When Random Isn't Random

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Rockhound665, Mar 16, 2015.

  1. Rockhound665 Steadfast Player

    When it's something I can't use, it might as well be nothing. That would be like a man winning a lifetime supply of tampons.
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  2. BigAl Devoted Player

    If that was the case, he would have a very happy woman in his life.

    Everything in game has some use. If you can't use the gear, salvage it or donate it to the league. Tuh duh.... a use.

    I would love to say alot of these types of threads are random, but that definitely isn't the case.
  3. the solowing Unwavering Player

    Ive been here from 2011 Sorcery Handbaster from day 1 ZERO replay badge use and i have no issue with the drops
  4. Rockhound665 Steadfast Player

    So because you have no issues that must mean no one has issues then? :rolleyes:

    Just ran Meta Research Wing challenge. My reward for completing it? Blue Brawling. Yep, random alright. This reminds me of when I worked in the airline business when I would tell people that their flight was delayed because of snow, they'd snark back that it isn't snowing where they are so they didn't see the problem.
  5. Rockhound665 Steadfast Player

    No trade means no trade and if you read you'd see that I have more simple and complex materials one can use in a lifetime. I'm reduced to basically deleting everything.
  6. just an honest dps New Player

    that is random. random is always random.
  7. Rockhound665 Steadfast Player

    Except when it isn't. See, now I'm forced to use facts again:

    Random is 6 red apples and 6 green apples in a box and you put your hand in the box and hope you get the kind you like.

    Weighting a system in a certain way is putting 11 red apples and 1 green apple in a box or when it comes to this game, throwing 1 blue grain of sand onto an entire beach and hoping you stumble upon that 1 blue grain of sand.
  8. just an honest dps New Player

    it is random. you just don't understand the concept of random.
  9. Rockhound665 Steadfast Player

    No, I understand it perfectly. What you don't understand is the concept of programming a computer game to act a certain way. If it's so random, how come my main on PS3 hadn't gotten a 1 handed drop in 4 years? No lie. Leveled her up in January of 2011 and she hadn't gotten a 1 handed drop since she turned 30.
  10. just an honest dps New Player

    see those aren't facts, as that is not what random is. the word you're looking for is equal probability.
  11. just an honest dps New Player

    because random doesn't guarantee anything. it's random. i do understand programming and i understand the difference between random and equal probability. you however, do not.
  12. Rockhound665 Steadfast Player

    And you people seem to believe that the developers put in some type of algorithm that equals spinning a wheel of fortune when it clearly isn't. It's clearly a program that makes it so your actual specced weapon drops once in a blue moon.
  13. Rockhound665 Steadfast Player

    OK internet smart guy. Explain why no matter the weapon I'm specced into it never drops. The character in question has NEVER had HB drop in any shape, way or form but I get everything else. My DP guy has everything else drop but DP. My DW guy has everything drop but DW. My 2H guy has everything drop but 2H. Notice a pattern here?
  14. just an honest dps New Player

    that's just your bad luck man. it doesn't mean that the system is against you. it just means some things are rarer than others but having inequal probabilities does not mean things aren't random. do some more research if you want to find more. i'm not going to be your professor. :/
  15. Rockhound665 Steadfast Player

    Nice brush off but it fails on it's face. You can't call something random or bad luck if it happens every single time. Not getting the Sharpshooters legs or the Batwoman Serrated Cape for 4 years is bad luck. Never getting your weapon type to drop is computer programming.
  16. BigAl Devoted Player

    Maybe take a break, play another game for a while? If you are looking for someone to throw an invisible switch to make your woes go away, you may go upset for quite a while. All this thread will do is either get you flamed or banned, depending on how you respond to the replies. Was it worth the effort?
  17. Rockhound665 Steadfast Player

    Yes. It's called venting. If we weren't allowed to vent then this would be a very boring forum now wouldn't it.
  18. TawneeStone New Player

    I see many random arguments going on here. :p
  19. just an honest dps New Player

    it's both. bad luck because you didn't get the thing you wanted while other people did. computer programming because this is a video game and video games have computer programming by definition.
  20. Gwynbleidd New Player

    Example: my 2 chars together find rifles more often than anything else. Guess what: none of them uses rifle or even has rifle in their WM options (otherwise no need for complaints ;) ).
    That alone is of course no proof for anything.

    But if the system was a simple RNG, then it would still be unlikely to get 1 of the 12 weapons significantly more often than the others.
    My main weapons rarely ever drop, but rifles are overrepresented in my loot. So there must be some (negative) weighting - otherwise you could call it a lottery win in bad luck.

    By the way, randomness is defined as a lack of pattern or predictability - if the OP got no single usable weapon in YEARS, than that's a pattern. No matter how we call it, chances for a usable weapon to drop are currently low and should be improved.