How do you, as trollers, feel about useless power burning?

Discussion in 'War Room (Powers, Artifacts, & Builds)' started by Aglorenzini, Oct 30, 2013.

  1. Aglorenzini Dedicated Player

    OK, so I like trolling. Providing power and debuffing enemies, BUT, it is annoying and frustrating to recover the groups's power when one or more of the players are just wasting their blue bar.
    I ran an instance a few days ago where the dps was burning his whole power faster than the tank. And the healer was using his power all the time, even without us needing healing.
    I have a healer and I ONLY attack with my weapon. I save my power for healing and shielding (sometimes) and it's been working out just fine. My group only dies when I die and I almost never have my power bar under 50%.
    So, as trollers, what do you do? Let them without power, like a punishment? Sacrifice all of your power to recover them until everyone's out of power?
    People should know more about using their powers.
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  2. Frozen Lightning Active Player

    Throw a PoT and leave them with that :p
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  3. Spoofer New Player

    I guess it all depends on the content.
    If its a hard content I'd focus on the healer and the tank but if its an easy content I'd take that DPS as a challenge and try to keep him full.
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  4. Faded Killa Level 30

    I usually tell the group they are wasting power unnecessarily and if they continue to i will stop power dumping and just throw p.o.t. Then either they adjust or they keep doing it and in which case i excuse my self, and i tell them why im excusing myself so they know. However if they adjust and stop wasting power unnecessarily i will go back to power dumping, cc, and debuffing.
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  5. Myrdin69 New Player

    i deal with it, that thing drive me crazy in paradox when dps burn there power to the paradox sentry with his shield on
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  6. 13igtyme Devoted Player

    Find a league.
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  7. Jurgen Blitz Dedicated Player

    It furstrates me a lot. I actually had relatively more fun in the early tier alerts than in the big raid where sometimes people behave like "OMG we must ABSOLUTELY do this as fast as possible even if there is no speedfeat or we have it!".

    Plus, to me, this creates a paradox. People complain about content not being enjoyable enough, not long enough... yet they want to streamroll through everything new as fast as they can. Using us as self-replenishing Duracell batteries, that is.

    When I actually stumble across a group that is more power-efficient, that know how to maximize the use of their weapons and powers instead of must smashing buttons... i feel blessed, and I can go back to the real purpose of a troll: to keep the battlefield relatively contained, watch that my teammates donĀ“t get attacked from the back or by surprise, all of this while replenishing power.
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  8. randomkeyhits Dedicated Player

    I just continue to play the game, keep enough power to ensure pot never drops, CC the adds where I have to and give power dumps when I can. DPS who can flush their bar in 2.6 milliseconds have had to deal with empty bars since forever so what difference does it make today?

    My only real complaint is with the newer content the DPS who has to charge ahead to trigger the next cut scene before I can hit a fresh pot to make the most of it.
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  9. Aglorenzini Dedicated Player

    Sometimes I feel like just throwing a PoT and leaving them by their own, but then I think "I could do that, but I'd suffer with that as well". It sucks. I also don't like leaving instances, I only leave them after dying a few times.
    I just got my headset, now I can tell them to stop doing that. But it really sucks.
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  10. dyslexia Active Player

    Power spammers have reduced the role in their definition to battery.
    Whenever I say something its ends up in one of two situations:
    1) the power hungry dps mouths off & institutes a kick, which most times people see a pop up they just click without caring what it is.
    2) the power hungry dps mouths off & starts telling me "how to play my role" i.e. just give power...don't debuff , its a waste. To which I usually respond if they want a battery go raid their mothers nightstand for that "tool"( yes i'm being graphic because I don't care anymore & nothing is being done to improve the situation by the devs) Then I leave of my own accord.

    There are too many bad players that won't help the bad situation of power starvation that they have put themselves in.
    99% of the time those crying for "moar power" don't & won't use sodas to help, don't or won't use a supply drop( I've even seen dps cry for power that are too f'n stupid to roll through a supply drop & still cry for power)
    Btw these are the same people that are crying "where's all the trolls" in lfg when they are looking for an hour or more.
    These are the same people who are most likely off role control, i.e. hl, quantum, gadgets or mental "dps".
    They refuse to play the other side of their powers role & are just scoreboard chasers throwing blame on the controllers for their created problems.

    Until the devs step in & make changes to all of the powersets power costs, and or dramatically increase controllers vit this will never change. Most power hogs refuse to learn & use a weapon more, or misunderstand that only using rifle & spamming grenade launcher until they get their precious power back, is in fact not using a weapon, its being lazy.
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  11. Impact Prime New Player

    It's all about prioritising. Your role is to: give power, debuff, help the tank control adds if they miss any or go down.

    The order of priority changes based on the situation. If you're running an alert, debuffs are likely to be low priority. If you're running paradox then they are high priority. If there are no trash mobs, controlling them is irrelevant. If there are some, but the tank has them all packed together, then you take a back seat. If they are roaming (attacking non-tanks) then it depends on how strong the mob is. If they are strong, then cc'ing them becomes a higher priority.

