Favorite Quote?

Discussion in 'Battle of the Legends (PvP)' started by Robogost, Jun 17, 2014.

  1. Hero of Justice New Player

    He doesn't say it in Legends unfortunately but I love it when Bane yells "DEATH WILL BE A RELIEF FOR YOU!!!" in the Carmine duo :)
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  2. The Enquirer Steadfast Player

    Could have sworn he yells it in Legends too. I could be mistaken though.
  3. Robogost Well-Known Player

    Omg..I never heard that until i was playing arkham today and I nearly died.
    Also Clownsanity-"I've got a punchline for ya!"
  4. Ninja'd Dedicated Player

    I love it when Bane yells "FACE YOUR DEFEAT!" So much emotion in that line lol.
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  5. Skarlet Lantern Level 30

    When the devs were testing Supergirl, she would yell "You're Bugging me!". But it sounded like she was saying "You're F*cking me" so they took it out. I had to lol at that.
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  6. LaughingRiot Well-Known Player

    Literally Wonder Girls quotes. "Check out my blog"
    "TITANS FORVEEEEER!" ,"You should meet my dad" ,"I learned THIS from Aries!"
    "BAM!" ,"You are so lame" "I HATE liars!"
    Think that's all of them! :D
  7. BlueLionSven Well-Known Player

    Like the suit?
  8. MidnightTiger Well-Known Player

    Joker's "Beat them to death with a crowbar! Too soon?"
    And Lex's "Who's the Man of Steel now?"
    Also Cheetah's cat roar.
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  9. Too Many Toons Dedicated Player

    My fave is playin Lex, killing a Bizarro..& getting "Next time, try using your brain!" lolz
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  10. Robogost Well-Known Player

    I'm a fan of teen titans, but she sounds sooooo annoying when she says "Titans Forevvvvver!"
  11. spack2k Steadfast Player

    not playing Legends anymore ... so i will quote Gorilla Grodd he has some nice quotes like " U dominate or u die!"
  12. DC-Doll New Player

    "We will put Time Traveler in the rare style vendor" - Mepps.

    Okay I made that up but that would be the greatest quote ever. Come on Mepps put on your cape and be a hero.
  13. VintageWine Dedicated Player

    This is one of my favorite threads on Legends PvP. Come here and get a good laugh. Perfect. :'D
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  14. Robogost Well-Known Player

    Since they added some new characters, one of the quotes I really like comes from deathstroke. "Would you prefer lead or steel?" Mixes all the badassery with sone cockiness too lol. They should really add special quotes when one character fights another. Also Shazam better say "Quite shocking isn't it?" Haha
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  15. AtrocitusOmega Committed Player

    Don't fight the coin
    The coin is never wrong by Two face
  16. Sabigya Steadfast Player

    While this thread is bumped.
    "I never miss, and I am modest too"- Green Arrow.
    "Yawn" -Catwoman
    Taking to Raven in the Magic Wing.
    "I am glad to meet you"
    "No seriously I am glad to meet you"
    "I am not being sarcastic, I am really glad to meet you"
    or something along those lines.
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  17. Grand Shaw Loyal Player

    Mercy is WEAK!
    You will KNEEEEL before Zod!
    You can't defeat a Goddess!
    Try again, warrior.
    Nothing can stand against Bane! NOOOOTHIIING!
    I LOVE a good fight.
    Now I'm mad! (Donna Troy)
    Wild guess at spelling: Orcanus protesta ostendo! (Fate)
    I am power incarnate! (Faust)
    Who's the Man of Steel now?!
    Stand down! (John Stewart)
    I don't have time for punks like you! (Steel)
    Bad move, pal.
    I don't give up. Ever.
    It's your lucky day. Or maybe not. Mwuahaha.
    Beware the Dark Knight.

    Yeah that's at least one from most legends toons. I try to enjoy all of them. :p
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  18. Snuffhim Well-Known Player

    "Revving up the Harley" got to love Harley Quinn
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  19. Sabigya Steadfast Player

    You forgot the vroom vroom!
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  20. LadyLightning Issue Tracker Volunteer

    "I told you to STOP STARING"

    The Two-Face voice actor is really cool - and doing a great job!

    Whenever she's in a match somewhere, her lines make me want to kill her!
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