give us hard raids already

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by xskateXX, Sep 6, 2014.

  1. StarshipAwesome Well-Known Player

    For those that beat the last round of survival mode, I don't feel it should count, since they didn't try with that round because they didn't think anyone would make it that far. If you beat the previous round, that should be your bragging rights. Not the last one.

    Many times, this game has been said to be a casual, social experience. Only in an opposite day dictionary does casual mean hardest of the hard.
  2. xskateXX Well-Known Player

    skill level and skill points are 2 diffrent thing
    not that im saying that im amazing player
    the level of this dlc can be finish easily by pugs groups after the first week,
    its not hard
    skill points will help you, mostly on dpsing, but thats only stats
    what stats matter if u dont have the skill to survive like in paradox or sm,?
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  3. DC-Doll New Player

    Big Barda/Mantis(?) in the League Halls Alert is harder than anything in Lockdown, in my opinion.

    Just for the record, my post was a suggestion on how to make the game better/more enjoyable/stop people quitting due to boredom. Definitely not something we're going to see happen.[/quote]

    Barda/Mantis isn't hard. Just irritatingly slow.
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  4. MARK2099 New Player

    You can always use lower lvl gear and avoid all the help the game give like ht mods/trinkets/op sodas/wm/am, then you gonna find some raids more difficult than before, you can always walk in with less players too ;).
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  5. DC-Doll New Player

    To be fair, most leagues didn't bother with survival mode because it took 15 minutes to get to round 2, and even if you DID beat that, you got a rather ugly iron shirt. Looked like a style we already had but glowy. And maybe a base item. No feats, no gear. Just hours for the same style we already had with glowy parts. More people didn't attempt it because it was a waste of time than people actually trying.
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  6. SethZoulMonEl 10000 Post Club

    If they made 1 out of 3 raids difficult like they did with this DLC, I would be fine with that raid being more difficult than Lockdown is. As long as the rest of the players have 2 out of 3 raids as a means to progress, that would be no different than how it currently is.

    Most players I have run with via PUGs still cannot get past the first battle in Lockdown. Making it more difficult will in no way change that.
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  7. SkullGang Devoted Player

    Come out of your comfort zone to the real world and you will se difficult.
  8. Minnion Devoted Player

    Heck I've suggested in the past that it would be nice to have some different objectives when it comes to the final boss of an instance, or dare I say it? No boss at all, but rather just some final objective for the challenge.(For instance, your final objective is to race the "Boss" to the last escape pod... If he wins he jets off into space while the station implodes around you.)
  9. DC-Doll New Player

    Exactly. Take for instance players who are levelling up different toons or even different consoles.
  10. Radium Devoted Player

    Pre nerf Dox is something that we'll never see again. That raid when it first came out required so much group co-ordination and communication that the vast, VAST majority of people couldn't beat it because that skill level is extremely not prevelent in this game.

    This game is not going to give you that insane challange anymore. Maybe Pre-Nexus, but thats about as much as I can see.
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  11. Perseus Chase Committed Player

    I just start playing this game for less than 5 months so I dont know how hard DOX was, but atm Lockdown is very challenging imo. For me (im a pugger) some group that I run with make it look so easy, but half of the time I stuck there for like 90-100 minutes with the group that doesnt even want to communicate with one another, and that make the raid harder than it should be.
  12. pitbullb3 Devoted Player

    Wave was beaten within a week of release, not a month. One piece beat it within a week.
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  13. DarkSyde79 Loyal Player

    Nex and Dox were so difficult that even the most skilled leagues were having problems completing it, let alone in a timely manner.

    Having content that difficult had to impact the amount of replays being used and subsequently purchased.

    That being said, as long as people keep falling for the banana in the tailpipe thinking that changing mechanics, adding powers, and getting rid of the PS3 will result in DCUO introducing such content, then they’ll keep giving us content that’ll be replayed by a small percentage of the community who’re making up the majority of the revenue of DCUO.
  14. Locarthemanbeast Committed Player

    I have a way for you to challenge yourself.

    1. Take whatever gear you have and delete it.
    2.Take whatever marks you have in your possession and purchase gear.
    3. Play new raids with only a group that have these same conditions.

