GU39 Preview: League Management

Discussion in 'Concluded' started by Zinbik, Jun 24, 2014.

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  1. light FX Steadfast Player

    Dont get how this would be an issue. Like Gz said already if u have been in a league for awhile every1 pretty much knows what type of player u are. The only reason i can think of for some1 not wanting this is because they are lying about their cr and sp.
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  2. light FX Steadfast Player

    No1 is forcing any1 to leave a league. If u say u want privacy please explain why? As of now any player can insect another player and figure out their cr and can also see what power any1 is as soon as they cast any power. The only thing different is the sp. So im just curious to why this is a problem? My entire league tells every member their sp, i understand other leagues may not. But how is it an issue and how would that force u or any1 to leave a league? Again i cant see it unless some1 is being dishonest.
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  3. Void Complex New Player

    The others are right. If you value your privacy more than the bonds you made with those around you then honestly......your just better off on your own. To leave an entire league you founded because you oppose the idea that the many you brought under your wing can see your stats to compare themselves for better assessment, landmarks and growth is just baffling. If your more concern about yourself and your privacy then why stress yourself with a league to begin with? As another has stated this feature is a much needed tool for management and assisting within a close environment.

    Yes I do understand the concerns for discrimination but if that's an issue in a league, then that would be enough of a sign to withdraw from it. These features are intended to bring us closer together. Not to provide more walls. Truth if you are more concern of privacy within a league, makes you wonder what your so keen on hiding.
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  4. Whisper Well-Known Player

    I'm going to take a wild guess he's a drug mule for Darkseid. :p
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  5. Sore Steadfast Player

    I feel like privacy might be a loaded term. Privacy relating to who you are in real life is fairly sacred. Privacy regarding your toon in an online game isn't. I do like having aspects of my toon that only I know. So I understand the desire for toon-level privacy. It gives a semblance of control. I choose. I do question whether a league really needs to know it. If you really want to know, why not ask? On the other hand, a league should be an environment of trust. If you feel the need to be sensitive about it then you might be in the wrong league. Then again, pervasive elitist behaviors in this game do lend towards knowledge of SP being abused. I could go either way and not care. I'm dead in the middle if not slightly leaning towards the "don't show it" side of things.
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  6. SuperiorMouse New Player

    i've often found myself arguing on the side of privacy. but in this case i cannot. these statistics are not being made public for inspection and are only available within leagues. that distinction makes all the difference. i wouldn't support this if it was made public info; it would only be used to discriminate against players. within a league, this is just not a valid concern.
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  7. Superskull85 Devoted Player

    I never said not to include it I simply asked for an option to opt out of it if a member wants. Why leave the league? Because that would be the only way to maintain control of your privacy when this feature goes live. Simply put if someone asks me in a context that is appropriate I am willing to share but I want that option to be own and mine alone. That's it. It's that simple.

    Being in control of privacy when it concerns the new league features doesn't just stop at stats. It also includes the ability to opt out of the statue rankings. I feel no need to compete with my league for a statue and thus would like the option not to.

    Go ahead with the feature. I don't want it gone. What I want is to avoid what I find needless competition that comes with open statistics (new league menu) and achievements (statues). That's it.

    I play and maintain my position in my league to be social and play with friends. I feel 0 need to compete with them and detract from the social gain and comfort that comes from privacy control and group makeup communication. If any member of my league wants to share than that is cool (and they do) but I would hope any league would also honor a members want for privacy and/or comfort that they get from staying more private if they so choose. I don't force anyone now to share anything about their characters that they don't want to and I will never do so. The requirements that are imposed are ones that the game imposes (minimum CR). I will personally never change that and why I want the option for privacy. I don't want the feature gone completely.

    If you want me to flip this the other way it seems silly to force openness when some players may think it is unneeded or unwanted for their own reasons. Why do you (the opposers) want to know what a players statistics and achievements? Why can't you just ask them? You accuse me of having something hide but why can't you trust what the player you recruit/play with says?
  8. game007dad Well-Known Player

    @ Zinbik I am curious when it shows last date online for a league member will this feature ONLY reset when the character log-ins?
  9. Superskull85 Devoted Player

    Says who? You can't say there is no "valid concern" because you cannot speak for an individual regarding their own privacy wishes. For over 3 years leagues have largely been focused on a central meeting place for like minded players. That's it. Nothing else was imposed. Why should a new feature all of a sudden force this option away from players that like the privacy the way it is? What gives someone else the authority to choose that all players must now share their statistic and achievements when in a league?
  10. Greenman_x Steadfast Player

    I dont know about other leagues, but we mostly run content together. There isnt many secrets among us as far as statistics and the like go. We dont really care and my personal opinion on it is, if youre in the league you have nothing to worry about. Sure, displaying it to others could potentially lead to some PUG issues, but isnt one of the main attractions to being in a league the fact that you arent pugging? You should be running content with your league regardless of SP, CR, etc so showing those shouldnt matter IMO.

