DCUO Social Graph... Pretty cool to see all my stats in one place!

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by FESTER665, Sep 8, 2014.

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  1. FESTER665 Devoted Player

    I'm calling some sort of shenanigans on Evil Mepps....


    Talk about gear > skill points. :D
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  2. Prodigy Progeny Dedicated Player

    Looking forward to hearing from the 108cr 50sp crowd who can't get carried anymore.
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  3. the solowing Unwavering Player

    look at the thread nobody is gettin on anybody case about their stats, thats why nobody is buggin out, but the moment the in-game community gets their hands on this....exclusions at an all time high, elitist kicking out other elitest for being "scrubs" in-game society will collapse n all that junk
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  4. Zim New Player

    Combining my 4 toons I run the most and I am at 6829 hrs.

    This is great and I like it alot. But I definitely can see how some people might abuse it. I can already see people getting kicked from group for having 108cr and only 50sp's.
  5. TKMcClone Steadfast Player

    I don't know man , but I do know, that you need to log more time on that Fire toon 455hrs in 2 years, just isn't enough :D
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  6. winter13 New Player

    Leagues and random pugs are two totally different things
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  7. FESTER665 Devoted Player

    Stalker. :eek: :D
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  8. Feenicks New Player

    It would appear to have some problems. Just typed a league mate and it gave out incorrect information.
  9. winter13 New Player

    I abandoned the hero side a long time ago :D
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  10. FelixDuo Committed Player

    It's hard to believe, but in the 3-ish years since the game came out, some people have OVER A YEAR OF PLAY TIME. When you factor in the average of 8 hours of sleep per day, it gets even more crazy. You've gotta respect that kind of commitment.
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  11. Radium Devoted Player

    Doesn't seem to work for PC at the moment.
  12. Mr Novembar New Player

    Funny you mention that. I just PUG'd a necro raid. I notice a particular DPS dying consistently as im healing. They continue to assert they are top dog, and have 188sp, and that I should heal them better. (mind you he is running up and spamming e-chain point blank at the boss as they slam the ground to get artifact, which is a one shot usually) We tried to explain to him that if he kills himself that we won't hurry to pick him up.

    Against our better judgement and the scoreboard (he was down by 6 mill) we carry him to the end.

    I check his stats on this thingy just now and he only has 68 sp.but 108 cr. Go figure.

    So while I can respect taking new players through stuff, I am not about carrying ones through stuff that cannot pull their weight. I could have spared myself a sour experience if I was aware of this sooner.
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  13. Radium Devoted Player

    As you should...
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  14. Sore Steadfast Player

    Anyone have hosting? My app is sitting in Visual Studio on my workstation in ASP.Net MVC (C#). I'll gladly share the source to anyone who would like to play with it.

    It pulls from most of the collections available.
    > Character Search
    > Character List (search results list)
    > Character Detail(profile + equipped gear + friends)
    > Guild Search
    > Guild List
    > Guild Detail (with roster)
    > Item Category List
    > Item Search
    > Item List (search results or all items within an item category)
    > Item Detail

    It has full cross-linking (drill-in / drill-out), e.g. character->league, league->character, character->items, character->character (friend's list).

    I most loved looking at my friends list and seeing their name / league / power type / CR / PvP CR / SP / time played / last login in a single list. That would be very useful for refreshing your memory on who is who, what they play, and whether they're a good candidate to invite to a raid group. That meant you could see anyone's friend's list and I liked looking at that because it meant I could see friends of leaguemates. These are people I should have had in my friends list but never thought to add them. It gives me some features I just wish the current UI had and hope the future UI will have.

    I understand this is a double-edged sword. Some people worry about privacy about not just toon information but account information too. Some players will abuse the system and use it to kick people from raids before and after they start. Some people will use this information to brag to some players and demean other players. I really don't want to give fuel to these caustic players. It's just a bummer because they ruin it for the rest of us.

    My app is currently non-functional because SOE turned off the data streams for GUILDS (temporarily) and FRIENDS (likely permanent). It is nowhere near as polished as Bytecode's. His app is great!
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  15. the solowing Unwavering Player

    thats gotta hurt hes only played for likea month too xD
  16. FESTER665 Devoted Player

    I'm glad it tracks the information even through a name change. My toon was originally Current Surge an electric DPS, but my younger brother was tired of tanking and I missed tanking so I flipped him over to an Ice toon and changed his name to Arctic Current (since Arctic Surge was already taken... Just looked and it's a guy in The Rebels :mad: ) and all the hours are from the original toon which is nice....

    The downside is it shows he's a bow user since that's what I originally used upon creation. Not spending money on a weapon change just for this.... Well maybe when there's a 50% off sale. :D
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  17. the solowing Unwavering Player

    check it out tallo was OP

    GM EvilTallo


    Midnight Eyes
    Movement Mode
    Dual Pistol
    Jun 5, 2013 07:52
    Last Activity
    Jul 28, 2013 08:47


    Combat Rating
    Skill Points

    Max Feats

    Time Played in Hours









  18. Sechuran Fox Dedicated Player

    So, do you think this will spawn a whole new lot of "The name I want is taken, delete unused character names because character X was only active for 1 hour in 2011" threads? Or do I too little faith in people?
  19. Mystere Well-Known Player

    Now SOE needs to use this information and create a Queue matching system that let's party leaders set the minimum requirements for party members they want to be matched with.

    For example, lets say you want to find people to run Necro raid but dont want two dps of same powerset (to avoid overwriting) and want a minimum of CR 106 and 150 SP. We should be able to open a matching system to note these requirements and those that have queued for Necro that meet the requirements could be populated into you raid team.

    FFXIV uses a system like this and it works pretty well!
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  20. FESTER665 Devoted Player

    I love it for this feature as well. I actually can go through my friends list tonight and clear some names off it of the people who obviously have stopped playing since I added them to the friends list. I also need to start adding some of the people from the forums to my friends list as well now that I think of it. :)
    • Like x 3
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