New season of pvp

Discussion in 'Battle of the Legends (PvP)' started by Rich Homie Quan, Aug 16, 2014.

  1. TheWhiteFace New Player

    Ha ha, yep.
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  2. Moxley Mayhem Dedicated Player

    1. Doesn't make sense??? ever heard of things such as size advantage, strength advantage, speed advantage, etc. etc. etc. i could go on. If you've ever been an athlete, you would know those are the kinds of things you have to analyze when having to make smart split second decisions when your objective is to win against certain opponents. Facing such advantages is where true test of skill comes in.
    2. Did you not read my finishing statement? i don't think you did, because i said nothing about gear, mods, or sp being factors of skill. knowing how to get around such things is where "true" skill lies.
    3. Honestly, i don't care what YOU have mentioned too many times because i do not agree with such a mindset that looks for excuses to make things easier. when i first started i went through the same struggles, didn't cry over it once, and now i can compete with the best of them. so, just stop it because i have no sympathy for tears about why you may not be able to beat another player. i'm a tank who's capable of beating healers equivalently geared, you think i want to hear that? nope, sorry.
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  3. The Enquirer Steadfast Player

    He thought that before Home Turf you couldn't use channeled powers effectively.

    What's even more ridiculous about this statement is that a good portion of them could be jump cancelled immediately, letting you flow right into another move while getting the damage from another power or weapon attack. Granted now there'a dovetail when you jump cancel, however that still doesn't change the fact that the ideal time to utilize a channeled power such as a finisher would be after you counter someone wherein there is zero chance (provided you do not have horrible lag or latency issues) of you being interrupted.

    TLDR: No, he very evidently does not understand those two things.

    They can be, but they aren't. The developers have made it very, very clear that they want a competitive and more importantly, skill based environment for PvP, which means having things as balanced as possible. By giving people who pay clear advantages over someone who has not paid for a DLC they are going against that philosophy.

    Your development throughout the course of your time playing this game should be knowing how to execute combat mechanics better than your opponent. If you need better gear than your opponent to win, you aren't better than they are.

    This is one of the most laughably flawed analogies I have seen here yet. Currently right now there are a huge, huge number of guidelines throughout various sports on gear that is required in order to play the game. There are also a number of limitations on what gear cannot be worn. Getting around your opponents ability to play the sport is the real test of skill. Not getting around gear.

    EDIT: Skill comes from training. Not from getting better gear.

    You're about 5 pages too late on that comment there buster.
  4. TheWhiteFace New Player

    Don't bother too much, he's a tank. You know the common stereotypical tank: egotistical, proud, whiny, and unethical. Just let him figure it out on his own and rise above his issues. He doesn't really want input from people who want to get better at PVP through counters and skill. He certainly doesn't want to improve, and he clearly wants to complain about people who want things balanced for the sake of sport.
  5. The Enquirer Steadfast Player

    Analyzing that stuff is where both teamwork and your own person experience factors in. That's an example of skill and personal ability.

    Two players fight. Player A and Player B. Both have the exact same mods, gear, skill points, etc. They are literally carbon copies of each other. Now because people often miss this: They possess the exact same level of skill. The only difference between the two of them, is that one has access to the Home Turf DLC and has mods on their character and the other does not. Please explain to me how the player without the Home Turf DLC is going to win. I have yet to get an answer out of anyone here that actually includes that bit that has been underlined as well as put in bold, italicized font.

    In other words "I'm entitled". Ironically enough you're crying now. If you're as good as you claim this update will do you no harm.
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  6. TheWhiteFace New Player

    He can win via technical tie or probability being in his favor.
  7. The Enquirer Steadfast Player

    The one guy using HT mods can deal more damage per hit using several mods, increase the amount of power he has, deal more damage during counters, avoid being countered completely (EDIT: Avoid being block broken completely), or regenerate health every time he breaks out of a crowd control effect (one of the most used mechanics in PvP).

    Explain how someone on the same skill level as this guy is going to compete with those sorts of buffs. There currently is nothing in game for the player of equal skill level to use that can compete with these things or cannot be used by the person using the mods already.
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  8. Dolfo Dedicated Player

    Which leads to broken PVP mechanics.
  9. Moxley Mayhem Dedicated Player

    I will say you make some good points there, but we already have a pvp mode where that type of balance exists and it's called legends. so, whats the real reason that arenas should turn into legends actually? because that's what limited experience players like you keep crying for, as you say? arenas has always had a primary focus on the development of the player and it's a shame that players like you are not willing to put in the same amount of work that vets of this game have in order to compete on the same level. then again, there are truly skilled players out there who don't let such advantages of development become a factor and rise above them. when i see those players, your big essay here loses credibility. all this is really doing is taking away from the time spent and invested of character progression; defeating the purpose of grinding. everything vets have done up to this point doesn't matter now so the devs can satisfy weak-minded competitors like you? yet, you want to get into how ethics are a way of displaying honor, respect, and humility, right? if that's your definition of ethical, the excuses players like you and the rest make defeat that. there's no honor, respect, or humility when it comes to making excuses for your losses, period. so, you pretty much contradicted yourself in your essay here; argue against that if you like. also, if you're going to TRY to be a wise-guy about someone's grammatical mistakes in a forum (you know that punctuation and spelling you were talking about) i suggest that you proof-read everything you type prior before you decide to save and send such a statement. after all, i didn't realize this was english class or a professional setting where such truly matters. this is a casual social media forum, who cares? i sure don't, because i have university essays and grades that'll shut that right up. but, i won't brag about such, this isn't the time or place for that. anyways, my apologies for making you so upset about my disagreement.
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  10. TheWhiteFace New Player

    Sure he will be doing more damage and having more buffs. The key part is the very thing that you underlined. They're the same skill level. Let's say both of these two individuals have the highest skill in the game. That means the other is going to understand his/her opponent. They're going to understand the opponent has the mods. Therefore extra caution. Ergo, the same with the mod user. The opponent will be trying to counter that caution. Mistakes and errors can be made since we're all human even if the people are 1 to 1 the same in skill.

