Nerfs not in patch notes

Discussion in 'War Room (Powers, Artifacts, & Builds)' started by pitbullb3, Nov 5, 2014.

  1. dcmalcolm New Player

    Gadgets did not get nerfed. All they did was make EMP interruptable like it should be. PPL need to stop crying when your exploit is taken away. My league mate has celestial , seems fine. Quantum looks like it got a bit more than just a fix to singularity , went up against a few yesterday , stuns were stupid , could not move , 4 of us got one shot in pvp. This is something devs need to look at , with an avg of 28k health no one should be one shot by any power. IMO
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  2. dcmalcolm New Player

    look into quantum , one shot in pvp is not feasible. Stuns are part of the game , but stuns you can't break out of are not , one quantum vs 4 dps in pvp , his stun puts all 4 in the air , then one shots all 4 as if we were in SM , while his partners run from node to node. Seems a bit fishy.
  3. Schimaera Devoted Player

    My thoughts exactly.
  4. Loche Developer

    We didnt nerf Celestial or Fire. Any specific information on this would be appreciated. Are you talking about how in GU41 Dots behave differently in PvP?

    If not, please provide specific examples. What abilities and where you are testing them?
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  5. spack2k Steadfast Player

    on EUPC celestial works fine , my league mates who using celestial confirmed there was no change from 41 to 42.

    myself using fire and i dpsed against a league gadget mate in lockdown and he was 800k above in damage , i cant see any nerf here aswell since the damage gap is the same like gu41.
  6. Sivulla Dedicated Player

    Comparing my PVE combat logs pre-42 and after the update: atleast Plague c Divine Light and vice versa is hitting noticeably less.
    Im sure also other comboed powers such as admonish to blight and retribution to wither could be taken look at too, just in case.

    Tested at hall dummies.
  7. Terri Ashra Committed Player

    Casting 3 power interactions and then casting EMP does full damage. Casting distract then casting EMP does full damage. Casting stealth then return to normal then EMP does 1/2 damage. Previously stealth to return to normal to EMP did full damage.

    Casting more than 3 different power interactions before either EMP or Paralytic Dart prevents the boosted damage.
    Example, put battle display on stealth to activate battle awareness and change your loadout to
    cryofoam, gauss grenade, fear gas, vortex cannon, stasis field, EMP and do the rotation from left to right with a jump cancel after fear gas. Any combination of 3 power interactions will boost EMPs damage output but if you use 4 or 5 you will not get the boosted damage.
    Previously you could use cryofoam > gauss grenade > fear gas/jump > stasis > EMP or P dart and get the boosted damage for sure.

    Battle awareness doesn't stay active anymore when you change your armories. It was a very useful feature.

    Slight issue where cryofoam > Gauss Grenade > Fear gas > Jump while moving to the side and away from your target teleports you back a step but not a big deal.
    The changes to prevent getting boosted damage from following a boosted EMP with Paralytic dart was intended. No problems with that or interrupt, and only a slight annoyance at the additional 2 seconds added to an EMP rotation.

    The damage reduction following stealth needs to be fixed though.
  8. Sage-Rapha Steadfast Player

    Deathmark cBlessing, Curse, Consume Soul cWrath of the Presence and Wrath of The Presence cConsume Soul too.

    The burst and initial ticks are a bit off.
  9. Trykz Dedicated Player

    ok let me start by saying the change didn't come about after gu42 was launched, it happened right after rage received it's nerf to berserk, sousing the same rotation, shard clipped with wod, cod, wm combo into trans, with the same base stats (6037 might) before the 'nerf' i was criting after a wm combo on a single target in any t6 content i ran for 8-10k 4-5 on multiple targets when trans would split dmg. After the 'nerf' I am critting for 4-7k (but more often than not 5k consistently) on a single target and only 2-3k on multiple targets. as for what the specific problem is besides that trans if doing half the damage it used to following a wm combo i am not an egghead by any means but i can speculate it is one of these.--1.trans is not receiving the dmg boost it should from a wm combo. 2.bad karma is either not being applied correctly or is being over written?. I am not the only person who has noticed the changes to both transmute's damage or the fact that a sorcery healer is 'stealing' dots from sorc dps now, i'm not sure if it is soul well or just that we are losing a dot on our circle because the healer is stealing our bad karma. idk but that is as specific as i can get mepps. i have a ps4 if someone can tell me how to get vids off of cap gallery onto here i will post vids of pre nerf and post nerf and show you the very real difference.
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  10. Loche Developer

    are you using someones app to see these logs? If so, did the app change? History on that ability shows no change since the GU41 PvP stuff.
  11. Drifting Dreamer Steadfast Player

