What was your best ever "fluke" kill?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Meeka, May 26, 2013.

  1. Meeka

    Yesterday... and I really wish I had captured this in video...

    I saw a light assault flying in the air that nobody else saw, I had a sniper rifle so quickly pulled a pistol and started firing... my CQC gaming sucks, so I thought our Sunderer was toast for sure, but then suddenly there was a big "boom" and the light assault was dead, Apparently, one of my bullets caught the brick of C-4 just as as he dropped it, blowing it up and killing the light assault in the process. Best shot I ever made with a pistol, even if it was entirely a fluke...

    What was your best "fluke" kill?
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  2. iller

    That's impressive, I didn't even know we could shoot those out of the air...
    Same situation, except I was 200m away, and I just headshotted him mid-air with the Suppressor, (instead of shooting the C-4)
    I instantly yelled H4X on myself out of sheer denial

    The most entertaining though... those are usually reserved for anytime I perfectly "T-bone" any ATV rider with the Phoenix. I usually can't play the game for a good minute after those b/c I'm guffawing too hard from how cartoony it all looks
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  3. Cougarbrit

    Probably one of my tank mine kills on extreme menace harasser or battle sundy teams, where the mines are generally left forgotten out in a field somewhere when I was trying to tank mine some different guys about 5 minutes ago.
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  4. xemlash

    I once bailed out of scythe by accident (I know) fell to my death, about 20 seconds later a kill popped up on screen. To this day I am not sure wtf happened but my scythe flew on and killed someone somehow (a very confused someone I expect)
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  5. Ultramarine

    Not sure how fluke it is, but I once tossed a sticky grenade that got intercepted by a TR's head. He ran from the grenade icon into cover to join his buddies where he exploded taking 6 other's with him. Was pretty funny watching him scurry to cover to see a small puff of an explosion from out of sight.
    I also once jumped out of my flaming reaver looked right and watched my flaming reaver spin as it fell with me to our deaths, started throwing ammo like crazy for the lols and accidentally headshotted the pilot of the scythe that took me down. He had apparently also bailed out of his scythe to avoid death by AA fire. Being a light assault I suppose he expected to use the jetpack and live. Did manage to jump in the reaver and use it to slow me enough to land alive before it exploded. So cool
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  6. Cruci

    It happened a while ago, i was on Esamir near one of the tech plants, i was aiming a one of the turrets on top. I saw one NC engineer trying to repair the turret, so with my TR sniper i tried to aim him from 200m or more i dont remember, but i couldn't see him that well so i was like ; Ahh F(filtered) it -shoot- *Headshot* and then i was like : O.O ?! I laughed so hard then ran away.
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  7. Blarg20011

    Once I was shelling a building in my lightning (L100 HEAT) and an aircraft flew in front of me about 200 meters away and caught my shell square in the side, unfortunately it was a friendly. Oops.
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  8. LoneMaverick

    The only one I can think of recently is when I roadkilled a Lightning with my Harasser, jumped over a hill where I knew he was, landed right next to him with full boost going. Couldn't talk on TS for 5 minutes after without giggling like a school girl.
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  9. WaiZen

    Lool! Nice one.

    Today, we were fighting the Vanu at the south west of the warpgate and the remaining Vanu were camping a room nearby their spawn, so I took a LA and somewhat went in there through the door near their spawn with a black/blue camo, so I just walked in, put 2 C4, stabstabstab, no-one noticed me and I just enjoyed the profit. xD
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  10. MrMagicGuns

    Last night I randomly threw a grenade across a small base and somehow killed an enemy. I doubt I will be that lucky again.
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  11. Fernator

    I fired a phoenix today. Somebody shot it ( this makes the phoenix swirl around) and it shot down a extreme menace kill mossie.
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  12. Rhapsody

    Reminds me of Halo's grunts and plasma grenades.

    As for my 'fluke' moment. I believe it would have to be firing an AP shell from my Vanguard at a MAX that was standing on a wall of an AMP station, only to miss the MAX and watch my shot arch over the wall. A second or two later i see a "headshot" kill pop up on my screen. Somehow my Missed AP shell had speared a infiltrator somewhere inside the base in the noggin.
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  13. Pharax

    The classic - In a Phalanx Anti-Tank turret. Screaming at a low flying liberator, Mosquito comes burning past and takes a bullet for the liberator. Liberator dies shortly after.

    This has also happend to me flying past an amp station in my Reaver though... :(
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  14. Robes

    Wasn't mine, but was killing a 1/3 lib, right as he died he must have switched seats and took a shot me with a dalton, half a second after the lib poped i got hit by that shot -.-
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  15. Meeka

    I just remembered another fluke kill I made a few weeks ago, I was rolling at top speed with a Lightning and off in the distance was a damage Liberator... and I figured, "Bah, I'll shoot at it anyway" and fired a round without stopping or aiming any more than a general direction and expected to miss it by a mile, but the Liberator turned to avoid some AA flak right at the moment my round was reaching where it wouldn't have been if it hadn't tried to avoid the AA and *BOOM*! Dead Liberator!
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  16. Leal

    Randomly firing a tank shell in a direction and hitting an ESF.
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  17. Meeka

    LOL, this one made me laugh the most so far.
  18. GhostAvatar

    Mine was in my Prowler. I was sitting on a hill above a no contest base capture with a fellow outfit member, also in a Prowler, beside me. When a Reaver decided to try and make a pass and lolpod our infantry out of nowhere. Of course since there was no valid targets for me to fire at and no real time to aim, I decided to take a wild instinctual pot shot at the Reaver in the hope of maybe hitting it. It was a pretty crap shot that wasn't lined up and both went in wildly direction to each other. Of course my buddie was in lockdown and had no real issue hitting the Reaver. What happen next made my day. My buddies first round hit the Reaver. Upon taking serious damage to his aircraft the pilot bailed to deny the kill. 10m into his free fall, to hopefull suicide, my first shot hit him squarely in the head for a headshot kill. Followed closely by my second shot hitting the smoking Reaver for the kill on that also.

    I so wish I had it recorded.
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  19. TKBoom

    A few weeks ago, we were defending the Crossroads Watchtower. I was in the AV Turret on the north side, aiming West at the approaching enemy. An enemy LA was either coming up or dropping down and passed right in front of the turret as I fired. Nice xp, but he ruined the shot I had lined up. :)
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  20. NikkoJT

    I know I've had a couple, but I can't remember many that are truly exceptional. I did managed to get sniped from the next base over (!) by a Magrider (!!) while flying a Reaver (!!!) once, but that's not quite the same.

    I'll go for one that's not a fluke shot so much as a fluke enemy.

    The scene: Esamir. Somewhere in the **** end of nowhere. I've bailed out of a crashing Reaver, and landed near a road. The forward elements of the enemy zerg are rolling past in the distance. I start walking for the next base.

    Suddenly, a Vanu drop pod. Inside: a Vanu. But not any ordinary Vanu! This Vanu is an idiot.

    Bored and pretty much out of ammo, I take a few potshots with my pistol. A couple hit, and the Vanu goes running. All normal so far. In hopes of dying so I can redeploy, I give chase. The Vanu runs over to a nearby crystal, and goes stationary next to it. Assuming he's in cover, I run after him hoping to get the drop on him. No movement from the Vanu.

    I get closer. He's standing in the open.

    Closer still. He's facing the crystal.

    Yet closer. No movement.


    Standing behind him. No movement.

    "Live free in the NC!"
    *pistol headshot*
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