How do you, as trollers, feel about useless power burning?

Discussion in 'War Room (Powers, Artifacts, & Builds)' started by Aglorenzini, Oct 30, 2013.

  1. Aglorenzini Dedicated Player

    Someone is playing their role wrong, and if the game doesn't allow me to magically restore everyone's power to the maximum every second, they're the wrong ones. But yet they're too stubborn. The league solution is the only possible way to work this out, as I see.
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  2. Quantum Edge Steadfast Player

    As with most problems in life, communication is usually the solution.
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  3. MugenM422 New Player

    I must have been lucky, i've never been chastised for my Trolling, i always seem to be given really positive feedback, trying to focus myself on my role.

    The one problem i've had is my league telling me what weapon to use as a controller, i've read a guide on brawler HL controlling and from what i've tried it does a good job of comboing between my constructs and generating power for myself so i can Pot and Dump as well *** cc'ing and such, but they see it and just won't accept that it can help me to help them...
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  4. Solmes202 Loyal Player

    If it is a league run I expect my team mates to understand heir responsibility for power management and let them know if they are spamming. Truthfully it isn't a problem in my league as we have been together a long time. But I do pug a lot . I enjoy PUGGING and meeting new players. You never know what you might learn from a pug. When I AM PUGGING, though, I know what I've gotten myself into. I may very well have spammers. In that case I mention it once and then just do my best to power them as much as possible without shorting tanks or healers. I have never been kicked with this approach and have had very few snarky DPS encounters. On the rare occasions that someone gets rude , I just mute them.
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  5. undrline Issue Tracker Volunteer

    You sure you didn't get those roles reversed? It doesn't take much power to get aggro or pull ... the only other powers tanks really have to be using are to keep their damage mitigation up ... which shouldn't use more power than the dps's.

    Healers still need to re-establish HoTs, buffs, and passive heals for incoming damage, not just recovering damage dealt.

    I think it depends on the group. If I'm running lower tier content, I know that everyone's gonna stay alive, so I might throw on a DPS power or two so they don't have to struggle as much getting through it.

    I guess the question is how much power you have when you die. If you didn't die while juggled, I hope it was with just a sliver of power.

    As a troll, if anyone but the DPS's are scraping the bottom of the barrel, and power is appropriate for the tier of content, call them out. If the DPS's are the only ones scraping the bottom of the barrel, then it's okay to starve them a little, so that you have enough power to stop comboing and really pump recharge for the healers when things get rough. It doesn't mean you should be sitting on top of a full power bar to discipline them, it means that DPS's will adjust to the flow of power they receive.
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  6. Lucaefor New Player

    ** Instant power goes to the three group members with the lowest power**

    Are comprised of up to four players, the controller's instant power will always go to the other three group members. Therefore if one member uses power eg. the DPS then the other members should use power as well otherwise power will be wasted when the controller dumps.

    Are comprised of up to eight players, therefore only three members will receive power from instant dump. It is the controller's responsibility to feed the healer, the healer's responsibility to heal the tank, the tank's responsibility to take damage for the team. You must always ensure you have at least two dumps of power for situations when the healer needs it. If the DPS are dry and you, the controller, are at 1/3 power bar you must either do one of two things a) reserve the power for the healer and not dump, or b) dump and drink a soda. If the DPS want more power and demand you give it to them, if you feel it would put the team at risk then ask them to drink soda or use a supply drop for more power and explain you need to reserve power for the healer.

    Q. Should I dump for the DPS or not?
    A. Check the scorecard for DPS damage out from time to time. If the DPS is high then Yes, otherwise No. It must be stressed a good DPS can save everyone a lot of time and pain completing content no matter how hard they burn. Also be aware if one DPS is hogging all the enemies the others may look poor in damage out comparison, you shouldn't kick or make judgements about their competance as players because of this.
  7. Zicorahk Well-Known Player

    I take every pug group and league run content as a challenge to distribute power. I've been able to solo troll many instances up to Nexus, (have not yet attempted Paradox :p). That way when someone tells me, "Zic, I'm might based so I use a lot of power", I proudly say, "I don't know what that means".
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  8. Anhur Committed Player

    This - "power burning" is not in itself bad if the player(s) in question is converting it to do their role very effectively.

    In my own case I play damage, my role is to churn out as much damage as possible - if I have power to use an ability, it is getting used - imagine that in PW with 4 damage players, our bars are always at less than a third full, the Controllers are working overtime to keep us powered - and yet we are doing 3 sub-bosses in a 30 minute run.

