Worst Weapon & Most Irritating Weapon

Discussion in 'War Room (Powers, Artifacts, & Builds)' started by Sun Wu Kong, Apr 2, 2013.

  1. recespieces31 New Player

    worst weapon: Rifle
    Irritating weapon: Dual Pistols
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  2. Captain Just New Player

    Rifle has the best lunge of any weapon...

    Worst Weapon: Dual Pistols because of lack in damage
    Most Annoying: Dual Pistols because of constantly jumping around and lack of damage.
  3. 478874 Dedicated Player

    Honestly, I think all the weapons are good in their own ways, certainly some are less than optimal for DPS or for solo'ing content. I will say that the range weapons need a buff somehow though.
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  4. DrewCheech New Player

    Brawling is kinda boring, and it's damage isnt anywhere near as good as it was when the game was in beta, back then it was my favorite. Hand blasters look awesome, but seem to do the least amount of damage. 2 handed looks cool, but doesn't seem to pack enough punch.
    Melee I like martial arts and one handed
    Range I love the bow and duel pistols(even though full-auto does lame damage)
  5. Unknown New Player

    Hb has tap melee hold melee.
    Staff has 3xtap melee, hold melee
    Bow has tap range tap melee as well as the trick shots.
    Shield doesn't
  6. blklightning New Player

    Shield has ranged crowd control at a decent speed.
  7. SuperiorMouse New Player

    Handblasters. is the worst.
    • the character animations for the animations have very little "hand blasting" action in them.
    • most of the character animations have your character doing actions that are not representative of what you'd expect from this attack type. why does our character kick balls over their head at enemies? why do our characters jump into the air performing jacknifes or sommersaults while throwing balls? where is the two pointed hand blasts, the sustained two hand focus firing etc?
    • the visual fx for it are horrible. nothing wrong with the "kirby crackle" in theory but it homogenizes everyone's powerset into firing lasers regardless of their powerset. they could be using handblasters as flamethrowers, snow blowers, firing streams of hex bolts, energy blasts etc. depending on their powerset. instead everyone fires the same ugly (but recoloured) kirby crackle beam. using handblasters makes everyone that uses it look like they share the same powerset.
    Brawling. is the most annoying.
    • brawling gets difficult to control while flying. the ai/behaviour could be improved or something.
    • brawling is setup to limit diversity of character concepts in the game. it covers character animations that are associated with superstrength that could could be shifted into a dedicated physical powerset. the actions/functions would be better off with simple brawling (street fight) character animations so that street level fighting characters like WildCat could be better represented and a larger variety of characters could be covered.
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  8. Violent Lucidity New Player

    Yeah, but is there a cooler looking move than Dual Pistols Hold + Triangle where you can pose like Neo and shoot for infinity in every direction?
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  9. Unknown New Player

    But does that crowd control affect multiple enemies at once? after 2-3 hits? on this point MA beats him down.
    And I believe brawling too suffers from the same problem.
  10. TechWarrior0329 Steadfast Player

    I haven't even come close to using ever weapon available so I will withhold any judgement. Howvere I will admit, from past gaming experience, I prefer ranged weapons to melee. How many times have you had a boss toss you half way across the room and had to race back to rejoin the battle? In some cases that knockback even puts you out of ranged weapons limits .. if the majority of your attacks require you to be in the face of your opponent then you aren't doing anything until you get back there.... yet somehow they are still managing to damage you. (this always confuses me when i do the lighthouse duo against Bane. Granted h can throw stuff at me but why am I constantly taking damage from a brawler thatt is on the other side of the room but I can't hit him till I get back in his face).

    And then my absolute favorite part .. you get back, throw three punches and .. they knock you across the room again. I'll stick with ranged weapons LOL
  11. YodaDog New Player

    The sheer diversity of the posts lends credence to the balance of the weaponry.

    Ive used all the weapons now, at least a little... I prefer Bow, Rifle, Shield and 1H... Dont like HB, DP, Staff or 2H... But thats just me. I can certainly see how those weapons I dont like could be used just as effectively.. I just dont like em..
  12. Maxx_Watt Loyal Player

    For PvP ranged is the worst weapon
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  13. Meta Flare New Player

    those weapons are meant to be single target just because they have one or two small aoes doesnt make them an aoe weapon.
    yes it does i refer you here...look down.

    also on top of that the final hit in the tap hold rotation is an aoe. its the one that kicks forward with bot feet, not the one that kicks forward with the shield.

    if youre going by your logic then every weapon in the game is aoe.
  14. blklightning New Player

    I think you misconstrue my point. I know that shield is not an AoE weapon. All of its cc moves are single target. The point I was making is that shield offers ranged CC at a good speed. I cannot get that w/ DW or MA. With shield, I can sit in the middle and continuously knockback spirits try to get to Dr. Fate.
  15. Octantis New Player

    Every weapon has things I love, things I hate, and quirks that drive me nuts.