    It also boils down to what's more powerful over all and what is more powerful in certain situations, the caution or the counter caution. Because probability exists along with errors there is a chance that the match ends in a technical tie or with the victor being the modless. You also did not specify that one could have an epiphany during the match and obtain more skill than the other. An argument for a technical tie would be that they're on the same skill level, and people make mistakes; so there kind of is a 49%-50% chance that either will loose. Of course the entire argument that I present is that they make mistakes and even though they're practically carbon copies, they may make different mistakes. I'm not pointing to features, I'm pointing to flaws within these characters, or rather the details.

    I cannot say exactly how the modless will win, all I can say is that we make mistakes which can usher in probability/miracles. If you specified even more details of this interesting fight and included in robots (kind of like chess engines) then yes, there is a way where three is no way for the modless to win. What's my quote? "You cannot be perfect. You can only be excellent." Machines and people are excellent in my opinion, not perfect. Ergo, you never said that these 2 characters are excellent or perfect.

    Ya I'm gonna need more information, details, and specification for this particular fantasy simulation. Would you say that we should ignore probability and mistakes? Even people who play against others of the same skill level improve in some way. I'm all up and down for the mods being technically OP, it's just that incompetence, competence, mistakes, and excellence comes into play at random and predictable times.

    Have I made my argument clear? Or do I not make a bit of sense?
  11. The Enquirer Steadfast Player

    The issue is that they both have the same chance to make said mistakes. Ultimately the one with mods however, can afford more of them, putting the other at a disadvantage. It's the same thing as having better gear than someone. They can afford more screw ups due to the higher stats. So even when you factor in that, the modded player still comes out on top.
  12. ??? Well-Known Player

    The best simulation is actually quite simple. :rolleyes:

    2 players, same gear, same SP+s (or SP not allocated at all).

    Player 1: Full CR90 pvp gear. No mods, no buffs, nothing.

    Player 2: Full CR90 pvp gear: +

    HT Weapon Mod: Blast adapter
    HT Neck mod: Precision boost
    HT Chest mod: Penetrating strikes
    *Optional: Flex soder.

    Both duel, only using tap.

    When duel starts, player 2 also cast Supply + Sidekick.

    Who win?

    That is what The Enquirer means.
  13. The Enquirer Steadfast Player

    Last I checked, eliminating gear tiers wouldn't make it like legends. Outside of the game's mechanics, that'd really be the only similarity as arena's is significantly more team based.

    Correct me if I'm wrong here, but you can reach cr90 gear and fully mod it, even though you lost every single PvP match you ever went into. Heck, you can just enter a match and stand there and get to that point.

    Grinding and progression are two very different things. Grinding, as mentioned above, does not mean you've put in any work or gotten better. Not to mention there are various other ways progression can be incorporated into games such as this that do not force new players away nor punish them for being new.

    Last I checked if they actually know how to play the game at a high level that'll matter a lot more.
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  14. The Enquirer Steadfast Player

    That's a very simplified version, yes, but you can take it more in depth than that and factor in the amount of healing, power back, amount of damage dealt during a counter and so on. The modded player has the advantage in all those scenarios depending on how they decide to allocate their HT mods. If they choose to spec their mods mostly for damage then at the very least healing and power are on the same level as the other guy not using mods.
  15. Advanced Mechanic New Player

    Stopped here before I read that wall of text.

    Saying go play legends if you want balance in pvp is probably one of the worst statements, it's been said since so much since Home Turf came out that people actually think it's a valid statement.

    Really, if you're as good as you say you are, then you should have nothing to worry about with the new changes. There will still be progression, mods and SP to give you an advantage, just not cheesy gimmicks that Home Turf provides.
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  16. iamlightning New Player

    Smh yo I understand the combat mechanics im a 4v4 5v5 compeitive player no reason to use a channel power before HT you would get lunged right away and as for finishers nobody stayed at 35% long enough to recieve the damage...even after empowered channeling it was used for the toughness...second the person who bb more and blocks weapon attacks the most will win why dont u see that so what you cant lunge a finisher its nothing if youre not at 35% and if your getting blocked down to death bb more smfh scrubs man I tell ya
  17. The Enquirer Steadfast Player

    Once again, after a counter there is zero chance of you getting countered.

    Not to mention with certain finishers such as mental's you could jump cancel it to get a crit on your next power which is outstanding with an AoE attack.
  18. iamlightning New Player

    But the thing is bro those still complaining will complain again and yous will wish to take something else away from us to try and close the gap (skill point nerf is next) and the sad part is yal will still lose because it is and always will be experience and time put in the can farm pvp gear in a week or two just starting out doesnt mean you will be able to compete with the long time just sick and tired cuz us long time legendary subbers is wat keeps is game up and running and we suffer and get nerfed for the permium f2p people...the only complaint im scrims was mayb WM damage and mayb the stuns..
  19. iamlightning New Player

    Youre proving my point "after a counter "so which means the counters are the key without them its impossible to win they are the deciding factor...and In a 5s match a dps is gonna be using the 35% which is probably getti g foucsed not to mention splash damage...your basing it off 1v1 perspective...
  20. TheWhiteFace New Player

    Interesting. They can indeed afford more mistakes, but you did not touch up on the epiphany part of my argument. We also do not know which of the two will make more mistakes.