    The issues are with the players who lack the ability to alter their load-out or actions when they witness the Controller is not able to juice them, or the Controllers who hit PoT and think that is sufficient.
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  9. Torikumu 10000 Post Club

    I'm fine with every bodies power consumption levels until they begin complaining and telling me how to do my job.
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  10. Poo New Player

    Get rid of the scoreboard... problem solved!

    DPS will always do this to get as high as possible on the board. I now have to do this to justify myself in the higher content. It's a crappy system!
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  11. Gotcha Girl Well-Known Player

    That wouldn't solve the problem. For example, Healers that use their power to do damage don't honestly think they're going to do more damage than the DPS, they're doing it to finish the content as quickly as possible even it means not having any power left over to heal and the same goes for tanks as well as the DPS. If players learned how to manage their power, the problem would be solved.
  12. Delta795 New Player

    In T5 if things are dying and run is smooth, I'll churn out the power needed to keep up the burn and heals. It's only when this is not happening that I will look to find if there is a problem. Most of the time it's pretty obvious where the weakness is (DPS I'm looking at you)
    I will bring it up politely and see if it can get corrected. If it continues then it's likely your gonna get booted. Keep in mind I run the T5 raids with league or people I know well.

    T4 and below for me is fun time...and I really don't care if Cpt. pew pew has power or not. As long as healers and tank get the power then they DPS can use a weapon to regen.

    It's simple yet effective
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  13. Aglorenzini Dedicated Player

    If I die with my healer, it's because there wasn't anything left to do, power and SC empty.
    Now what I said that about dps and tank is because I mostly see tanks burning their power, but it's normal, they make a initial move and try to keep the ads attention on themselves.
    Now, I have a HL dps and sometimes I start doing HL combos, then I switch to weapon, then HL. What I look for is 2 things: deal damage and not be a burden.
  14. MetalMario Loyal Player

    I mostly agree with this but I don't see why people keep saying they should prioritize the healer (or tank, which you didn't say) for power. Healers require little power if they're decent, and they also have sodas. When I'm healing my soda is always ready in case of an emergency, as is a supply drop, which I try to either put on a dps, troller, or as close to as many people as possible. Healers (and tanks) only need a set amount of power to do their job. DPS, if decent, can usually use more power to help the group more. In alerts I can always use more power than a troller can provide.

    In regards to the OP: In an alert it depends on how bad it is. If there's a healer/tank wasting power I don't care. Power over time is good enough for them to do their job, but usually the DPS need more power dumps so it's not like they're doing anyone any favors by not using it. If the DPS has a damage/power ratio that's less than 3x as good as mine (as the troller) I go dps instead of continuing to waste my efforts trolling. If one dps is good and one is bad I treat the bad one as being 100% full all the time and continue as I would.

    My vit is kind of low for raids so I usually end up healing or dpsing. I'd probably ignore it unless it became and issue or people complained.
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  15. undrline Issue Tracker Volunteer

    In general, throwing a power creates aggro. One cast. A tank need not empty their power bar to keep the adds' attention. Backdraft does use a lot of power for a pull, probably because it's also a self-heal that keeps their health (read: damage mitigation) up. In most cases, spamming pulls and spamming powers is a sign of a bad tank. It should not be normal for a tank to use more power than a dps.
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  16. jessiejames4211 New Player

    haha give us power u don't want to give me a power as dps ill pop a soda then my supply drop ( ill pop my saupply drop right on top of u so u have no excuse :) )

    im gadgets I eat power for breakfast if im in dox I expect power to burn because if I don't burn im getting booted from the group and trolls are the first people to say someone is not burning ,,
  17. X-zero Loyal Player

    Some people do think controllers are just their personal batteries. I mean have you seen the new commercial advertising Quantum.

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  18. randomkeyhits Dedicated Player

    Very true and in lower level content I've taken it a bit further with my fire tank too.

    Napalm Atomizer II to get them cooking then fiery weapon to keep taunt and a cheap self heal, of course if someone else is cooking them I save myself some atomizers.

    Pulls and such are there for when they are needed of course but I find that much of the time holding the aggro is more than enough to keep the adds away from the rest of the team.
  19. Poo New Player

    Yep. Because of the scoreboard. Bane of this game. IMHO
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  20. PerfectLegend Dedicated Player

    I don't ask for anything more than having power over time consistently up, as well as the occasional power transfers/dumps.

    If a controller feels the need to pull their hair out because my bar is empty, then that sounds like a personal problem, especially if no one is complaining about power.

    I don't expect any special treatment, or priority, but that's just me.
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