    I love how many combos Brawling has, but I hate how it's like the only weapon without a good power regen move. You pretty much have to be Light in order to make any good use out of it. So I love the variety in Brawling, but I hate how poor the regen is compared to weapons like 2h that has Doom Spin.

    Bow is the most irritating to me since I always seem to do a Long Draw when I don't want to. I still try using to every now and then.

    Dual Wield is fun, but makes me mad that the hold combos take so many taps to perform, and how Ultra Flurry is so difficult to pull off as opposed to Doom Spin, does terrible damage, and can't be canceled.

    1 Handed's animations just drive me nuts. They seem like they have the potential to look so awesome, and it just doesn't thrill me visually. And the idle pose is just dumb.

    It annoys me how pistols just point straight forward all the time. I wish the arms would move while running. Otherwise this is my preferred ranged weapon.

    I'm indifferent on rifle. It's just not my style and I don't find it fun. I used it strictly for several weeks, but my feelings towards it haven't changed.

    Two Handed is my favorite weapon, tons of AoE damage and the best melee power regen. The only thing I hate is the lack of variety in combos. You have one combo chain, or you can use Doom Spin, unlike Brawling's like 8 different hold attacks.

    Handblasters is another that drives me nuts with its lack of potential. For a ranged weapon, the combos that seem actually usable are few and far between. Pulse beam as a damage attack is debateable, feeling only really good for power regen. Scissor Kick seems pointless when compared to charge blast, and the attacks off of Charge Blast seem almost redundant. I think they should have been split up to be a Hold+Hold, and the other a Tap+Hold. Melee attacks seem fine, in fact I love Uppercut.

    Shield makes me angry that it has no real good AoE, because I really wanted to tank with it. Love pretty much everything else about it, otherwise, except for the ranged tap animation, which I think is silly.

    With Martial Arts, I only wish it looked more like an actual Martial Arts style, or Kung Fu. Actually, I have a great idea for a Kung Fu weapon style, but won't get into that here.

    What's left, Staff? I think I actually don't have any problem with staff. It does seem like 2handed in that it's a one-trick (well, two-trick) pony - I.e. it has only 2 combo chains, so it's a very predictable weapon, and almost boring to play if it wasn't so visually gorgeous.

    That's all the opinions I have on the weapons. Played them all, like parts of them all, but all have things that irk me.

    NOTE: Upon re-reading my post, it seems most of my complaints are with the animation looks, lol. I'm sure with the majority of people clipping this really doesn't bother them, but it drives me nuts :p
  16. Trinidad James Loyal Player

    Lol! Maybe in your small world it is. But 1H & Shield have the best lunge, Their so good you can use them as a movement modes.
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  17. Meta Flare New Player

    that part wasnt directed at you. i was just using you post as a reference so i didnt have to retype that the ranged moves are aoe. non of my post were directed to you all of it was to that UNKNOWN clown.
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  18. Meta Flare New Player

    definitely with the shield.
  19. M3inz New Player

    I haven't used all of the weapons much either but I'm not a fan of most melee weapons. 2-handed and brawling just seem too slow for me. The other melee weapons don't feel very fun because to me they seem like all the combos are just tap-tap-tap-hold melee with one simple ranged combo thrown in. I also don't like rifles cause I just can't get used to the flow of chaining combos with the rifle.

    My favorites (in no particular order) are probably the shield (animations, decent speed on BB, and I like how you can substitute a hold melee in place of a tap melee and still build the combo), bow (nice combinations of BB and interrupts), handblasters (power regen, and decent melee and range combos), and dual pistols (combos that use both the melee and ranged button in them = more fun).

    And to the point of duel pistols being no good.... I may be doing something wrong with the other weapon sets but my survivability generally goes up in solo content when I use them because of the jumping around.

    <--- big fan of DP
  20. blklightning New Player

    Ultra Flurry is 9 tap, hold, right? For a while, I thought it could not be cancelled. It can... just by tapping melee again.