    It is possible to do all of these things. It doesn't require a power efficient group - it certainly helps, but isn't required. You are the 'controller'. You control the power the group gets. If you deem it necessary to keep some back to be able to give power to the group when they really need it, or to do something else that is part of your role that you believe necessary at that point, then slow the recharging. If the healer is sensible, and the damagers are burning through their power bar but putting it to good use, then keep recharging so the instance continues to run smoothly.

    You're going to encounter all sorts of bad/inefficient players as you progress. It's the way of the MMO. Not everyone is capable, sensible, efficient, or even practical with regard to the role they wish to play. What you can get away with in tier 2 won't get you very far in t3. For example spamming Voltaic Bolt, or not clipping long weapon combos. As tiers progress, players should ideally change to suit their new stats and capabilities of the controllers tanks and healers of that tier, as well as the enemies they will face. Unfortunately many are late to adapt or don't adapt at all. My advice is to just stick it out until you meet some people of the same skill level, and run with them, and perhaps join a good league.
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  12. TheLoneLantern New Player

    Well, doing anything that's useless is bad...
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  13. Impact Prime New Player

    Sorry I should have written that better. I was directing it to players in tier 5 already. I should have said:
    If you're running content where your enemy does not heal or hit hard, then debuffing them is a low priority. If the damagers can burn through the trash you don't need to defence debuff them. Defence debuffing the bosses are your call. If you're running content that you don't out gear, and there are enemies that hit hard or heal, then debuff their damage, healing and defence. It's good to talk to the other controller(s) in the group to decide who is going to do which debuff.
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  14. Quantum Edge Steadfast Player

    It's been going on since Gates, so I don't care about it anymore. If it's a pug, I shrug my shoulders and do the best I can. If it's a league mate whose doing it, I'll take the time to work with him on his/her power use so we can both be better at our roles.

    DPS's who unload their blue at the first sign of an add are an indication of someone who doesn't understand the mechanics of the game, the amount of time I get in an alert isn't nearly enough time for me to go through it with them.
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  15. Autarkis77 New Player

    In general I focus on Healers/Tanks, followed by DPS then any other Controllers in order of priority.

    The way I look at it for the roles:

    DPS: I'll ensure they have enough power to throw one of their powers out, but if they continually keep their bar drained then they either have to adjust or live with an empty bar. Some players have a heavy initial rotation and if I see that and that they build up their bars up again then I will work with that.

    Tanks: I'm most lenient with tanks, but the ones who insist on using every power when they jump in as quick as they can are annoying. If the healer can keep them topped up I don't worry too much.

    Healers: Good lord they are often worse than DPS! With a DPS, at least they are doing (sometimes) decent/enough damage. But a healer that spams powers when everyone is full almost always find that when they need to heal, they have next to nothing because I simply can't dump enough outside of a SC. I don't care if one wants to try and do damage, but you can't ignore your primary role to try.

    Controllers: As long as they don't overwrite my PoT if I'm higher Vit, I don't care. If they drain their bars they can build it back up and I might throw a dump or two out.

    Having said that, if a player of any role is using a lot of power but not doing so uselessly, I'll do all I can to keep them afloat.
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  16. Quantum Edge Steadfast Player

    I will say the one that really does annoy me though, and this is happening more and more frequently. A DPS who will chastise me for using my weapon, calling me, in one case, a "wannabe DPS", obviously not knowing that weapon use recharges my power.

    A DPS who does that needs to be sent back up to the spaceship and stripped of their gear.
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  17. Gotcha Girl Well-Known Player

    Despite the amount of people that may disagree with me, this is the best way to respond to the problem regardless of how much you want to do the instance. Issues like these will only continue as long as controllers allow them to.

    I couldn't disagree anymore with that move. Each role requires skill to play well; going down this path only makes it easier which in turn reduces the challenge of the game. Players simply need to learn power management.
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  18. Aglorenzini Dedicated Player

    You never know how it is to be a troller until you're a troller.
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  19. Quantum Edge Steadfast Player

    I agree, increasing Vit and the power available will only exacerbate the problem. As soon as some DPS's hear that vit available has gone up, they'll just burn more power.

    One of the arguments for SP inspection is that a player with more skill points will have access to more combos and be able to refresh their own power faster. Therein lies the difference between a "beast" DPS and a "veteran" DPS. In my world anyway.
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  20. dyslexia Active Player

    I've been control since day 1, you can disagree with me all you want, but there is no other option.
    No matter what's said or done to power spammers, they never learn or adapt.
    They kick 1st ask for another controller later.
    I have yet to see anyone but myself running in dps stance that uses the replenishing ht mod or the chest mod, all they do is throw powers at a target regardless of the rest of the team.
    I also know 1st hand being in a league does nothing but have the power spammers talk behind your back instead.
    If it's pug, they generally complain openly, if it's league they send tells to each other with snide comments.

    There is no simply learning, or teaching spammers, much the same as we get told "just give power", they don't want to hear that they are in fact the ones playing their role wrong.
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