Favorite Quote?

Discussion in 'Battle of the Legends (PvP)' started by Robogost, Jun 17, 2014.

  1. Miggly Committed Player

    My two favorites are:

    Sinestro: "BURN LIKE MY POWER"

  2. Sodam Yat Dedicated Player

    Its not in Legends per se but hearing Kevin Conroys Primal Batman scream "Vengeance is already mine!" is just pure Badass.
    Legends im gonna go with Steel or John Stewarts.

    On a side note: Cant wait to see what the Devs do with the upcoming Guy Gardner Legends toon. If there was gonna be a wise-cracking Legends character thats not Red Hood, its gonna be him :)
  3. NoWorries121 Well-Known Player

    When Circe just laughs. Especially when youre dominating people. lol
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  4. Drakonicus New Player

    "I could have been a contender"
    Harley Quinn

    "Nobody calls me a Space Cowboy. Or the Gangster of Love, for that matter"
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  5. LORD_SHOCKA New Player

    I love when my league does 8 of a kind runs because you got 8 quotes at the same time like "Meow"x8 or Harleys "vroom vroom"x8 it's just a good time. Or 2 face 24 man army.
  6. ThunderlesStorm New Player

    So I said Harvery, we can have burgers OR pizza! Just flip a coin!

    The hunt... Is on
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  7. not_again Dedicated Player

    You know, you're bugging me!

    Supergirl on test
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  8. Abel Well-Known Player

    "Get back in the basement Harvey! I'm in control! I'm unstoppable!" - Two-Face
  9. Sivulla Dedicated Player

    "I have the power" Prince Adam when using Supercharge in 2016. I am from the future
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  10. Delta795 New Player

    I have a new favorite quote compliment s of Spytle

    Spytle said:
    “Because I am not an emperor, and I do not make decisions that large on my own. There are other opinions on the matter, both internally and in the community, that feel differently. I for one am tired of the limitations this puts on us when developing content, balancing difficulty, and creating group strategies. I am also tired of the effect it has on the community, who fail to realize that they are using a crutch, and a generous one at that, and abusing it to the detriment of other players.”
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  11. Naija born Well-Known Player

    "Epic fail"-super girl
  12. Valsmurf Loyal Player

    My top 2 favorites are

    "Bizzaro Crush with kindesss!!!!! "
    "Now you live!!!!

    Not only are they awesome on their own right, but these remind me of watching Trex on a stream and him being totally confused by them, "What do you mean Bizarro! stop talking nonsense!" I laughed soooo hard :p

    My next 3 are

    Now who's the man of steel? - Lex
    A judge(?) a priest and a rabi walk into a bar and one says - What is this, a joke? Get it? a-hahaha! - Joker
    You know, you are bugging me! -Supergirl on test center :(
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  13. FameYack Committed Player

    "Giant Robots"
  14. Metaclause New Player

    ''Get Back in the basement Harvey im in control im unstoppable.'' Two Face
  15. Shazayam New Player

    two guys walk into a bar, you know you think the second guy would have ducked joker
    why did the bat cross the road? because he was stapled to the chicken. joker
    earthlings are pathetic ursa
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  16. Quick Check New Player

    "I will break you in half!"
  17. DC Reaper Well-Known Player

    Since it is close to FNL and it is my favorite character in the new one and in the game it would be Zod's phrase:
    "KNEEL before Zod"
  18. Trinidad James Loyal Player

    Harley Quinn: "If I'd had a hammer, I'd hammer in the evening, I'd hammer in the morning, all over your skull"
    "Freshly made knuckle sandwiches - come and get them!"
    "I'm Revving up the Harley.... Vroomm Vroomm..."
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  19. DC Reaper Well-Known Player

    That is also said in a movie called Dr. DoLittle 3 by a rattlesnake my friend, and in many more if you just type that phrase in Google, so it is more generic
  20. AngelOfChaos-16x New Player

    You have sealed your fate
    Dr. Fate
    I am sorry people, that dude is pretty much a god, and he is 2 badass