    If this doesn't increase the difficulty of fighting, join the army or something.
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  15. RogerBlack Committed Player

    As far as ‘challenges’ go… the only folks who literally ‘figure stuff out’ anymore are the PC gamers with access to the Test Servers.
    • These PC gamers go to the test server, and run the newest raids for 2 or 3 weeks.
    • So they figure out & master all the little nuances & ways to beat it, during this time period.
    • Then quite a few will post videos on YouTube, showing everyone ELSE how to beat it too. Before it goes 'live'.
    • By the time the DLC content is available for the masses… half the player population already KNOWS multiple ways to beat the newest missions on Day 1. (just from surfing YouTube)
    Now THAT’s a problem.

    When the gamers on the test server figure out a lineup (or strategy) that works really well.. (whether its using solo tank, or 5 DPS, or 3 trolls, or NO Healer, or skipping past certain adds, or whatever)… that lineup/strategy becomes the next ‘flavor of the month’.

    Therefore, by the time the ‘general public’ is able to play the DLC…. all the ‘challenge’ is practically GONE on Day 1... because EVERYTHING 'challenging' has been solved already.

    Even if you personally do not watch these spoiler videos... you would be hard pressed to join a PUG group with 8 random strangers who also have not seen any Test Server footage beforehand & have absolutely NO CLUE about any of the mechanics of the raid, on DAY 1.

    So the Devs are in a tough position.
    It’s a ‘catch 22’ situation, imo.

    With every new DLC that gets released… there are more & more PC gamers posting vids off the ‘DCUO Test Servers’ on YouTube, which greatly reduce the ‘challenging’ aspects for everyone else.

    In other words, if DCUO was a TV show like HBO: Game of Thrones…. those Test Server vids are the actual ‘spoilers’ for the next episode / or next season.

    So if you are thinking of ways to help improve the ‘challenge’ in the game… keep in mind what these YouTube videos from the Test Server does to your ideas.

    It may help you think of a solution, that works for everybody.

    Just saying.
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  16. KidMidnight Loyal Player

    personally i would love to see them beef up some of the older content for when we need some actual busy work.

    Gorilla island, Bludhave, Khandaq, Ace Chem and the Watchtower alert should all get beefed up to current tier.

    I maintain that all the mentor missions should be consolidated into 3 4 man ops.

    I would love to see a return to the pre nerfed dox and nexus big time.

    But overall while I want some challenging content...I also want it to be fun. Remember that not everyone in game is a top tier beast. For every awesome t6 raid run that happens theres lots more that ust fall apart. A lot of hardcore vets lose sight of that. Last night I got home from work late, had very little time,league was all over the place so getting an artifacts run on my healer would have taken more time than i had so I shouted in lfg, got picked up by a group that was already in instance for half an hour at the first boss with it becoming clear the group was not capable of doing the operation. this was last night. an artifacts run with experienced players takes 30 minutes.

    the one thing this game (and i guess mmos like this) has always lacked...or i wish it incorporated was much more random content. we need stuff to make us feel overwhelmed and not knowing what to do next. Origin crisis had this going for it. so did the Battle for Earth dlc. The game was chock full of it at launch and for its first year.

    What we need are more surprises.
  17. Greenman_x Steadfast Player

    Survival mode isnt supposed to be beaten. The fact that only 16 players got to the end of it, means it WAS challenging for the community.
  18. Greenman_x Steadfast Player

    I remember a few months back Mepps posted about us getting "hard" content in HoP. I truly believe that they believe all raid content is difficult for no other reason then you have 8 people in an instance with you.

    Mechanics make a raid difficult, not the amount of people in your group.

    Make a raid for everyone and a raid to get geared for. Enough with this "we want everything to be accessible for people on day 1" crap we've been getting. I want something, ANYTHING, to challenge me. The only challenge I have in any of the new content is staying awake long enough to use the rifle.
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  19. FEARtheSPUR Well-Known Player

    They gave you sm.

    It will not getting harder than that.

    If you want a challenge jusr try pugging any of the raids. Most people cannot best lockdown. Simple fact most people dont even try to run.
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  20. TKMcClone Steadfast Player

    You could work on skill points or do PvP if you don't find the raids challenging enough....