Fire Tank Improvement

Discussion in 'War Room (Powers, Artifacts, & Builds)' started by ApolloMystique, Nov 22, 2013.

  1. Jamie New Player

    But what you are ignoring is that when the tank is not blocking they lose very little of their defense boost. When a fire tank comes out of block they lose about half of their defense. If they do not come out of block often enough they lose their health bonus. An Ice tank not blocking is not nearly as bad a fire not blocking. Fire's heals are nothing but a bad joke in the T5 raids. You're better off relying on the healers and only using flashpoint as needed to keep aggro. The rest of the time fire should be blocking or they are risking a quick death.
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  2. ApolloMystique New Player

    ^^^He is correct
  3. Dump Truck New Player

    The problem is not the mechanics, it is that most fire tanks do not know when to come out of block, pop a power, and return to it. For Nexus and Paradox, it is not when your timer is up but when the bosses give you a window to do so. 99% of fire tanks do not know this.
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  4. OGM_Madness New Player

    I like Fire. Too bad it feels like Devs are busy with other things and don't give Fire the attention it deserves.

    I would do some changes to it, but I know this won't happen any time soon.

    #1: Change Spontaneous Combustion with Stoke Flames in the Power Tree - It feels like the powers are misplaced. This will make some load-outs possible, since we won't waste so many points on powers we won't use.

    #2: Reduced Eternal Flames' Cost to 25% or 35% SC - It currently sits at 100% and it is a very bad SC. If it is to stay at 100%, then buff the hell out of it. If you compare the Ice Golem with EF, you will see how underpowered the SC is. Eternal Flame should be a Panic Button at 100%, right now, it is a waste of a power point (even though you might end up getting it anyway, due to the badly designed tree).

    #3: Take out the Candle head - Seriously, who asked for this? When I think bad-*** flames, I think Johnny Storm, not Ghost Rider.

    #4: Make Self-Heals better - After trying Dox with a Self-heal tank build I had to say: wow, this sucks. It is very weak and unreliable.

    #5: Give us immunity - Let us pick up fallen mates, or at least attempt to. Burnout kind of does, but I wish this was expanded. It could work as a pseudo-shield: you will still take damage, but you won't be pushed around like a rag-doll.

    #6: Shorter Cooldowns, Shorter Animations - Phase Dodging is crazy good for a Fire Tank and I have actually change movements just to try it out and I love it, but I feel like relying on Speed Trees to compensate is a sign of a bad Power design.

    #7: Far Range Pulls - Again, I feel like relying on Speed Trees to compensate is a sign of a bad Power design. As it stands, Fire needs to go for Iconic Lasso or Movement pull in order to get this tool. Backdraft is a cool pull, but we need to fish those single adds that get away somehow!

    Agree? Disagree? Discuss!
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  5. Lucaefor New Player

    I'm enjoying Fire, although as a longtime controller it makes me feel guilty to be so spammy. But then I do this to keep aggro and ease pressure on the healers so trollers must be understanding.

    Only a week and a half old and I'm actually very impressed with the powerset's performance. Possibly Fireball and Meteor could do with a tweak in terms of grabbing aggro. The number of interruptible powers is imho ridiculous and this is the area I would look to improve in.
  6. Derio 15000 Post Club

    Or they could just give fire 1 shield in its tree.
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  7. TrueOlympus New Player

    I simply don't want a shield... nor does it makes sense from a logic standpoint. Ever see the human torch make a shield?

    I THINK NOT!!!
  8. OGM_Madness New Player

    I don't want a shield, but making Burning Determination give you immunity for control effects for 6 seconds and giving it a 12 seconds cooldown would put it on par with Ice.

    Like example, someone falls near you, pop Burning Determination, you'll get the life buff and you will flash for a few seconds. While flashing, you can still get hurt, but it won't interrupt you picking up someone.
  9. Jamie New Player

    But the real issue is that you have to learn when it is safe to come out of the block and there will be many deaths because of learning. If you are new to the raid you better make some forgiving friends or you will be kicked until you learn all of the tells. Unfortunately the only good way to learn the tells is by running the raids. So you have unforgiving mechanics with a community that is generally unforgiving and that spells disaster for most fire tanks.
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  10. Dogico Loyal Player

    True, the community has its fair share of asshats but it's not all bad. Join/form a raid, let them know it's your first time tanking the content, and they'll be cool with it about 60% of the time in Nexus and maybe 20% in Wave. Maybe tank easier content as if it were a T5 raid for practice.
  11. 13igtyme Devoted Player

    I like that you bring up the point. Learning the raids can be hard. I know a few dozen ice tanks that died all the time learning these raids. So were in the bad pug community is there an imbalance for fire tanks. Just because some players are mean doesn't mean fire is at any sort of disadvantage.
  12. MetalMario Loyal Player

    Agreed. I didn't have any trouble coming out of block and using weapon combos as a cr 91 fire tank in nexus. The only issues I had were when I waited too long to use a power and lost the tank buff.
  13. Black House New Player

    Tanks don't pick up, if your teammate is down near you, you move the boss/adds away..that's your job.
  14. Lacedog Loyal Player

    since the revamp, ive always thought spontaneous combustion and overheat should of been one power. meaning overheat would work the same as is, but with those spontaneous combustion's ticks. it would also act like sc now, meaning when your target dies, either you get the effect or it moves on to the next target.

    that would also allow for another power for fire. my preference would have been another tank power that would ease that burden on fire players, like reflection does for ice. not sure what that power would be, but it would make fire tanking that much easier, and open up a spot in most dps loadouts.
  15. Lacedog Loyal Player

    i agree with this, but its annoying as f%#@ trying to hit switches when out soloing and some add stops you. i can only hit dampening fields so often.
  16. GrumpySnot New Player

    Fire tanks are its own type. Doesnt need sheilds, doesnt need buffs, just learn it. Ask for help. Add me is you want.

  17. GrumpySnot New Player

    Every power does things different. Learn those, then there will be success. I love fire tanking, have been fire since i started.
    Add me if you want. Pff green latern ball. Pff superboy ball.
  18. Jamie New Player

    The imbalance is in the likelyness of success. Ice tanks can make many more mistakes and still survive.

    I've run Nexus with my league. They are a good group of people and are willing to teach. A few of our members change powers all of the time and have successfully tankes Nexus with all 3 tank powers. They agree that Ice is the easiest. These are people taht know what to do, know all of the tells, and have been running Nexus from the start.
  19. TheRealDeathern New Player

    I have a league mate with an alt fire tank around 90 CR, unmodded. We ran Nexus last night. Made it to last boss pretty easily. Had it not been so late, i'm sure we would have beatin the instance.

    There is nothing wrong with fire.
  20. Charlie Fantom New Player

    You cant use that as any example unless the entire group was also only 90 cr as well. The extremely well geared, probably nature healer is what you left out. Fire is so massively dependent on the healer not only being good but well geared. Ive watched equally geared Ice tanks out of block take hits that would kill my Fire tank. Ive beaten Nexus and Dox many time but, it took a heck of a lot longer before I was able to than it did ice tanks.