Throne of the Dead getting shut off!

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Norwegian ninja, Feb 16, 2015.

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  1. CHUD Loyal Player

    The only thing that can be done is this....
    Penalize those who are currently or have switched over to quantum that managed to play Thrones and gained a ticked somewhere. I mean somewhere there has to be that information back on the servers side that the devs can look into.

    And just watch....all those people who went through Thrones who have gotten credit are gonna be complaining both in game and in the forums. Just watch.
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  2. SethZoulMonEl 10000 Post Club

    I never said it didn't occur prior to that. There's always going to be exclusion in MMOs. I have never seen it at the level I did during OC, though. I was not able to run Family Reunion, Brothers in Arms, Nexus of Reality, or Paradox Wave. I was gearing up through the iconic anomalies solely, and it was taking a month just to get one piece of gear.

    As soon as a player wearing any green gear showed up in an OC instance, a kick was initiated after the five minutes went by. The threads on the forums were indicative of it not being just me experiencing that behavior regularly.
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  3. Joemomma421 New Player

    holy wack finances batman can we really feed these kids integrity
  4. Sbel Devoted Player

    Nice attempt at trolling. :rolleyes:

    That's a fix that has been waiting on the next hotfix. Currently the level 101 gear has less might than the level 100 gear, and more precision than it should. Here's the explanation:

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  5. Joemomma421 New Player

    thanks to wavedox people can now get way more creative with why they kick now
  6. Sbel Devoted Player

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  7. Joemomma421 New Player

    you know you proved my point that they aren't nerfing the 101 its ok i hear winter volunteer to read 2 you guys
  8. Joemomma421 New Player

  9. Morich Well-Known Player

    I would respond to the 'only a game' line of argument is that yes, it is a game.
    Games have rules.
    If you can't (or won't) follow the rules, then kindly go away and develop a sense of decency.
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  10. Sbel Devoted Player

    Of course they're not nerfing it you silly, silly troll. o_O

    First of all, they will need to hold many meetings before doing anything.

    Secondly, we're asking them to take the gear away from the glitchers, not nerf it.

    Why would anyone want it nerfed? :confused:
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  11. Uncle Kiki New Player

    do you think they would take gear from all the people who glitched it.
  12. TKMcClone Steadfast Player

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  13. Torikumu 10000 Post Club

    About 294 accounts worth, as of right now, if each CR115 has evidence to support the fact they glitched it and assuming that every character is a unique account.
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  14. Sbel Devoted Player

    I don't know.
  15. Uncle Kiki New Player

    i feel they wouldn't do that, they would have a lot of upset people that they got banned or gear removed and too many people to remove it from...
  16. TKMcClone Steadfast Player

    Those are people that many have glitched it repeatedly. I expect there are players who did it less and were not as lucky with drops.
    Anyone who is CR107 could have potentially been in a glitch group.

    I think you're right thought, it's the 101 gear that the Devs need to target. Basically, punish those who profited from the glitch.

    Let the rest go - unless they are handling out 5 day bans.
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  17. TKMcClone Steadfast Player

    There are even more people upset that some players cheated....
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  18. Uncle Kiki New Player

    idk they would want there money back then
  19. Morich Well-Known Player

    I do believe that if evidence can be found that a player willingly performed an exploit then that character with the ill-gained loot should be locked from use, yet still remain visible in their character list.
    Why? Because then it will serve as a constant remind to that player, whenever they log in, that exploiting has dire consequences and should be avoided at all costs - and if you happen to be in a party with an exploiter, then the expectation would be that you report them.
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  20. Torikumu 10000 Post Club

    Yep, one thing I'm noticing is that a lot of people are wearing a combo of 99 and 100 gear and still reaching CR115. So it's not necessarily obvious who is and who isn't.

    But then you find some players who have like 8 pieces of Elite gear so it becomes obvious that they are one of the exploiters.

    I agree with you, those latter players should be punished. A statement should be publically made about how many people (naming no names) have been permanently banned for exploiting the Elite raids sending out a stark message to those who got away with it, those who thought about doing it and to the gaming community in general that DCUO doesn't tolerate cheaters.

    If they don't and people get away clean with it, then it sends the message that "next time there's an exploit, take advantage of it, nobody will care and you'll get ahead of everyone else (Y)!" which is bad for the overall health of the game.
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