    For the Celestials what we are seeing is a 35-43% reduction in both the Might based and Precision based damage. It appears that the change/bug/nerf/mistake/error is applying to all trayed and comboed powers and is affecting every individual power in the set. We have noticed substantial drops in both burst damage and DoT ticks.
    There also seems to be a nearly 30% reduction in healing out. Same as above effecting all powers and all returns whether tray cast or comboed.
    I wish I had more specific numbers for you, however, i do not as I foolishly allowed my spreadsheet showing my standard damage values to get out of date.

    EDIT: Also, tested on League Hall Dummies and during League Hall: Security Lockdown
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  12. Sage-Rapha Steadfast Player

    Here's something that a friend of mine found.
    the base damage got hit bad.

    From Dametria:

    I logged into my celestial alt "Los Serifinas" so maybe I could add my voice to the cause. Being a HL user pre-GU38 I understand the frustration of falling in love w/ a power set only to see it kicked around. It looks like Haunt> Corrupted Smite may have had it's base burst dmg reduced from 0.198 to 0.100, also I don't think it's applying Panic anymore either.

    To add to this from my own personal tests
    Plague cDivine Light
    Per glyph on this move .911 is the base damage. This is aggregate and total damage.

    It's not hitting anywhere close to that value at all. The glyphs are at a flat damage rate of .647
    This is not including buffs.

    Admonish cBlight
    Base damage is .781
    This is not at .781 right now. Its in the .524 area for damage.
    That's including the burst and 6 ticks.

    Retribution cWither
    .547 is the base damage and its hitting like it's at 2/3 the strength of the former.
    I'll get more numbers to you later.

    But this is what was found
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  13. Korlick Loyal Player

    I havent played Gadgets in a looooooong time, so i dont know how Battle Awarness works, but...Changing your armory removes the power that activates B.A.?
    If the answer is yes, then i see no problem. I you really pretend to keep something you dont have in your loadout active? its like pretend to cast the robot sidekick, switch armories to replace the robot for another power while keeping the robot (he self-destructs if you remove it from your loadout).
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  14. Sivulla Dedicated Player

    I regularly check how much my rotations can pull out DPS by keeping combat.txt saved, then running that through a parser. As far as I know app has stayed the same and I can also see powers doing smaller hits as numbers roll on screen. Stuff I test is only for PvE.
  15. Terri Ashra Committed Player

    Why all the hate? The title of the thread is nerfs not in patch notes. It's a MASSIVE nerf. The biggest loss by far out of everything. That's how it worked before, and it doesn't work like that anymore. It lowers the effectiveness of my character by an extreme amount, so yes it's a nerf.

    sigh. You don't even play gadgets and you're trying to dictate what I should do with the character I play and pay for.

    Hopefully you guys will look into the changes and get them either addressed or made functional again. I'll follow up tomorrow.
  16. Tobias1978 New Player

    Loche, The numbers that the celestial community have run show about a 25% to 40% (depending on the power) drop in dps due to the majority of the powers hitting less....and about a 17% drop in healing...if you jump on the ps4 server I will show this nerfed damage....hell I was streaming it yesterday and people where amazed that celestial got nerfed...I am so glad to know it is a bug...
  17. Tobias1978 New Player

    Its every celestial power across the board got really sucks right now...
  18. Stark23 Committed Player

    Fire is fine, had no issues with it yesterday after the update.
  19. Korlick Loyal Player

    Dude!! relax!!! Wasnt hate or attacking. Wasnt dictating anything, It Was a legit question. Dont be so defensive just because someone doesnt agree with you.
    Now...if you cant understand what i was saying and do not understand something that it wasnt working as intended...then thats your problem. In what sane mind can fit the idea of activating a power, switch powers and still have the full benefit of a replaced power?
    Take it as nerf or as whatever you want, but dont expect to be right because you want something to work like you want to instead of as it should work.
    Because, if you are able to do that i want to be able to cast the Robot Sidekick, replace it, and still keep the robot.
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  20. hardstyle83 New Player

    i guess someone spent they $$$ on re-spec power to be OP and now its gone :D
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