The next tank power!

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by razor Red, Aug 3, 2013.

  1. razor Red New Player

    I know everyone is wondering what the next tank power will be now that we know about the healing power.

    Here's what i know DLC 9 is suppose to be green lantern based and will introduce blue lanterns will be introduced but i don't think that blue lantern will the the next power. I personally have been wanting water since launch but it looks like it will not happen. What do you think?

    P.S the order in which dlc's are released is not yet confirmed.
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  2. ElectricPhoton New Player

    Why does everyone think that the next power is lantern? Have you not seen the other stories to the Arc with the Amazons?( What, are you gonna tell me theres be an Amazonian powerset next huh?) Theres never been a time where 2 powers have been confirmed simultaneously.
    What makes you think it is now just because of the Lanterns.

    If you guys haven't noticed, I really want to make a [IMG] in this game.
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  3. Galklife Dragon New Player

    Even though it would be neat to have a lantern power that focused on the more defensive aspects of hard light, so far all the tanking powersets have been made from the natural elements (Earth, fire , ice) and Caartoons have taught me that we'll still need Wind and Heart Tanking powesets before we can summon Captain Hardlight Planet.
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  4. BigAl Devoted Player

    There is the format already in game for such a power. The Raven mission at the 10th Precinct. While you fight whatever version of Raven you meet, Trigon throws a dark energy vortex at you.
    Aside from that, I don't think the tank set will be lantern-inspired.
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  5. ElectricPhoton New Player

    Thanks, so it's basically in game already, But.... How about in the Air powerset, a Tornado absorbs all other natural powers to strengthen it.( If theres an Ice and Wind toon letting off their supercharges Blizzard and Tornado, the Blizzard mixes in with the tornado to make an ice tornado which combines the two powers for a Special Power Interaction, same thing with Fire and Earth.)
    Wind will give you the option to throw enemies high into the air easily.

    This is way better than some reskin into blow dryer constructs.
  6. razor Red New Player

    I said i don't think the next power will be lantern based but i'll let you continue your rampage.
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  7. razor Red New Player

    But it really is something to think about the next tank power is needed and dlc 9 is war of light.
  8. jpharrah1010 Steadfast Player

    no thanks to another elemental tank power set.... just cause so far there is a theme doesnt make it the rule... im hoping for a physical "might mastery" "super strength" type power set.... there is no set standard for the other two support classes so i dont think tanks should have to follow a theme... gadgets mental quantum hard light i dont really see much of a common theme..... electricity sorcery and nature dont really share a theme now sorc and celestial are the same yes but thats only two out of 4 .... i think its ok for tank to break the standard now and im really hoping thats the case...

    personally if we are getting a lantern power for a tank..then yes id like either white or blue being the tank power set.... but if its not either of those id rather not a tank power set...

    i have personally always been partial to characters like superman/wonder woman/ captain america/ the hulk.... all of which are physically strong and durable with out having to be some kind of elemental power....

    so devs if you are reading this keep in mind not every one who wants to be a tank wants to have heads on fire / ice spikes all over their body/ rock hands / being placed on our body some of us want it to be more of a physical energy created within
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  9. Phantasy2013 Dedicated Player

    Would be nice if the was a mechanic that allowed two or more players to combine their powers for one MASSIVE ATTACK. Fusion Attacks would be awesome but completely off topic lol.
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  10. ElectricPhoton New Player

    Like what I said before? yeah it'll be awesome but the power interactions are sort of limited right now.
  11. isamunore New Player

    the next tank power is not needed, and there's no way that a light based power is going to be a tank. There's absolutely nothing tanky about blue lanterns
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  12. BrotherMutant New Player

    Use flight tree. Or the OTHER aftershock from Earth. I want my Blue Lantern tank.
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  13. Phantasy2013 Dedicated Player

    Similar to what you and others have stated lol. But all in all that would be a awesome dynamic added to the game and its limited for now but nothing wrong for devs to start looking into this for the future combat mechanics of DCUO.
  14. BrotherMutant New Player

    Dude, what are they gonna do? Make all lantern sets trollers? Who would pay for that crap. It makes the MOST sense that they will release a lantern (or lanterns) powerset for each role, one for troller already, next tank, eventually a healer class.
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  15. General Zod 10000 Post Club

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  16. BrotherMutant New Player

    I would love a Might/Superstrength set too. Sadly, I don't see it happening. What would our animations be? Flexing? Really?

    Sad as it is, Earth so far fits the role more than any other. Only REAL problem is the weird floating rocks around me to protect me. Other than that, I'm cool with Earth (for now).
  17. razor Red New Player

    I'm going to go with zod and say rainbow powers.
  18. GeoShock New Player

    Use GREEN or YELLOW and imagine it's blue .......... If anything blue would be a good healer set, I dont see it for tanking. Tank with the power of hope ? lol. Red lanterns wold fit much better for tanking.

    I would like to see wind or water as next tank power.
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  19. Azrael New Player

    i mean i couldn'[t imagine them NOT releasing a lantern power in a LANTERN DLC. - that is about the war of the lanterns and introducing blue lanterns. my bet is blue lantern - heroes and red lantern- villains
  20. Statman New Player

    I'm hoping the devs are much more creative for the tank power, than just giving us some more Lantern inspired powers. That'd be completely unoriginal.
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