Can you Remember All the Leagues you were in ?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Dark Horus, Oct 23, 2013.

  1. Notangie New Player

    longer than I should have...the reason I left: I heard in league chat that someone found the blue toothbrush (when HT was new-ish) and was willing to give it to a league member. That's cool, but the guy who said 'I'll take it' was uber rich with in-game currency taking freebies from someone whose entire amount of in-game currency was less than what this collection was worth...that just seemed so dirty.
  2. Dee Pius New Player

    Black Armada,

    Sinister Armada,


    Killmob Elite,

    Perfect Legends,

    One Piece,

    nocturnal killers,

    Prime Battlegroup,

    Dikk Stretchers,


    Raid Ready,

    Pure Malevolence,

    Gods Image(cant remember exact name)....

    Quite a few more, i can't remember the name of, but those are the ones deserving Honorable Mention.
  3. Tikkun Loyal Player

    Been playing since launch and Legion Legends is the only one to catch my attention. I've been with them coming up on a year now. They're like my second family.
  4. TheRealDeathern New Player

    Doesn't sound like something I would want to be a part of either. You made a good choice it seems. I try and do for others, not have them do for me.
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  5. Robot Superpatriot New Player

    Legion Of Sin
    Serious Business
    Meta Justice
    Dream Team
    Philippine Patriots
    2Dads 1iPad
    Gorilla Leather
    The Replacements
  6. MetaMax75 Devoted Player

    In order:
    Gotham Knights
    Dream Team
    Ultimate Legion
    Murphy AD
    The Rebels
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  7. KHALONofOGUN 10000 Post Club

    Yeah...that is pretty dirty.
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  8. MetaMax75 Devoted Player

    So how much gravy would you say SP slurped a day when you were in the Replacements with him?
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  9. Breakforce Loyal Player

    They are alright..... I suppose
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  10. Starbrand Dedicated Player

    I want to see AirsupremeĀ“s list :)

    While, me, just 4:

    AllStars (1st 30 days, back in 2011)
    Dark Abyss (they taught me how to play)

    and, now...

    Catalyst (friendliest league ever, great guys :) )
    Disorderly Conduct (they are pretty good in all roles, I am a noob player compared to them)
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  11. MetaMax75 Devoted Player

    Hey I didn't realize you were from NML. We should hang out with our emblems on some day.
  12. MetaMax75 Devoted Player

    I also founded Brodeo, but only had a low level alt in it - for ninja inviting noobs.
    All ninja invite leagues are fun. To make.
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  13. Robot Superpatriot New Player

    So much that it's statistically a miracle that he didn't stroke out
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  14. Quantum Edge Steadfast Player

    Chains of Pain
    Sword of Akira
    Excalibur's edge
    Me and My ninjas
    -(I can't remember the name of this league, all I can remember about them is they tossed me for having a cigarette between alerts, not going off to have a cigarette, just for having one)
    Delta Corps
  15. MetaMax75 Devoted Player

    Was this more or less than when you were in Meta Justice together (BTW we we're in buddy leagues Dream Team/Meta Justice!)
  16. Drathmor Unwavering Player

    I was in one for the majority of the game until it fell apart Blazed Crusaders or Blazed Evil as villain a great group of people that I truly miss. and now

    my Hero is in The Rebels
    my Villain is in Perfect Legends
    both really fun leagues with good people to hang with

    back during crisis days I had one toon in a PVP league
    The Fallen - were I learned how to pvp on villains since the hero ques were too long
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  17. Void cell Well-Known Player

    Fan service, key, fanboys
  18. Drathmor Unwavering Player

    ahh black armada grabed you off the ship i bet huh Zod
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  19. MetaMax75 Devoted Player

    Red Krampon wanted me to tell you guys he was in the Unilateral Lasers - always fire all barrels! And then the Rebels.
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  20. Mint Stiletto Loyal Player

    "Midnight Madness" which became "WeDareYou" and was great fun for a good while and I made some great friends there(most of whom are no longer around) but it then split into 2 leagues that are now gone.
    I bailed when the split happened and formed a league of my own "ScienceNinjaTeam", SNT has very strict member requirements, if you aren't a huge green chick named Mint Stiletto you can't join;). Having this policy has made for a long term hassle free league where there is never any problems of any kind. Tho new raids are a bit tough to get done.:p
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