Update 25 videos - Odyssey

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Cold Fuzion, Apr 11, 2013.

  1. Bishop New Player

    Awesome videos guys, thanks for highlighting all this. Really looking forward to it, so many SPs to spend. I better get a move on.

    In agreement with Zizzi, is there any mod salvage on Test?

  2. Bishop New Player

    I can't post in Test forums, silly lockout, but I think the developers forgot that T4 content doesn't grant a monthly box. Otherwise there shouldn't be a disparity of 2x the cost, T3 was nothing that big a gap. Add a box, I'll be fine with it.

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  3. Radium Devoted Player

    Thats something that should definatly be put in now. With these changes it also make T4 widely available to Free and Premium now as well.

    Give monthly and weekly boxes now and it still gives a very big reason to still purchase DLC.
  4. Goony New Player

    ya know this whole talk about the cost of the gear going up, i seem to remeber something like this when they had the conversion for t3 gear and it was higher to get. does anyone know how many marks of triumph will now drop from the t4 missions. could it be like t3 they up the marks it rewards or it gives boxes, hmmm speculation time is a go
  5. Octantis New Player

    Well, solo T4, Inner Alert, and 4-Man Op gave 52 MoW in a 5-day time frame (62 if you do the Bot bounties). If the cost is to be doubled, that just means T4 will be collected every two weeks without Raiding. A little excessive, but not too bad considering that's just running 4 things every day.

    Definitely hoping for Reward Boxes finally.
  6. Tesseract Prime Dedicated Player

    This is very, very worrying.
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  7. uXix Committed Player

    Why is it worrying? This is actually a good thing IF it means the T5 raids are super hard and that this much is needed to complete them easily.

    But yea, the increase seems really big.
  8. Rebelyon New Player

    So it begins.... The endless shout of GLF Troll. Vit 1600+. PST...
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  9. Bishop New Player

    Well, scaling of Vitalization and restoration is hardly a representation of increased difficulty. It's pretty much a normal step up of each tiered content. I think what Tesseract is concerned by is possibly what this does to the role synergy. Does this possibly mean we could potentially have solo healers/trollers? 1700 Vit, whilst rare, is quite significant when 1400 "can" work alone already. There has already been a lot of discussion about how high Vit supersedes static power consumption.

    A scaling statistic that operates within static conditions?

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  10. Twisted Titan Committed Player

    Great work as always
  11. Tesseract Prime Dedicated Player

    The T5 raids should be completable with T4 gear, otherwise how would we ever get any marks? If we can complete them with T4 gear, then this massive increase is going to be silly.

    But mostly there are issues with increasing vitalisation this much, namely that there's a sweet spot at around 2k where you make more power than you need. Unless there are eye-drone style enemies in these raids, this much vita is not needed, which will only lead to solo troll groups like we have solo tank groups.

    Even if eye drone style enemies do exist in T5, they do not exist in the earlier tiers (except eye drones, obv). Trollers will be dumped in favour of more dps. And imagine, with how hard it is now getting into groups if you have less than 1k vita, how hard it will be when the norm is 1700+.
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  12. Statman New Player

    Has anyone run some Tier 4 content on the test server to see if this still runs true?
  13. uXix Committed Player

    Yes obviously they should be completable with T4 gear and i agree with everything you said.

    I guess i just want the new raids to be challenging and not see videos of speed feats within a few hours of release.
  14. Netstalker New Player

    For the T4 gear in update 25. The price isn't going up. They bumped the conversion to 125:1 from 65:1.
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  15. Sechuran Fox Dedicated Player

    Thanks for posting that. That pretty much relieves my concern with it.

    Edit: I should add that this should alleviate some of the rental headaches for some people too. So a big +1 to whoever decided to implement this.
  16. uXix Committed Player

    Fuzion can you show us the updated PvP feats please?
  17. Cold Fuzion New Player

    Yeah, im sure i can do that..

    I missed out legs and feet for healers on the video -




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  18. Cold Fuzion New Player

    Just had a quick look uXix and there doesn't seem to be any new feats - I pretty much have the basic ones there.
  19. uXix Committed Player

    Thanks for checking but i didn't mean new feats.

    They said they reduced the number of wins needed for feats for arenas/legends.
    The 250 win feats and the 100HQ win feats.
  20. Elusian Crowd Control

    As you can see on test only the first of those feats that is cut in half from 10 down to 5. So the chances are high that the 250 one is down to 125.
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