2014 PC Legendary Membership Benefits Update - UPDATED

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by RadarX, Jan 2, 2014.

  1. Ice Clown New Player

    Another perk for legendary, in my opinion is legendary can still buy DLCs. I hate it when there's a 50% off sell with DLCs in it and I can't buy it since I was legendary. I mean like I suscribed to your game, I should be able to enjoy the 50% off sell too. (Just a request!)
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  2. TerryRuiz New Player

    seriously!!!!!! you guys complain about everything. i have no clue what the costs are to run the games come up with new stuff maintain the severs pay everyone and who knows what other costs their are. but im sure they cant keep up with everything on just what us legendary members pay monthly. and now all access as well. stop crying and shell out for the armories. GO DCUO!!!!! GO SONY!!!!! YOU GUYS ARE DOING AN AWESOME JOB AND SOME OF US LOVE THE REASONABLE PRICES :)
  3. BumblingB I got better.

    You can always buy a DLC even if you are currently subscribed. But you have to go through their website to buy it. You can't use the MP.
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  4. Ice Clown New Player

    By the way will the 10% off deal in marketplace stack with 50% off sale making it 60% off?
  5. Oberon New Player

    Personally I don't like the new change, but it seems that DCUO is getting the better deal than the other MMO games with SOE. I have a lifetime account so I was getting the 500 SC a month - and really haven't had time to play lately. I will just ensure to log on once a month so I still get my special credit.

    haha, just notice it has me as a new member:) - even though I have been with this game since the 1st month:)
  6. Buckley Loyal Player

    If all the games are going under one sub, maybe there is going to be an increase in MP items and cost there of(we really need some new stuff in the MP in DC..style stuff).
  7. scotv453 Well-Known Player

    I like the changes. As long as I can still buy the same things in any SoE game using the universal currency (as I am doing now) I am on board.
  8. scotv453 Well-Known Player

    I am the same way. I still have my toons on ps side (where I started) with the -NML tags. I won't change it one bit. But I haven't been posting much, just a browser.
  9. Slither New Player

    I do have one concern I would like addressed. If we have access to all other SOE games (I understand the -12 ones are excluded) then is there a way to track active accounts on all the games. I love the idea of being able to try out all your games but my game of choice is DCUO and I do not want the higher ups at SOE to think they can use the money this game is getting and spend it willy nilly for bigger projects like EQNext.

    I do believe I speak for the rest of our small humble community when I say we want the full resources allocated to this game worth every person that plays it. At the end of the day, this is our game, no matter which one we happen to try out, and I do not want anything to happen to the resources the devs of this game use to make it what it is.
  10. Darsch New Player

    The problem is they can spend willy nilly on eq next, all the games under the SOE portfolio line the same coffer with their revenue and gets funded from the same coffer. Its not like EA with multiple studios under its belt, taking money from a Bioware game to make a Dice game. It is more like the money earned from a big-mac at McDonald's also fund the cost of making the french fries that are offered with it.

    While I like that my all access pass is now going to cost me 5 dollars less a month, I preferred getting something with upto 2000sc value in each game I logged into instead of a flat 500 sc every month. That 10 percent discount is not very much, 25% or 50% would be a much better deal to turn heads considering there are many features available it multiple games that even require subscribers to spend an extra 40-45 dollars USD to unlock.

    As far as DCUO goes for PC it seems nothing has changed. Before it was going to be 500 loyalty points instead of station cash, now its back to being station cash, but with a 10 percent discount which is cool for most, but 10 percent of 500 is only 50 and 10% of 1000 is only 100, does not seem like very much now does it.

    Lets see how much more this gets changed in the coming days.
  11. Liongale Dedicated Player

    This is pretty cool. We might get people who subscribe to other games who might hop over to DC and stick around. And I can get some extra perks in Free Realms that I've been twiddling with, and I'm sure it'll make my friends who also play Planetside 2 happy.

    I think it's nice.
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  12. The dark knight New Player

    and this
    are contradictory.
    Either it's important, or it's minor. It cannot be both at the same time.
    in my eyes this is a clear downgrade for PC players while we still pay the same amount of money.
    This is unfair. As long as we pay, we should get the whole benefits no matter if we're logged in or not. Of course, I wouldn't mind if you made it so that we get our money back for the month(s) we're not logged in.
  13. Korvyne Committed Player

    Hold on, so Im legendary now with around 3 or 4 months left on my 6mo sub, if this were to take effect now, I'd have to pay more money to remain subbed for the full 6 months for the one and only soe game I play, and have time to play?
    Sorry I dont understand.
  14. Sore Steadfast Player

    My understanding is that the multi-month discounts would still exist. It would be the same pricing you're used to today.
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  15. Darsch New Player

    no, your current rate would give you gold/legendary access to the other games, no increase in price for you.
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  16. Korvyne Committed Player

    Thank you Sore and Darsch.
    Ok Soe, you may proceed with the plan ;)
  17. Darsch New Player

    Np, glad to help :)
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  18. BigAl Devoted Player

    If you have a life altering occurrence, maybe the game shouldn't be your first choice of things to do o_O . In most circumstances, there should be no problem logging in once during a 30 day period.
  19. scotv453 Well-Known Player

    I can see if they said you had to log in every day. Or maybe even once a week. But you have a month to log in. I can't fathom what you have so important to sub for a game, and not log in for 30 days, unless you died.
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  20. The dark knight New Player

    p.e. if there's a problem with your computer and you send it in to get it fixed under your warranty. It might take longer than 30 days.
    It did in my case when I sent my laptop in. It took almost 2 months until I got it back. And I already was a subscribing member back then. I would've been really pissed off if I hadn't recieved my full membership benefits despite paying in full.
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