Actions To Be Taken

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Mepps, Feb 20, 2015.

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  1. Itazuki New Player

    The score is...

    Cheaters: 1
    Honest Playerbase: 0
    Daybreak: $

    Nothing out of the norm here. Move along.
    • Like x 5
  2. FvxkDCUO New Player

    I'm on neither side..... I'm just saying they gone be losing some people, if they care or not #ijs... And stop lying because the glitch been going on for about 3weeks everybody know about it so don't play victim , even people was shouting out for it like come on now ...
  3. Gassius_Spray Loyal Player

    Lose one to four pieces of gear... keep the rest of the 101s
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  4. FvxkDCUO New Player

    More like
    Members : - 10,000 people
    Daybreak : - $500,000k
  5. Kimone Luthor Genetech Clone

    There's a difference between knowing that someone is cheating, and participating in it. I'm not living under a rock, but I'm also not a participant. And to be frank, if people are leaving because they're being punished for a huge bug exploit, let 'em go. Who cares?
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  6. Kimone Luthor Genetech Clone

    You didn't earn anything, that's the thing.

    You go beat the elite raid, tonight, now that the glitch is gone, then come back here and complain.
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  7. Gassius_Spray Loyal Player

    To quote the great Johnny Dangerously. - Crime doesn't pay... well it paid a little.
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  8. FvxkDCUO New Player

    Its Dcuo fault this happens every time they bring some new out it always has a glitch... People complain about it and they don't fix it until like a good little month and then when people do it Dcuo get they money and then they complain they going to take legal actions...... :( it just doesn't make sense why let it keep happening then take these folks money and then threat them by saying you going to take pieces when its there fault
  9. Kimone Luthor Genetech Clone

    "Hello this is American Express, how can I help you?"
    "Uhhh, yeah, I'm calling about a transaction that I want to have cancelled."
    "All right sir, let me pull up your account information.... Here we go. And may we ask what the charges in question are?"
    "Uhm, well... last week I was playing a video game on my Playstation and I bought a bunch of things for the game."
    "All right sir, and was your transaction incomplete?"
    "Well, no... I got my stuff."
    "Okay sir, well, can I ask what you're asking for then?"
    "Well, see... I got caught cheating in the game right, so now I want my money back for the stuff I bought and used to cheat."

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  10. Miss Erica New Player

    In the end these threads are pointless what's going to happen will happen the next Dec isn't far away I just hope it's tested properly this whole thing is ridiculous and should've never happened it's a epic fail on dcs part regardless
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  11. Nirvana 93 Well-Known Player

    So DCUO forced people to use the exploit? People made a choice and now they will pay for it.
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  12. Giggles Loyal Player

    I think the devs were way too nice about this. I posted the following in another thread, but I am going to post it here because I strongly feel the devs should use this method going forward.

    If this were my game, I would publish a list on the DCUO forums/main site of all the players found to be cheaters to publicly shame them. I would then permanently make the characters involved CR0 and make all armor unequippable and strip them of all their armor, weapons, etc. and permanently make it so those characters had 0 SPs and could never earn another feat. I would also disable the ability to change that characters name, and disable the ability to delete that character. This way that character is unplayable AND most importantly, a constant reminder for that player that they lost all that invested time/money because THEY CHEATED. Then it also sends a message to other players whom ever even consider to try and cheat/glitch/exploit/bug that the punishment for doing so is extremely severe.

    The above is the type of punishment that shady players deserve, at least in my opinion. :)
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  13. Will Power Loyal Player

    Mepps why do people exploit the game? It's just dumb. The whole point to you guys making that hard content is so you can give the gaming community a Challenge they have to work through.
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  14. Gunny New Player

    Nice job giggles.

    If you did that in the same scenario DBG just had here where glitching had almost no known consequences for years, then you suddenly issue out game-ruining consequences for one particular glitch. Your message wont get across. You'd simply **** off your playerbase to no end.

    DBG was very smart to do it in this manner. Anything they can prove without a doubt is a glitch will be removed. The only problem people have is "without a doubt" for DBG means 100% undeniably glitched with zero chance it was legit. "Without a doubt" for almost every player usually omits extremely incredible rare possibilities.

    DBG likely 100% confirmed no one beat elite hades legitimately via their records, and therefore could act on that data. They likely couldn't find anything else that guaranteed separated glitchers from all legitimate players that was able to be acted upon.

    That is the reason you are not a developer. Your actions would be very unjust in this case, would do far more harm than good, and would beyond alienate players - and god forbid if you falsely identified someone as a glitcher, as at that point you will have forever tarnished their reputation regardless of what you do afterwards. Your words and actions as a developer are final, forever recorded, and are regurgitated by the playerbase in any argument relating to them, sometimes even years after you said or did them.

    The professional saying of "praise publicly reprimand privately" certainly holds weight here. The information regarding offenses should be the business of DBG and the offender. Any other player should not or ever have any right or reason to know that information.

    But hey.... that's just MY opinion ;)
    • Like x 1
  15. Sbel Devoted Player

    Hint: Intentionally glitching content is never right. :)

    Really? So they put in roleless buffs for when you run alerts without a role, but it's not intended? :p

    Not true. Some of the speed feats, like Arkham and Flashback, require add skipping if you're anywhere near the level you're supposed to be. Therefore, some add skipping is an intended mechanic. :cool:
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  16. xambia New Player

    OMG. You guys need something better to do than whine on this thread. MEPPS specifically stated he was not looking for further feedback. He made the right decision to remove the gear and feats. Glitches won't be reimbursed for spending money on cheats. Leave it at that. I support MEPPS and and glad he's in charge. Now only if he would play on the Villain side more we'd be good. The hero side is ridiculous.
  17. Sbel Devoted Player

    Well, what happened is, there was a bug in Throne of the Dead (both versions) where people with Quantum teleport were able kill the enemies in the raid with taking any damage/being at risk. So the people who discovered the glitch didn't report it and instead exploited the glitch and reset the elite raid over and over again to get 101 gear without having to do any work.

    The developers and most non-cheating players were somewhat annoyed by this.
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  18. TheNord New Player

    This is outstanding news! Glad to see cheaters being punished. Now if that could be translated over for the amount of abusers in PVP Arenas and actions similar to this were taken. I would be a happy camper. I so get tired of being called a whiner and that I don't have any skill or that I lost to a pro player or some random player trying to tell me that they are a dev and that I'm just a sore loser being beaten by a better player.

    First off they aren't "skilled".

    Second they are most definitely not "pro" (Using a programmable keyboard and mouse does not make you "pro" it makes you an unskilled cheater in my book).

    Third I shouldn't be verbally attacked by people in game posing as a dev and then ridiculing me and getting his/her friends to come and bully me.

    I really hope this is the same kind of punishment or equivalent punishment to PVP exploiters, macro users, programmable keyboards and mice users (That I firmly believe is cheating), and hackers (Which I only see on very rare occasions now).
  19. Chu Kwaidomo New Player

    No offense, but I notice that with every new content there is a glitch for every raid...I'm starting to believe they are intentionally placed there... people who look for exploits will spend a ton of money just to rerun the content...and I'm very positive you guys know this....if it's not nexus, it's wave , if it's not wave it's love and war glitch, if it's not love and war it's now thrones...
    I feel bad for the people who actually ran this raid legit and are now Having their gear removed.
    • Like x 3
  20. Humane Committed Player

    Now as long as they don't get their replay badges back the punishment is complete. :)
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