The Official "I'm looking for a league" thread.

Discussion in 'League Recruitment Center' started by PerfectLegend, Jul 10, 2013.

  1. TheBlacklisted New Player

    *In-game name. Healing Surge
    *Faction (Hero/Villain). Hero
    *Combat Rating/Skill Points. 97cr / 65sp
    *Power. Nature
    *Role. Healer
    *Do you have a mic? Yes
    *Legendary/Premium/Free to play. Legendary
    *About yourself. Casual player that works a full time job and has a family. I am very serious about my role and want to be the best at it.
    *What are you looking for in a league and why? Looking for a League that is mature enough to handle criticism and try new things and is laid back. I don't get much time to play so when I play I want my in game time to be as efficient as possible. I also come as an item with my real life friend who is much like me but has a lot more time to play. He is a dps and is also very serious about his role. His name is Halfl1fe
    • Like x 1
  2. AKXC Well-Known Player

    Taken by an amazing group of guys. Thanks so much for letting me in.
  3. NexGenX New Player

    In-game name NexGenX
    Faction (Hero)
    *Server (USPC)
    *Combat Rating/SP CR99 SP103
    *Power. Gadgets
    *Role. Controller
    *Do you have a mic? No
    *Legendary/Premium/Free to play. Legendary
    *About yourself. Active player with alot of time
    *What are you looking for in a league and why? Just looking for a place to belong again after my 4 month break from the game. My last league fell apart during my absence and I've been in more failed Nexus/Dox PUG's than I can count. I'm also looking for a league that doesn't just do T5 content. I like running the lower tiers to break the monotony of T5 content and its fun to do so.
  4. AliciaLoobie New Player

    Now I'm level 30. CR:32 PVP CR:80 and premium. I think I have a hang on the game but just need some help gearing up :)
  5. Heavenlycloud23 New Player

  6. Dexlon New Player

    *In-game name. Dexlon
    *Faction (Hero/Villain). Hero
    *Combat Rating/Skill Points. Just hit level 22, need to look up the points when I get home.
    *Power. Meta. Hand blasts/flight
    *Role. Controller or Damage
    *Do you have a mic? No
    *Legendary/Premium/Free to play. Free
    *About yourself. VERY casual player. Might only get on 1-2 times a week. This is about the only game I play right now.
    *What are you looking for in a league and why? Getting sick of having to solicit whomever is nearby just to complete missions. Want to be able to do some of the group play stuff.
  7. fearun New Player

    Have you found a league yet ? We're looking for good players.
  8. Fighter Well-Known Player

    Fighter knight
    DPS (soon to rage dps and tank)
    Mic? yes, mutted often due to children
    Stay at home mom that plays DCUO
    Am a very experienced player with two Heros at 101 and 100 cr. looking for people to help me get my sp up and get marks needed for gear and such. Will to help other as well and love a challenge.
  9. Kira3o5 New Player

    just sent you a message great fit for figher babe on hero side
  10. DmCdantegaminHD New Player

    *In-game name: DmCdantegamingHD
    *Faction (Hero/Villain):hero
    *Server (USPS3/EUPS3-USPC/EUPC):USPs4/USPc
    *Combat Rating/Skill Points: None yet
    *Do you have a mic?yes
    *Legendary/Premium/Free to play: Premium
    *About yourself: im a lay back kind of guy im funny kind of out going n down to earth.
    *What are you looking for in a league and why? Im looking for the members has well has the leaders of the league to be active 24/7 n be helpful n patient n calm mind has possible has well has the league having there own events and basically there own way of doing things really so that is what im looking for in a league
  11. sackerson New Player

    In-game name: James Lucas
    CR37:22 SP
    Power: Will HL
    Role: Controller
    Do you have a mic: Yes
    About your self: I have been playing DCUO for about a month and am finding it really fun. I am looking for a league in which i can socialize in and do more with rather than just running through the solos. Also by the end of today i suspect i will have gotten all of my T1 gear so my CR will have changed if that helps.
  12. AvidTank New Player

    PvP:77, PvE:32, only 22 skill points so far.
    Mic: yes
    Im open to starting up new characters for other roles. just looking for a genuinely cooperative group of players to get things done with. im an avid player for sure. i play both PvP and PvE. ive done tanking as a hero so far and had no problem with it. im still working on hitting lvl 30 with my fire tank villain. when playing, always available for duos and alerts. im about getting things done and scoring as many marks a day as possible.
  13. ScarlettHarlott New Player

    CR 40/ SP 25
    Fire, but I may hardswitch to Light or Cele
    I have a Mic
    I just got back to this game, I used to play when it first came out, but I just kind of stopped.

