SOE Maintenance - August 5, 2014

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Mepps, Aug 4, 2014.

  1. Solace Royale New Player

    Exactly agree the world isn't ending
  2. Loon3yToOns New Player

    Dude ! First of all you're free to play and you're ******** like a school girl. Nobody cares. We prefer more DLC because we pay monthly for the game. You don't so really ... you shouldn't even have a say in this. If you don't like that there's maintenance downtime .... then go get another game and play that, nobody cares.
  3. CosmicDreadNaught New Player

  4. Skidmarc Committed Player

    Ehhh. The only maintenance I want is that of for the DLC. AF bores me and has since june. Prestige grinding is like pulling teeth and I am getting tired of the league hall already.... Hate to be that guy bit I'm to that point now. Im sure dcuo is going to use this down time to fix some of those errors that have been noted. I, however, only have a week left until I have to work like crazy again so I am going to use that time playing something else for a bit. I'll be keeping my ear to the ground for the DLC drop just in case it's before next monday :) Keep making this game better and stay classy dc.
  5. Mister Brees New Player

    Mepps is the ultimate troll. I only wish my trolling was that awesome.
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  6. ReAni Mator New Player

    I think that's why ppl 'act like the sky is falling", it gets super frustrating. No one wants to feel like they are being taking for a ride, and a service that keeps letting ppl down is bound to make ppl feel that way. PS4 hasn't been out that long, I am hoping after the next firmware update we will all start to see a system that is stable enough not to need constant maintenance, patching and updating.
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  7. Death Caliber Active Player

    You guys are on here everytime there is maintenence with the same questions,and the same ole responses.Have you not figured out that SOE updates the PS store the 1st tuesday of every month by now.Dont just blow air so somebody can hear you,unless you have an idea of what your talking about.Dont mean to sound hostile,it just kills me to see random comments that are nothing more than generalized statements,that would apply to just about anything related to this subject,rather than a little bit of factual information.All i heard from this statement was "servers are complex and they gotta work on 'em."(no offense intended)
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  8. KillahBags Level 30

    How about bringing the rescue mode pvp back in the rotation please??? I just don't understand it's been over a year... what's the problem?
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  9. C0DE Blue New Player


    You're killin me Smalls!

    But I understand. We still love you. Till you do something that makes us not friends anymore. Then you need to buy me a drink first before we get back together. Then cuddling. Lots of cuddling.
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  10. fkeidjn Level 30

    Does this mean villain AnB is coming back?
  11. Cable Committed Player

    And still not a single peep about what's happening with the "fix" for special characters in names that was to be coming out "early" last week, lol.
  12. KidMidnight Loyal Player

    if i remember correctly when we get maintenance on tuesday = new dlc on thursday...

    *fingers crossed*
  13. Tracmar Well-Known Player

    Maintenance is good news , either new dlc is dropping (one can hope right ? :D ) or systems are being serviced at the back end for smoother operations and game play in the long run.

    A couple of points @ the various posts mentioned above :

    1. Lots of new games coming etc . etc : New games have been coming for the past 3 years, DCUO is still going strong, enuff said .

    2. Please try to understand the devs are also human and there is a lot of expectation from the community regarding any new content/changes so they are under lots of pressure to deliver. Sometimes, as in any industry certain issues get higher priority over others and they will work on them when time permits.

    There are people shouting for new content all the time, another group making noise about nerfing existing content/powers, another group making noise about buffing content/powers , yet another group making noise about almost everything they can think of .. the list goes on and on. Paying members belong to any one/two/etc. or all these groups also and yes, they demand an answer too. It is a tough choice for them, To one's eyes he/she is the most important person ; this is true for everyone , including myself . But think for a second in the shoes of the devs who has to handle so many requests , prioritize, then work on it and still have to have a life like any one of us. Just food for thought.

    3. Downtimes / Money Grabbing : Its your money, you are paying for it. If you don't like it , don't pay; as simple as that. There is no "grabbing" here as far as I understand.

    The 1000's of posts on the facebook page when the game went down for a couple of days is proof that people actually want to play this game a lot, and so much of down time was fiercely criticized . The point of having daily maintenance and this long maintenance is to ensure nothing like that can possibly happen to the player base . At least that is how I see it. Please feel free to agree/disagree there.

    Again this is just my point of view of the matter, we have always seen how buggy contents get when people keep complaining and forcing devs to rush out with stuff and that results in additional downtime almost always . I am not one for arguments but please remember that once you start finding faults with someone/something , it grows on you and become second nature .

    Peace !
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  14. ErnieB Loyal Player

    A hint for you guys, if you don't see the launcher download a 3.5 GB file during or after the maintenance, then it's not for the DLC.
  15. Dene Devoted Player

    so many ppl dislike this game.. yet play it lol - i dont understand
  16. Naptech1920 New Player

    I hope u guys are going to a&b for villains usps pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeee
  17. Naptech1920 New Player

    Fix a&b please for villains usps thx
  18. Ultimate BioHazard Well-Known Player

    i speak for my whole league (73 player)... the gear tooltips are not yet fixed. nobody can see the tooltips of most of their gear parts...
    This bug is also there when we want to buy new gear, we dont see the stats of new gear at the vendor.
    will it be fixed during downtime?
  19. JustinSiaPogi Active Player

    I believe the dlc will be there with the maintenance but it wont be released like until next week maybe.. :D
  20. Smiler New Player

    Guys... please fix the launcher. the game doesn't open when i press play.... i have tried everything suggested to me and nothing works...