Server Hotfix - May 7, 2014

Discussion in 'Live Update Notes' started by Mepps, May 6, 2014.

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  1. NewAgeHLDPS New Player

    actually this 1 it is, as its going to cost MoF, which requires? MoF and to get those you need... Amazon Fury part 1 the DLC
  2. Crackin New Player

    My poor thumbs :( . Early arthritis because of this DPS fest of a crap alert. Loot sucks to boot.
  3. AgentX44 Committed Player

    sure, I could always do that since I already finished my 250 earth duos count feat. But that gets too boring. Just like I purposely didn't finish my 500 challenges feat with the old challenges because they got too boring for me.
  4. Captain Neos Committed Player

    Ah I see thank you for pointing it out.
  5. Mindflaye New Player

    Fix the freezing and crashing in the t6 alert I know I'm probably complaining everywhere but it's because no devs have said JACK $&@! about it getting fixed and don't say go buy a ps4 trust if I could right now I would
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  6. Palantiros New Player

    There is abit of an issue when levelling and selecting new powers/skills... like most that open up like around Level 6 then 9 or so remain 'dark' and can't be selected. It's not just selecting the 'travel' power upgrades.
  7. AtrocitusOmega Committed Player

    Two questions why has no you devs addressed the issue of freezing and crashing of ps3 players in the t6 alert, do you not thinks its bad that players can't even make it to the end to get marks and gear? Second why aren't the t6 duos counting toward the duo feat I should have gotten the 250 feat by now and its not moving an inch.
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  8. No Aywok New Player

    They've still never fixed the freezing in Strike once you enter the JSA Headquarters.

    Every single day, without fail, 5-20 second freezing whenever you open a menu and then attempt to return to game.

    Hopefully my T6 peeps get a little more love.
  9. iRageCrash New Player

    I would like to know if you guys plan on changing the 93 rings affinity? The new amazon gear has 92 rings with a 38 precision affinity while the 93 rings that are much better only have a 28 precision affinity.
  10. The Aerovenger Dedicated Player

    Forget the precision affinity...

    Everyone needs Vitalization! :rolleyes:

    I'm considering whether to put a T6 Vit/prec in my op ring or a pure Vit T6 which will give me 41 instead of the current 21 in the vit/prec expert I have.. o_O
  11. The Aerovenger Dedicated Player

    I didn't read the whole of this threadto see if someone replied, but the Marks of Fury from Lockboxes are added automatically to your currency.
  12. Brice Allen Loyal Player

    You don't need a ton of Vit anymore...Weapon Mastery killed that part of Trolling. When I mod my T6 Troller gear I'm going Vit/Precision VI's in all yellows.
  13. Captain Liberty Developer

    We did release a content patch for the PS3 on Monday evening that optimized the DLC 10 Themyscira content (adjusted environments for improved performance in Amazon Fury Part I On Duty missions) that should have reduced the chance of crashing out of memory considerably. We will continue to look for ways to reduce the memory footprint on the PS3.

    We should have a fix for the Duo counter no later than Tuesday.
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  14. NewAgeHLDPS New Player

    for #2 by T6 you should of already had that feat IMO, I had that before T4 just saying
  15. NewAgeHLDPS New Player

    yea their boring AF, but if you want those feats BEFORE T5 or T6 like myself then you will lol

    I've had the merit, 250 duos, all viral pods (and all that BS from the BFE duo's), all before I started my 81 gear/before I even had sons of trigon DLC.
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  16. Jay&Becky New Player

    I actually just received my Duos feat yesterday and im on ps3 mainly playing the two new duos daily
  17. DarkThorn Dedicated Player

    So the lockboxes are dropping MoF now? I will have to check next time I get a lockbox, but today I received only a statue and no Marks, but was expecting MoT since that is what I received Monday... I hadn't checked my MoF count first so I can't say for sure that is what I received.
  18. StealthBlue Loyal Player

    Is this just temporary until the MoT issue is fixed? I know the Recovery Kit VI Plan was above the temporary MoT cap, I'm not sure about the Catalyst though.
  19. AgentX44 Committed Player

    If you can see from my sig, I don't really need it. I am just a completionist.
  20. WockaFlockaPhil Dedicated Player

    The fundamental flaw in the whole "HEY LETS MAKE CATALYST 6's COST A MARK OF FURY" thing is the whole "I should be sitting on 170,000k marks of Triumph, and I haven't a damn thing to spend it on other than my mainframe". Weren't catalysts/utility belts/mainframes put in the game as a means to give us something to spend triumph on?

    I kindly ask that you reconsider this move, and look at other options.
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