    I'm looking for a friendly league that runs every PVE tier, I'm working on leveling as much as I can, and I'm on a lot. I love raiding, and I'm trying to learn the PVP system a bit better, as well. I'm willing for anything, as long as I don't have to deal with hyper-elitists or ********. I'm just looking for people to play with, and experience this game to it's fullest again.
  14. Hype607 New Player

    *In-game name. Arkenfel
    *Faction. Hero
    *Server. EUPS4
    *Combat Rating/Skill Points. CR51 / SP33
    *Power. Mental
    *Role. Controller
    *Do you have a mic? Yes
    *Legendary/Premium/Free to play. Legendary
    *About yourself. I am 28 and from the UK. I originally started DCUO the very first week it was released for PS3, but I took a very long break. I have been back maybe 2/3 weeks and I'm really enjoying and getting into the game again! I am a Controller and I like to think I am good at my role, despite only having a mix of T1 and T2 gear, I feel that I always play my role well and benefit the team. I am a very active player and play for several hours on most days (when the missus allows it lol).
    *What are you looking for in a league and why? Since my return to DCUO, I have gotten quite into this game. More than when I first started and I want to gear-up and do as well as I can. I'm sure we've all had those times spending ages queuing for PUG's and then eventually failing miserably once you do get into a Raid, due to people either not knowing what they're doing, or generally not working as a team. I'd like to run with a League who run Raids and the harder Alerts regularly, and such, helping each other to gear-up and attain Marks as quickly as possible. Also a nice friendly environment to talk and have fun would be great as this game can border on tedious when you're constantly running alone lol.

    I do apologize for my wall of text! Lol.

    Regards :)
  15. kobi New Player

    In-game name: Kobi
    Faction (Hero/Villain): Hero

    Combat Rating/Skill Points: 88/100
    Power: Fire
    Role: DPS
    Do you have a mic?: Yes
    Legendary/Premium/Free to play: Legendary
    About yourself: Hi, am 23 years old (soon to be 24) and live in UK, I have been a gamer since I was as little as 7 years. I have played other mmo games before such Guild wars 2, Final Fantasy 14 Realm Reborn and currently still playing World of Warcraft. So basically I have a very good knowledge of mmo games and how they function, I have been playing DCUO back on the beta on PS3 untill game update 8 then came back in GU11 all the way to early stage of Hand of Fate DLC which was last year and Stopped again for I didnt have a league to play with. But hey CR88 with SP100 is impressive back a year ago right? If I hadnt stopped Ill probably be over CR100 and over SP140.

    What are you looking for in a league and why?: Players who can do Duos, Alerts, Raids and Operations with ease and able to compete them. I do not mind wiping as its mmo nature to wipe on boss but not wiping 24/7 then give and never try it again. Some PvP too but not a lot as I do not have PvP gear but its always fun kicking peoples buns while getting mine kicked. Why? Because it was the sol reason why I left the game, could not find a league to play with and do Pugs is just horrible, seeing people leaving or quiting because their quitters and try to drag everyone with them.
  16. g35rider1 New Player

    I am looking for a hero league
  17. xXstaing0glassXx New Player

    In game name: WTM GLASS
    Faction: Hero
    Sever: USPS3
    Combat Rating: 66 Skill Points:64
    Power: Fire
    Role: Dps
    Do You Have A Mic: Yes
    Legendary/Premium?Free To Play: Premium
    About Yourself: I am a athlete gamer i play pretty much every time of game i play dc a good amount as im not in a league i don't play all the time since im by my self.
    What Are You Looking For In A League: people who speak english it doesn't really matter where your from as long as you can speak english.. i like to help people as much as i can and i like to be helped sometimes, if you are a big league then thats great i like playing with more people.
  18. Red Jenni Loyal Player

    Just to help out our European friends, this is league recruitment for the U.S. I see a LOT of posts that say they're on EUPS3 or EUPC. I'm pretty sure there is a different site for the EU servers. I could be wrong but most U.S websites end in ".com" while EU websites usually end in ".es" or ".fr" or ".de" depending on the country. I bet there is an EU site for forums and recruitment.
  19. Korvyne Committed Player

    Please list this then......
    This looks like the official DC universe online site to me.
    • Like x 1
  20. H0LD3M New Player

    My wife and I are looking for a League. We prefer 21+ not required. Story time: I quit playing DCUO about the time the Earth DLC came out and played for a while prior to Earth. As a result I have a 30 Villain. A month or so ago, my SO decided to play DCUO. She lvl'd a 30 Hero FFS. After persuading me to come back to DCUO and give it a try, I ended up lvl'n a Hero to 30(a few days ago) so I could play DCUO with her. Here we are both new to 30, and although alot of changes since I last played, I am not new just my hero and my wife are new to the game. More info below.

    Left is me ; Right is her
    In-game name. h0ld3m (with a zero and a three) ; xxxMistr3ssxxx
    Faction (Hero/Villain). Hero ; Hero

    Combat Rating/Skill Points. 60/40 ; 75/50
    Power. Celestial ; Nature

    Role. DPS ; Healer
    Do you have a mic? Yes ; Yes
    Legendary/Premium/Free to play. Legendary ; Legendary
    About yourself. Long story above.
    What are you looking for in a league and why? We want to enjoy the end game content and meet other people that might share the same interests as us. We are on most every night on weekdays and more on the weekends. We both like to PVE and PVP. Any more info needed, reply or look for me in game grinding!