Armories Arrive in DCUO Next Week!

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Captain Liberty, Jan 6, 2014.

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  1. GrumpySnot New Player

    This is slightly off track, but youll understand why..... I have my lair, then i have a hideout. So thats two bases... How an how many more deeds can i get per toon. So that i can have all 16 armories, for one toon if i choose. Last time,*months ago* i tried to buy extra deed. The market placed bugged out an took my money.
  2. Rumour Committed Player

    I find it a tad too low. I do want the Devs to make some profit, so they can use that and hire more staff. Canadian Justice pricing seems to be a fair one.

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  3. thenewkidd New Player

    No one want's to pay more...
    That comes with the price of a game...

    We want DLCs we want all these extra things for free because we expect the devs who many of them probably have families to work for free to feed OUR addictions?

    It takes time to develope these things and test them... and all because the devs care about us so much that they are doing this out of the goodness of their hearts.

    DCUO isn't other games.. it's DCUO... don't like the way DCUO is done... no one is making you play or pay.
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  4. GrumpySnot New Player

    If an when i get kicked for my powerset, i put them on ignore. If they dont need me, i dont need them.
  5. Grees New Player

    Yes you can have a total of 4 lairs per toon and 16 armories.
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  6. Vulpis New Player

    You *have* to buy one to make them of any real use at all. It's a money grab.
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  7. Oel Em Well-Known Player

    We want the game to succeed, thats why we play. We want to feel valued, not have everything handed to us. We want the game to grow, so we support it with our money and all we really want in return for that support is a fair pricing system. Far more comments lean towards this mentality in the forum.

    Nut shell is this:

    We are glad we are getting armories, they are nice and we appreciate the time and effort devs put forth to make them. The pricing does not seem to fit based on what we, the customers, see as its value. We are voicing our concerns not for freebies, but because we want to give them our money.

    I give money to reputable charities that I look into because I know there is value in the money I donate and that it will go to good use. I dont just stand on a bridge and dump $20's on random strangers and hope that it goes to the homeless because that would be reckless spending with no benefit.
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  8. Vulpis New Player

    On the flip side, a single texture map for a Lair is apparently *also* worth the same as all of that.
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  9. SuperBell Loyal Player

    Of course they'll make a profit. Canadian Justice's is still too high. Only one dollar less for 8 and 15 pack than what they have now.
  10. Grees New Player

    I agree with some in here that the pricing is a bit of sticker shock. Before this posting we had discussed this in league everyone was expecting between $3 to 5 each. Figure you'd get a few just buying one or two for the $5 and then wait for a sale and pick them up for either a 30 or 50% sale. If they are doing this scaling thing it should probably be One for $5 Five for $20 ten for $30 fifteen for $37.50 that I think would have been more on par with most items they usually add.
  11. Canadian Justice Committed Player

    Exactly. This isn't a simple I can't afford it issue. This is an I refuse to spend this much issue. I can see how some may see the situations as interchangeable but they are vastly different.

    If there was some sort of super armory for $25 that would let you save a power respec I would have no issue with the cost, the value would be incredible. I'd likely get a few on CJ. I want to spend money here, I really do but at these prices I just can't do it.
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  12. John New Player

    LOL the devs finessing yall foreal now
  13. thenewkidd New Player

    had DCUO ever changed their prices on anything in the past? (not sarcasm, this is a real question).

    There is "complaining"... and then there is action... and only time will tell when there is actual data to support what is being claimed here..
    Most of DCUO is NOT on the forums so DCUO will not be able to judge fairly if the price is good or bad.

    on the whole I agree with what you are saying.. I really do.
    However.. I have my addictions and I'm going to get my armories when they first come out...

    that said... just because there is a price doesn't mean it won't change in the future... If I sell a candy bar at 100$ and I only get one customer in a month.. well I just made 100$... BUT if I then change the price to 1$ per candy bar and sell 10,000... I just made 10,000$ in that same month.

    Same thing with the armories... (and the only way they will know this is when the launch happens)... if they are selling the armories at 8$ per armory and they see that a LARGE percent of the DCUO population aren't going for it... I suspect the price will change.. and if they change it to 5$ per armory and then MOST of the DCUO population goes for it... well.. you see where I'm going with this...

    I might be the poor sap paying 100$ for my candy bar.. but I really love my Snickers ;)
  14. Doc Holliday New Player

    I hope this is addressed during today's rage live stream.

    After all armories were originally announced to be part of a DLC. Then it changed to we will through it in an update to now it's just a hotfix but oh yeah we will charge $8 a pop.

    How did this happen?

    And I bet that 3 month old thread requesting that legendary members receive two free armories as a perk is wanting to state, "I told you so, you should have bumped me more often so the Devs would have read me. ".
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  15. GrumpySnot New Player

    Everyone, just needs to relax. Since this is real money, apply it as so. If you cant afford it, either save or do without.
    I will be buying numberous armories, between my wife an my self.

    If all else fails, go to your boss an ask for a raise... And tell them why you need it so bad.

    Or ask for an allowance increase.
    Or take out a loan.. very simple
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  16. Remander Steadfast Player

    1) It won't be, and I don't expect it to be, TBH.

    2) It's obvious that they saw the higher revenue potential in selling them piecemeal, and I'm okay with that. I just take issue with the pricing as it stands.
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  17. SethZoulMonEl 10000 Post Club

    The developers spent time and resources to develop the armories for us. It makes sense that they cost enough money to offset the costs for that time and the resources. I would bet that they did not spend nearly the same resources or time to develop equipment modifiers or recovery kits for those modifiers. It's a very different situation.

    That said, I still think the cost is not attractive at all. 1 for $6, 3 for $15 or 4 for $20, 8 for $32, 16 for $50 would have been more attractive to me. I'd be ecstatic if they had a 2 for $10 offer.
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  18. WockaFlockaPhil Dedicated Player

    This doesn't sit well with me. I can afford these easily but, can't be asked to pay at these prices when they don't really add anything other than a convenience.

    Either way, I would hope SOE would learn from Capcom and what happened when they started gouging.
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  19. Jamie New Player

    But here is why I feel that it is fundamentally different - the dev's tweak power sets all of the time in order to try balancing them. They don't generally tweak items. Since some powersets are known to struggle in some areas people are more willing to assume that you are going to struggle if you are using 1 of those powersets. This can change at a moments notice.

    Items typically have a set impact. When people see that you do not have the items that they feel are important then they know that you are not taking advantage of the tools available to you. I understand your view but still feel that the tokens are armories are very different items. If you need help running content and are on the US PS servers let me know. I have no issues running with sorcery DPS.
  20. Canadian Justice Committed Player

    I don't see how this can be left much longer than the livestream. There is far too much negativity in this thread to be ignored, dragging it on for days on end will only allow anger to simmer and rage to grow (pun fully intended as always).
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