    I dont care to discuss my CR or SP with any PUG because I know I can perform my role effectively and on some alts I just wont share it, but within my league I dont really care if they see it or not because ill be running with them regardless.
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  11. Superskull85 Devoted Player

    Simply having an option in Settings for players that want it will not affect anyone elses experience. If you run with your league now without the statistics board then why wouldn't you run with them after even if some members make a choice to now show their statistics? Why is this really such an opposable request? Why are options so bad in this case?
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  12. Greenman_x Steadfast Player

    Im not arguing against it, just not arguing to take it away. I wouldnt have an issue with being able to hide it, I just dont see the reason why you'd want to.

    You're in a league for a reason, and if you get discriminated within your league, you should probably be finding a different one to run with anyway.

    The only thing I dont want to be hidden ever is the last time logged in (even if its just dates, I dont need times). Our league has about 300 characters in it. It'd be nice to be able to sort through and remove the names who arent coming back.
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  13. Superskull85 Devoted Player

    That's the thing though I am saying take away the entire feature. If members A and B want to share then by all means let them but let member C not share if they so please. For me it is not about discrimination but rather competition. One of the Halls of Power features will be statues for achievements. I feel no need to compete with my league so why should I be forced to?

    In regards to CR and skill points there can be competitions around that too. If member A gets 190 skill points then members B and C may want to catch up. I feel no need to be identified as member A.

    These may not spur hostility but at the same time I don't want to compete like this so why should I be put in that situation by forced openness? I don't know why everyone immediately jumps to negativity for reasons to support the option of privacy (not saying you specifically were) either.
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  14. Quantum Rising Committed Player

    I can already foresee problems with the privacy thing. We all have members that cry about needing a certain cr or a certain sp level. If two people ask to heal a raid and one has 100 skill points and another has 150. You're going to get situations where the 100 skill point member is going to be brushed aside again and again in favor of the 150 skillpoint member.

    As a league founder I don't want my members discriminating based off of cr or sp. This just opens up a can of worms that I'd rather not deal with.

    Please either give an option to toggle privacy on an individual level or at the very least add it as a rank option. I.e. like being able to promote/demote, induct, kick,etc. Give us the option where officers can be the only ones to see CR/SP.
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  15. light FX Steadfast Player

    Agreed. I still cant see the reason for not wanting this feature unless players have something to hide.

    Awhile back there was talk of showing sp and cr when u inspect some1 and u should of seen the people commenting on utube about it. Majority didnt want it and their reasoning was they lie about their cr and sp LOL Now with pugs i get the problem it would cause. With your league, and on top of it the league u founded and lead? Nah cant see it and never will. Only 1 reason imo a player would be against this. And being honest is usually the best way to go with any situation.
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  16. TrueOlympus New Player

    Some people might find it hard to join leagues if the SP is showing. Who knows. It could lead to some exclusion if it is seen.
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  17. light FX Steadfast Player

    Well i lead a league and we dont let that kind of thing happen. We give every1 an equal chance to run any instance regardless of cr or sp. I know leagues where people have had the issue u speak of and they ended up leaving. Discrimination w/in a league is never a good thing and no league should tolerate that. Id be hitting leave league so fast if i saw that happening.
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  18. Tiime_Lapse Well-Known Player

    I completely agree. There is no reason to not want this unless you've been lieing to your league the entire time you've been in it. I for one, as a founder of my league, will not hesitate to kick out any member that "opts" out of showing statistics if the option becomes available.If the "opt" out option becomes available, turning it on to show statistics will definitely fall under one of the criteria that needs to be met to join our league.
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  19. Quantum Rising Committed Player

    Then as a league leader you know you can't be there 24/7. We don't tolerate it but it's something that would be hard to "prove" unless it happens again and again and by that time the damage is already done. Angry members or even as you said members that leave. You stated "I'd be hitting leave league so fast...". Well that's the point I'm trying to make right there.
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  20. Quantum Rising Committed Player

    And for your league that would be an option.
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