Cant get game to load

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Circe, Jul 24, 2013.

  1. Circe New Player

    Am I the only one?
  2. DXLelouch New Player

    long loading screen that never ends?
    if so yea im getting that too
  3. Davis New Player

    No youre not the only one cant log on either been about 20 minutes its lsod then disconnects.
  4. BigDaddy14 Well-Known Player

    Can't get on either keep getting disconnect screen
  5. Circe New Player

    Yeah, LSOD stands for "Loading Screen of Death".
  6. General Zod 10000 Post Club

    Logged out to test this out...... and I got the LSOD. Curse you Circe! :mad:
    • Like x 2
  7. Little Sister New Player

    I'm online, but I can't even queue up for a Solo instance.

    I sense a restart coming...
    • Like x 1
  8. BigDaddy14 Well-Known Player

    It says invalid subscription on disconnect screen I know that is not right I just re upped
  9. BRITTENY Dedicated Player

    Long loading screen straight to the disconnected screen...

    Sad face
  10. DXLelouch New Player

    world down guys
  11. xoCiaraxo New Player

    Please fix this Devs.
  12. Circe New Player

    Glad to know it wasn't just me!
  13. Luthia1281 New Player

    Yeah I Just finished the iconic solo and it wouldnt let me leave instance :'(
  14. Red Skorpion Dedicated Player

    is that y it keeps telling me invalid subscription
  15. fiscus New Player

    After Update I cant get game to load stays on Connecting screen till it DC me from server?What did you guys F up?
  16. Treat New Player

    I get thrown off loading to a screen that says:
    Invalid Subscription
    You must be signed into your PSN account and connected to the online network to play

    I have a valid legendary sub, I am on PSN, o_O Are your servers broken?
  17. Greenman_x Steadfast Player

    Wouldn't let us out of a duo then DC'd into another DC that said "invalid subscription"..oh well, back to exploring the Capital Wasteland it is
  18. Ge0F0rce Well-Known Player

    Yea im getting it too this sucks lol
  19. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

    We are investigating.
    • Like x 6
  20. rymmx New Player

    It keeps happening to me atm.