Grant 50k Prestige Minimum To All Leagues For Today's Fiasco

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Kid Sorbet, Jul 23, 2014.

  1. BigBadDogIV Committed Player

    I think all replays spent between the update originally going up and the league issue was fixed should be refunded and added back to available RB. Seems like a fair, reasonable and very possible compromise to me.
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  2. BigBadDogIV Committed Player

    Why do people think the problem is the time the game is down.... That's not it at all. Its the massive amount of replays wasted trying to get prestige. Lets keep things in context people...
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  3. sterl320 New Player

    If free replay badges are given back, then everything else you got from replaying those instances should be taken away. You lost your prestige points, but not your marks or your drops. You spent those replays and gained from regardless of the prestige point loss.
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  4. sterl320 New Player

    and this is exactly the reason why I didn't do a thing but download the update today. You all should have known better than to put a lot into this game the day of an update, especially spending replay badges.
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  5. sterl320 New Player

    did you lose anything other than the prestige from all the replays you spent?
  6. Superskull85 Devoted Player

    I'm going to quote this post for emphasis. If you earned Prestige before the league outages you should still have it. Leagues have been down before but their data has usually never been destroyed.

    You would have only have not gotten Prestige after about 8:30 PM ET (a bit less or or a bit more not sure). For future reference you would know that you got Prestige or not, and how much was actually contributed, by looking in your loot logs. It should be the last item in your section.
  7. Deranya Dedicated Player

    At this point getting the 50k would probably have the opposite effect to what you would want. Sure get the 50k now and by saturday night you are at the max and can't gain anymore. Nah, thanks. I'd rather have an early rest sunday night and then the normal reset thurday :p
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  8. Delta795 New Player

    For some leagues I don't think that would be a problem. We had I think maybe 10 or so people on last night and easily nailed 15k in a very short time.
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  9. MetalMario Loyal Player

    If the game was really buggy for everyone it should have been obvious to you that it might be buggy for you as well.
  10. Tazzaxe Dedicated Player

    Hurry up hurry up hurry up release GU 39.
    Finally Its released!!
    Oh wait another patch we have billions in Mot's !!
    Oh, its up again.
    Wait what? its not perfect??? I want something for nothing cause its not PERFECT

    How many of you actually thought this would be applied without a few bugs? Really?
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  11. Superskull85 Devoted Player

    A good chunk of that would not be from instance clears though but instead of Bases. In general this thread wants compensation from instances they ran and did not get Prestige. An average league that just runs content once per member on day one should not get 50 000 Prestige just from instance clears alone. I would expect that most leagues of this size would also not spam the usage of Replay Badges.

    I understand the reasoning why 50 000 Prestige is requested BTW as 50 000 + 80 000 (hard cap) = 130 000 which is enough to get a League Hall and location by the weekend. From SOE's perspective though I don't think they will reward that value because an average league would not earn that much that fast without the use of Donations and Dematerialization as mentioned above. Also it is their intent to not be able to purchase League Halls for at least one week again for an average league.
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  12. Delta795 New Player

    Don't get me wrong 50k is asking waaaaay to much, but also figure of that only maybe 6k is from bases.
  13. SaintWalker46 New Player

    Well, of course there are always some minor bugs when it comes to new updates. However, I couldn't help but just sit back and laugh at this glitch. League halls for everyone, but no leagues for anyone!! Hahaha. And oh man, the people freaking out in the chat. Hilarious. Compensation would be nice, but I don't really care. As long as I get my league back.
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  14. the solowing Unwavering Player

    you shouldnt be able to replay prestige
  15. Electrizzaro Loyal Player

    Same happened to my league. We had a good 10-12 people on all ready to start busting out stuff on their mains and alts, but it seemed like right after we had all entered our bases and got grouped up the league issues started. We tried to relog and that helped (the first time) but none of us got prestige for ANYTHING other than our bases. Then we were all without a league ugh!!! Sitting on 10k pres when it should have been MUCH higher. Really sucked the air out of our sails so to speak. And to top it off I still CANNOT remove inactive players from the freaking roster lol.
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  16. Oleandis Well-Known Player

    Its not the end of the world... You could still play the game and earn Prestige. This is why ppl in your league should also be on your friends list. Every time something goes wrong, people come out of the woodwork QQing. You should know by now that there are issues with the game for 24-48 hrs after an update or DLC. Quit whining and go do something OUTSIDE while they get it fixed... Geez
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  17. Prodigy Progeny Dedicated Player

    I thought I was gona have to get on the game & run a bunch of stuff I have already run a million times to help expedite our prestige earnings. Instead I had time to go buy the new LG G3 cell phone, have a nice lobster dinner, drink some Kirin, & came home to play more Destiny. Great update IMO. :D
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  18. Enickma Dedicated Player

    No. Stuff happens and the world is an imperfect place.
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  19. Soulburn32 Loyal Player

    Sounds like the update release went par for the course.
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  20. KHALONofOGUN 10000 Post Club

    As we've seen, nothing was actually no need for compensation (not that we were owed anything to begin with). That should be the end of this thread./
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