Quantum being nerfed?

Discussion in 'War Room (Powers, Artifacts, & Builds)' started by RevengePro, Feb 22, 2015.

  1. RevengePro New Player

    People in the chat have been talking about the power quantum being nerfed, is this true?
  2. LoArlequin Well-Known Player

    As far as I know... DEVS said it's working as intented.
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  3. apocalypsegodx Loyal Player

    Plp in chat also claim there ex football stars, can bench press cars, and have faces carved from stone.
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  4. pitbullb3 Devoted Player

    If quantum get nerfed the respec tokens sales will hit the roof, it's atleast 2 quantum dps in every group on villain side. The fotm crowd will be flocking to cele next
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  5. KidMidnight Loyal Player

    i was in a Hall of Hades raid with four quantum dps, two quantum trolls and me as the nature healer.

    i forgot the tanks power.

    it wasnt quantum tho.
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  6. pitbullb3 Devoted Player

    Never seen so many players the same power like this before
  7. Master Play Committed Player

    Well currently, quantum can stay far ahead of other DPS powersets with ease. There is no DPS power that can currently keep up with quantum. Usually when events like this happen, people call for a nerf.
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  8. Trinidad James Loyal Player

    That's the biggest lie I've ever heard, But W.e think what you will.
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  9. evil keebler elf Well-Known Player

    the poeple who run as HL, Nature and Gadgets will beg to differ
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  10. apocalypsegodx Loyal Player

    Nerf celes threads are comeing soon
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  11. Master Play Committed Player

    Every power I've DPS'd against as quantum, got out DPS'd by at least 3m in T6 Raids.
  12. Splinter Cell Dedicated Player

    I can keep up just fine with my Quantum DPS league mates, they were Quantum BEFORE it was FOTM. Gadgets is still a great DPS power, and so is Nature and Light.
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  13. Master Play Committed Player

    How is this a lie? Lol.
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  14. Master Play Committed Player

    Keep up with my quantum and I'll believe it.
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  15. apocalypsegodx Loyal Player

    Your quantum ? There's 1 rotation :eek:
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  16. Splinter Cell Dedicated Player

    I do. Last night in a Halls of Hades and Labyrinth of Lost Souls raid runs, we had myself as Gadgets, a Light DPS, and a Quantum. All 3 were very close together in numbers, with maybe a 10-30k difference in between. End of the raid, our Quantum DPS was on top, myself in 2nd, and the Light DPS in third. Still with only roughly the same minor differences in numbers. But, then again we don't play to have our name on the top of the scoreboard, we play to have fun. A lot of us were these powers BEFORE they got their AM and became FOTM at one time or another. I've been Gadgets since day 1, through all the bad times and all the good times. Our Quantum members were Quantum when Origin Crisis went live, so they stayed with it through thick and thin.

    Bottom line, if you know your powers well enough to establish an effective rotation, you can still do sufficient DPS to keep up with anything. Will you always be on top? No. But that shouldn't matter once the raid is over.
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  17. Trinidad James Loyal Player

    They can't come fast enough!
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  18. Master Play Committed Player


    If you truly think you can keep up with a good quantum, my US PC ingame name is Kody. Always down for a good race. We can record it and post it back here too.
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  19. Master Play Committed Player

    Wrong. There's actually about 4, if you would like to disprove any of my previous statements, feel free to set a DPS race up against "Kody" on US PC.
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  20. apocalypsegodx Loyal Player

    A. I'm quantum
    B. There's one rotation thts better then the rest
    C. I'm on usps4