DCUO Has Eighteen Million Players

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by MrMigraine, Aug 20, 2014.

  1. Multiverse 15000 Post Club

    Are you part of a League??

    If you play with your Leaguemates.... you may not notice the lack of players.

    Try solo queuing for T5 content.

    Even if you queue for all the T5 content you may wait a while. When you are down to queuing for a specific T5 missions..... it can take a looooong time.

    Even queuing for a T5 duo can take forever. Usually afetr 15 min..... I just give up and walk into the mission and do the darn thing solo.

    It's as if everyone pretty much stopped running T5 content.

    Trigon pops up a bit more quickly.... but have not been able to run BiA and Family for the past few days.... usually end up doing something else when the waiting time gets too long.
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  2. Jamie New Player

    . I see
    What the issue is now, I am using logic and reason while you believe that the amount of accounts is important. Doesn't Blockbuster have close to 100 million accounts? They must be doing amazing.
  3. the solowing Unwavering Player

    I know that the devs have said that the game has been growing across all platforms ... but adding seven million registered users in a year (they said 11 million around this time last year) is a crazy huge jump in numbers

    sleight of words, registered users not active users
  4. Multiverse 15000 Post Club

    Actually Blockbusters in Canada were doing fine. It was the ones in the US that were bleeding money.

    Sadly instead of shutting down the Blockbusters in the US to stop the haemorrhaging.... they took the money from the Canadian branch and spent that money to try to keep the branch in the US going..... and in the process killed both.

    Sorry.... just adding a bit of trivia. ;)

    But seriously.... the amount of accounts does not really matter. The important part is the amount of ACTIVE accounts. That is the important part.

    Some take comfort that there are 18 millions accounts...... but what does that tell us??

    That 18 million people tried DCUO.... but out of those only about 1.8 million still play the game??

    So 16.2 million of people tried DCUO and gave up playing it for whatever reason.

    Heck we pretty much know by now that only about 720 000 people spent any money on DCUO.

    So again.... 18 million people tried DCUO.... and 17 280 000 did not want to spend a single red cent on DCUO???

    That is a LOT of people that tried DCUO and that decided to speak with their wallet and said that this game was not worth their money.
  5. Jamie New Player

    I didn't know that. I know that Block Buster was eventually purchased by Dish Network. If there is any truth to the other numbers you listed it shows that DCUO has a huge retention issue and is struggling to find a way to get players to commit with their wallets. Either way we agree that the 18 million number has no real value.
  6. DEMONIZER1 Loyal Player

    and half of them are computer generated and crashed the servers yesterday...

    I hope this isn't true!

  7. Multiverse 15000 Post Club

    Well the numbers are as true as what can be guestimated from the numbers that we do know.

    Others did a much netter job then me crunching the numbers though.

    But we do know that there is 18 million accounts.

    We do know that only 4% of players ever did spend any money on DCUO.

    But at the end of the day.... what we do know is that many who tried DCUO did not spend money on it.

    And many tried DCUO.... but only a fraction of those kept on playing DCUO for whatever reasons.
  8. Jamie New Player

    Yes, the 4% number is official. Since there is some rounding in the 18 million and the 4% (I highly doubt either is exact) the rest of the numbers are only a guess and are invalid as far as I am concerned. I know where you got the numbers from and I am not saying that they are not reasonable, they just are not official. I am curious about the 4% number and how it compares to other F2P games.
  9. Multiverse 15000 Post Club

    Yes the numbers are probably only a gross estimate. Probably rounded down or rounded up a bit.

    So lets be generous and round those numbers up.

    So let's say 19 millions and 5%.

    That gives us 950000 players that spent money on DCUO.

    So... about 1 million out of 19.

    So 18 000 000 people decided that DCUO was not worth spending their hard earned money on.
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  10. Rockhound665 Steadfast Player

    Well, while running the first mission with my new toon, there were about 20 or so others in the same area running the same mission. Reminds me of the old days.
  11. Zylo Committed Player

    so what happen to the 18million so called players last night? server was flat out dead on 9/9/14 when I was waliking around the HoD that shout and LFG was going no were. it was funny and sad at the same time.
  12. Radiohead New Player

    1 word DESTINY
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  13. Radiohead New Player

    and btw the server was experiencing very bad lag.. there were numerous posts on forums talking about it
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  14. Multiverse 15000 Post Club

    Some left the game because of some super LAG.

    Others were kicked out of the game/disconnected.

    Apparently everyone was downloading Destiny last night...... so it crashed DCUO/Caused major LAG and all that good stuff.

    So now.... not only will we LAG thanks to DCUO itself..... thanks to the PS3..... butnow also thanks to wheneven Detiny will have lots of traffic or something like that.

    Lots of fun ahead of us it seems. :rolleyes:
  15. the solowing Unwavering Player

    whend you retire? and why
  16. Multiverse 15000 Post Club

    I think he retired last night.

    People posted links to the app that allow you to type someone's name and see all of their stats.

    Right there some people looked up Fennicks' stats and even mentioned on the forum how much SP he had. Feenicks did not like that and mentioned retiring his character.

    Haven't seen any comment by him since.
  17. the solowing Unwavering Player

    aw man one of my favorite posters too
  18. FESTER665 Devoted Player

    He said as long as the app was up he was retired.... He might as well delete the toon at that point, since it's a user created app, others are also making their own, SOE is making an official one, and we may see SP visible during inspection eventually....

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  19. Jeazy Baby Dedicated Player

    wait, wasn't Feenicks USPC? I thought the app was only for USPS. Is there a USPC one too? if so do you have a link?
  20. Multiverse 15000 Post Club

    Same link.

    The just added tabs for all the servers.