Counter Immunity Removal

Discussion in 'Battle of the Legends (PvP)' started by CosmicIV, Jul 2, 2015.

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  1. pitbullb3 Devoted Player

    You do know that is a single target bb? Only nature bug form have it as a aoe bb while hivemind is up? Unless they changed it recently?
  2. RagingNature Active Player

    Okay see you must be really out of the loop. HB has had that AOE BB for whats felt like all of season 3. Definitely not a recent change. Look at the last FNL 5v5 tourney. Completely dominated by HB users AoE BB'ing.
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  3. Sir-Ivy Dedicated Player

    When I can stand up from blocking and do a tap melee and still be BB'd, it's a bay window.
  4. pitbullb3 Devoted Player

    Yea i am, never knew the hb pulse beam was aoe. Is it an aoe bb?
  5. Ogat New Player

    Outstanding idea that way:
    We'll remove reaction counters, the game will be based off prediction and /or random luck entirely.
    We'll enable people to sit back and spam range wm's at a safe distance without ever beeing able to ctach them with a lunge.
    Turtling with block will make a huge comback.
    Got any more bright ideas? :rolleyes:
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  6. Remander Steadfast Player

    Currently, it's just PvP. Honestly, though, if they take it out, they should just take it out. I hate tanking and having someone give the boss immunity.
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  7. RagingNature Active Player

    Not Pulse Beam. Power Discharge. If you tap range once or twice and then tap melee you sweep your hands from side to side and AoE BB.
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  8. pitbullb3 Devoted Player

    O ok yea that's alway was an aoe range combo, i was thinking about pulse beam
  9. CollKev Well-Known Player

    Just remove am and give roles back. Basically put pvp back to the way it was before gu41 and tweak it here and there and people will be happy.
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  10. Remander Steadfast Player

    So, to be competitive, you need to use HB? That doesn't seem broken to you?
  11. Superpatriot Dedicated Player

    First, aren't all block breaks range attacks with exception of HB one combo? Perhaps you should test that as well since you didn't seem to know.
    Second, only idiots, morons or people that just don't know better allow anybody to just spam WM range attacks without doing something about them. I'm sorry, but I'd like to think that the general player base has quite a bit more sense than that than you seem to believe.
    Third, in your grand theory, everybody is going to be spamming range WM combos that block break. How exactly would one be able to turtle under such an onslaught again???
  12. Ljubinka Well-Known Player

    It is a counter window added so that players can actually counter on reaction instead of having wild guesses when to do what and pray for the lucky blockbreak.
    Luck based PvP is bad PvP.
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  13. Ogat New Player

    I know it's tough but try to keep up and comprehend k? :)
    What does blockbreakers mostly beeing range have to do about removing reactional counters? Uhm? The counter windows as they're are now barely allow reactional countering for those who choose to put the time and effort, those people counter you because they see you doing something to be punished, not because they predict it.. Shortening the windows will make it impossible to play based on reaction, because the windows will not be long enough.

    Yes, however you can only do anything about such a person hovering around the ceiling or staying at max distance, because the counter window is long enough for you to reach that person adn counter them, Shortening the window effectively removes that posibility, if they're far enough You will just not get them.

    The third point was directed towards the meta in smaller tightly packed matches and/or duels, again a shorter counter window on block means it becomming immensly more powerful, because people will not be able to catch it on reaction- the turtles return.

    Lastly, I know that You have this "Everybody's hating on me so i gotta fight and defend stuff" thing going on, and it's fine or whatever but please do try to at least comprehend what other people are trying to say here, instead of beeing stuck up and ********. Would be great, would also affect the conversation in a good way.
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  14. Sir-Ivy Dedicated Player

    It's anticipation, not wild guessing. It's not luck, it's learning your opponent.
  15. RagingNature Active Player

    HB AoE BB is broken. However, it is not the only thing that counters screen blocking. Knowing how to look for/identify screen blockers and then punishing them on reaction is a key element of team PvP. However, if blue immunity is removed, people who BB on reaction will just be counter punished with a lunge and in reality not rewarded at all. At that point, whats the point of countering at all? Might as well just sit and spam my abilities.

    I do agree with you though on AoE BB, suuuuuuuuuuper broken.
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  16. Ljubinka Well-Known Player

    A thing about good PvPer is that he can switch his playstyle during the fight so getting to know ur opponent is not that easy as u might think ;)
    It is wild guessing where u have 50/50 chances of success. Hold that thought in your mind when u go against players who are extremely competitive and who will without a doubt punish you hard for your ONLY anticipation play. There is nothing skillful in a 50/50 chances.
    Also, the current system has aniticipation AND reaction. You have to read your opponent and know when they're gonna block so you can react accordingly to speed up your reactions.
    Removing immunities AND reducing coutner windows is going to bring back turtling and a much slower meta.
    Because baiting out block breaks is going to be the key to winning. Block breaks will be underpowered heavily and not worth the risk.
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  17. Superpatriot Dedicated Player

    LMAO I'm sorry, but the way you and others TALK DOWN to and belittle anybody who is for this change, have presented clear reasoning behind the change, and also acknowledge the fact that other changes will come to adjust and adapt things according to this change without even being willing to hear out or actually discuss it with them, you sir, have a lot of nerve calling me stuck up. You're not here to add positive conversation. You're hear to try and get this thread closed. Done talking to you.
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  18. Sir-Ivy Dedicated Player

    The thing about great PvPers, they already know their opponents options given the variables in play and can effectively manage those options through strategic combat.

    On equal levels, it's a back and forth match.

    Edit: real mind games.
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  19. MMM Active Player

    OMG that is ridiculous. Few would argue that the above is only possible with breakout trinkets and powers with a lot of breakout but this should NOT happen at all!!
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  20. Ogat New Player

    Check out the testing feedback for more ;)
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