumping out a two new sets every month would mean either more generic less interesting styles, an increase in the development costs with subsequent increase in user charges or both.
  9. The Game Well-Known Player

    It just tells me they are running out of ideas to make us keep playing. The 1 episode a month is ending up biting them in the *** since we getting crap like this.
  10. Amanda Bailey Devoted Player

    I know but it is Tier Vendoe gear, which means it could be implemented in Vendor 00, which sells tiered vendor gear for 10 Marks of Victory.
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  11. Loche Developer

    So Ep15 is out for 2 hours, and it is already biting us in the "***"?
    I honestly don't know what you are talking about.
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  12. ChillCat Loyal Player

    It's a trolling comment. Don't take the's fine, everything is fine. Just focus on tweaking the minor bugs identified and pay the trollers no mind.
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  13. The Game Well-Known Player

    You definitely misread what I wrote. People weren't excited about it that much when you guys announced it. It has nothing to do with it being live for 2 hours. Idk what that has to do with anything.

    Corrupted Zamaron should have been a raid imo.
  14. Gwalir Loyal Player

    It's not a troll comment cause it's negative, it's a troll comment since you complain about it without saying what exactly is bad or what can be done to fix it.
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  15. The Game Well-Known Player

    um no it's not but if you feel like that is the right definition of a troll comment then by all means...
  16. Ichiro Loyal Player

    when do we get the utility belt?

  17. tukuan Devoted Player

    The episode model response seems to tend towards two extreme camps. Those who like it cause it means new content each month and less down time in the last last 2/3rds of a (previous) dlc cycle and those who hate it cause they preferred to run the content ad nauseum in the first 1/3rd and generally moved on to something else for those last 2 months.

    Certainly there are plenty that don't fit those two groups but those seem to be the most vocal. I make no bones about the fact that I am in the first camp so I look forward to it but I can totally get the people in the second. So while they have some degree of empathy from me I look forward to this new approach, with the major caveat being that they can keep a regular cadence going. Is it a tactic to get people to play more regularly with less downtime? I have no doubt that played into the shift but how is that different from any other fpt or sub game?

    Let's be clear though, it's the same amount of content or potentially more since they're more or less committed to at least two instances per ep where as several dlcs came in with less than 6 instances total so I don't see anyone sub making the argument that they getting cheated and the prems have at best a minor complaint although an aggregate increase over 4 yrs should not be exactly a surprise.
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  18. ncgreenlantern Loyal Player

    Maybe we can get a question answered about the raid gear styles not being in the vendor.
  19. Valsmurf Loyal Player

    There, fixed it for ya ;)
  20. The Game Well-Known Player

    I don't have friends on youtube or the randoms in the watchtower and trade chat tkthx lol. It was a nice attempt though.