Cant get game to load

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Circe, Jul 24, 2013.

  1. AV Loyal Player

    I got logged into the character creation screen as though my character never existed @_@ Scared the crap out of me, but I'm sure it's nothing.
  2. TDSK Committed Player

    Same here. Devs just posted on twitter they are working on it.
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  3. BaconCGM New Player

    Same here, glad to see they are looking into it. Gotham seemed to be unable to teleport to moments before the downage.
  4. Spaz Frost New Player

    So, How long will the servers be down?? we would like to know Mepps
  5. Apocalyptic Rain New Player

    I was just walking around & i dc'd & cant get back on!
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  6. BlackOpz Well-Known Player

    Got this one too. Just glad I got the POWERGIRL LSOD!!! my Lucky Day!!
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  7. TheMysticAngel New Player

    I feel sad. all i was doing was looking at my POT :(
  8. BaconCGM New Player

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  9. Wilder Midnight New Player

    before it was that sudden death or death lock. took about an hour for me to log back on.

    then i froze and now its saying i have an invalid sub etc etc etc.

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  10. Sho Tyme Well-Known Player

    I'm not shocked by this at all. When has there ever been a game update that was successful without a week of issues? Nothing new
  11. Dr LovexD New Player

    Mepps how long before shut down im downloading update 28 ahhhhh
  12. Motive New Player


    Just before I logged out I saw a load of people standing still with names that said "(DISCONNECTED) Name" and now I can't get back in.
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  13. GrimGhost New Player

    poop indeed
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  14. Daddio New Player

    DC Universe Online @DCUO
    All servers are being taken offline to resolve a technical issue. We will update with an estimated downtime when available. [Mepps]
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  15. x2TMx New Player

    I was in Nexus final boss with the league and the shields were active. We called out that it was going to pop and then bam! Everyone got dc'd lol Sucks but guess accidents happen. I also purchased a power respec token (getting ready for new healer power) but it did not appear in my inventory. Trying to find the support website but everything seems to be down.
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  16. Lanternius New Player

    I got the invalid subscription screen stuck on LSOD.
  17. Brandero New Player

    Yay, you guys have it too. :) I thought it was just me. I'm not happy you guys have it, just happy it's not just me.
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  18. Circe New Player

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  19. Circe New Player

    Yeah, I thought it was just my connection or my game was corrupt, so glad it wasn't a problem on my end!
  20. The Aerovenger Dedicated Player

    Was on nexus 4th boss. Defeated him and I dc before the loot came.
    Guess I'm going to get a nice mail from MEPPS with a nice troll ring. Thanks buddy :-D
    I was the third in our group to dc and not return.