Counter Immunity Removal

Discussion in 'Battle of the Legends (PvP)' started by CosmicIV, Jul 2, 2015.

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  1. Ace1 Dedicated Player

    The shield you attain from counter immunity is currently 15 % of your total health if im not mistaken , in a 4v1 situation it barely lasts 1 second unless you achieve another counter.

    I'd be ok if it was reduced to 10% of my maximum health, but anything lower it becomes redundant.
  2. Superpatriot Dedicated Player

    I'm sorry but you so narrowly focus on one part of a sentence to the point of ignoring the rest of it that gives the entire statement the context of what is being said that I don't feel I can continue discussing anything with you.
  3. E Clip Dedicated Player

    Cool, I like that idea and 10% seems like a good number. Another thing to consider is how many immunities you can stack.
  4. Superpatriot Dedicated Player

    If this was directed at me, I want to assure you that I wasn't thinking of you at all in stating the opinions you have taken issue with nor do I believe you have ever done anything that would make be believe you would fit into that category. Sorry if you took what I said as being directed at you in anyway.
  5. RagingNature Active Player

    Well Superpatriot it seems you're running out of people to discuss things with. There have been so many people who persented you with incredibly detailed, documented facts and you simply dismiss them because you don't like the way they respond to you.

    Continuing on from our discussion earlier, what do you specifically find to be "exploitable" about blue immunity?
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  6. Ace1 Dedicated Player

    Ok im just going to say it, if your team keeps getting countered the other team deserves the win.
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  7. Superpatriot Dedicated Player

    I've received no such documents detailing anything. Only strong opinions mainly rooted in other people's opinions because they are deemed to be experts.
  8. Absolix Loyal Player

    I'm not sure if it stacks. Does anybody know if counter immunity does stack?
  9. Remander Steadfast Player

    I would also recommend improving the messaging to make it more obvious in all the visual pollution who has immunity.
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  10. Remander Steadfast Player

    Fairly certain they do not.
  11. Absolix Loyal Player

    I talked about the entire post and you only looked only at the last two sentences. I feel like you are describing what you did in this post with this post.

    You have people who have not only told you what they think, but why the think what they do. You had about two reasons, and when they were examined the reasoning behind them didn't hold up.
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  12. RagingNature Active Player

    I have an entire thread to counter what you just said, but I'll leave that beef alone for now.

    Let's try this again.

    What do you find to be "exploitable" about blue immunity? This exploit must be huge if me and Ace and many others managed to abuse it as "cheese" to win the tourneys you host.
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  13. Ace1 Dedicated Player

    No they do not, the time resets if you achieve another counter before your first immunity goes down, but no the shield does not stack.
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  14. Superpatriot Dedicated Player

  15. Yuin Level 30

    Then you clearly haven't been reading this thread or have just glossed over arguments of the opposite side. I don't know what kind of grudge you have against "elitist players" or whatever it is but just please put it aside for a moment because it seems to be emanating from almost every post you make in this thread, making them stink of bias.

    I came in here with no opinion whatsoever asking for fact-based explanations from both sides, read every post, and have seen multiple well constructed arguments from the side opposing the removal. Not so much for the supporting side. And I'm confident that any other neutral observer who reads this entire thread, even someone who didn't play this game, would find the same.
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  16. -Feint New Player

    Pause. Who in their right mind would even THINK about removing blues/immunties from DC? And then Superpatriot is supporting their decisions... I'm not surprised the people who want it removed are complete *** at PvP. The TOP PvP players don't agree to this so why do it. If anything you're losing more players than you did when ESO came out. Leave PvP to the pros and stop changing it for your personal preference.
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  17. Frankzilla Committed Player

    Countering is a skill but the immunity has nothing to do with that. Being able to land the dw uppercut wm without immunity would take skill, being able to survive and heal your group without immunity would take skill not the other way around. To be honest the immunity gives a window where no skill is needed at all you can spam away with no consequences thats not skill.
  18. RagingNature Active Player

    You don't understand. The immunity is what rewards you for being skilled. If it were not present you just get countered after you complete your counter, ergo, you get punished for being skilled and catching someone. See how that doesn't really make sense?
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  19. Ace1 Dedicated Player

    Immunity is a reward to the skillfull, if im getting immunity off your group maybe your team needs better communication. A players success with immunity is dependent on the opponents failure.
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  20. Frankzilla Committed Player

    Um I've done completely fine with munitions in pvp I dont see a issue with it, now the ppl whom like to grab a immunity and start spamming am without consequences will have a problem, but they were only able to do that because of the immunity in the first place. Fire tanks have been good in pvp but never as it is currently after the fire tank vamp combined with the immunity its at a all time high it cant be refuted. Most cheesy tactics are amplified times 100 combined with immunity minus only like the light weight cheese atm.
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