USPC PVP Season Declaration

Discussion in 'Battle of the Legends (PvP)' started by Note Worthy, Jun 26, 2013.

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  1. The M New Player

    Never mentioned it was them, so i guess we can add them to the list.
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  2. Note Worthy New Player

    lmao too funny, i like this guy
  3. The M New Player

    ;) you are funny too.

    But why silverfreakk so intense? is he mad?
  4. Yallander Loyal Player

    And herein lies a perfect example of why we can't get a season started. This is a good idea but until everyone buys into it then that is all it will ever be. Sad because I am one the the biggest fans of competitive PvP in this game.
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  5. Note Worthy New Player

    lol i've never actually heard or seen him get angry so idk y people assume that. It's just that there are things he does not like in prmades just like everybody else. eventually we can overcome these differences and get some stuff going
  6. Note Worthy New Player

    as am i
  7. ObsidianChillSucks New Player

    No it appears just to be "that" league, im sure we can have a perfectly fine season with Icarry, If Silver thinks that a team that lets us all get off 5tap holds continually against them without forcing us to change our strat is the same as a team spamming supply drops and sidekicks to bail them out of a possible death, just like they did on FNL and most of our previous encounters with some of them then .... well... he's certainly not the player he thinks himself out to be lol
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  8. The M New Player

  9. Korrupt New Player

    I don't need a crutch to beat your team.
    I beat you and your league with a 45 SP healer called 1Little Bear1 that could barely speak english.
    Oh and that match I used 0 hometurf.
    But hometurf is in the game and I accepted it and evolved.

    Move along OC.

    BTW, anyone that's on villian side that knows 1Little Bear1 knows what I am talking about. She wasn't the most skilled player but I helped her enough to beat fami in 5s.

    So...... Little less talk and a lot more action. You beat me in 5s once out of many times I've crushed ya'll in 5s.

    Not to mention, this so called "beating us in 4s". Ya'll fought undergeared players and that's a fact.

    You obviously need a reminder who's the better league, queue 5s.
  10. ObsidianChillSucks New Player

    Oh you mean this tie game? yea you never won, nice memory tho. If you want to take a moral victory out of a tie that's your call. I know you can't see the bigger picture in why something that gives you 2k+ health and 1K+ power instantly and to anyone around you, plus a POT tick if you stand in it, plus a 50% dmg bonus to anyone around you would be detrimental to legitimacy of a pvp match, especially when there are 6+ dropping per match, but thats ok I wouldn't expect that from you.

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  11. The M New Player

    Megan Fox pvp´s? Never seen her =O

    Anyways, lots of excuses can be in a random match/screenshot, yet the one that counts is the one we were able to follow play by play:

    That match pretty much sums this thread. The other team panics, and start using supply drops (I saw like 3 in the 1st minutes of the match). Yet, well.. tsk tsk.. I see where all the hate from one team to another comes :D
  12. Korrupt New Player

    Yeah and we fought again and you LOST.

    You wanna know the funny part?

    RememberTheName is a 40SP alt (That is Alive). Little Bear has 45SP.

    ROFL you should of killed one of them.

    You see you want to post screenshots and not post the SECOND match. That's cool. All good.

    Either way you should have killed squishy players. None of them were fully geared or skill pointed.

  13. ObsidianChillSucks New Player

    Lol k if you want to make up some 2nd match that's cool, you do what you gotta do. Im sure every match you've ever lost always has some "2nd match" that you beasted us that seemed to never have happened, just in your own mind. Wasn't my job to kill stuff that match I was power trolling, how often does that happen now?
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  14. The M New Player

    GotwreckedScrub in FNL :rolleyes: , Ohh man this guy raged already =p
    See what i mean noteworthy?

    Listen, this guy always say excuses, etc.. yet ..well proof is there.. tried and put his best 5s in live and .. well had to change his name from getwreckedscrub and leave a league and go into thc.. like for the 100th time
  15. Korrupt New Player

    Regardless of facts,

    You failed to kill 40/45SP Toons that were in t3 versus a team of full t4 players.

    So sattle up and queue 5s tonight if you have the intestinal fortitude to do so.
  16. Korrupt New Player

    I don't know who's worse you or Xiro..

    Wait nevermind, you must be Xiro.

    Must be.
  17. Note Worthy New Player

    he never said anything about sidekicks, icarry is inactive pvp wise(only reason i left), idk y we arent fighting w/out hometurf to get this season started.
  18. The M New Player

    I don´t know why Silverfreakk is mad. Be like the 3rd or 4th best pvp uspc league is not that bad.
  19. The M New Player


  20. The M New Player

    Watch the 1st fight again, and say that your team don´t use hometurf.
    (jens laughing at it is priceless)

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