Server Maintenance for Game Update October 2nd

Discussion in 'Official News and Announcements' started by RadarX, Oct 1, 2014.

  1. Devoneir

    Meh I doubt the forums have a significant impact on the devs. If i'm correct, it's either SOE support tickets that will alert them to the game being broken again or being flooded with tweets about the broken game.
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  2. WarmasterRaptor

    That they won't read since they prefer twitter and reddit :)
    How special can we feel around here?
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  3. Devoneir

    Special? Nah you don't get to be special here. We're left for dead.
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  4. tahn1000

    mouse control of aircraft gunners still not fixed.
    medkits unavailable. and don't autobuy.

    this was not worth buying a 3 day boost for. kind of spoiled the long weekend.
  5. slamb

    Unscheduled friday night maintenance you're a ******* joke SOE
  6. Devoneir

    Well it should be clear. Updates happen every Friday at 6 am PDT unless stated otherwise. Hotfixes on the other hand.... Good luck with that.
  7. Devoneir

    Well it should be clear. Updates happen every Friday at 6 am PDT unless stated otherwise. Hotfixes on the other hand.... Good luck with that.
  8. slamb

    Well it's not
  9. Devoneir

    Hint: Check the forums every fridays. Or just everyday for convenience's sake
  10. andy_m

    LOL, since when?

    Unless otherwise stated? So, if SOE don't announce that there IS NOT an update on a Friday, they update it anyway?

    I don't think so
  11. andy_m

    They made an update yesterday
  12. slamb

    Look at the forums there's no mention of it anywhere what **** are you smoking?
  13. Jonkero

    There has been a server maintenance for the past 3 or 4 days in a row now. So unless stated otherwise, expect a hotfix everyday. :p
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  14. slamb

    I don't think you understand the difference between scheduled maintenance and hotfixes

    And for the love of god, please fix the fps stuttering.
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  16. Jonkero

    Fix platoon recruitment ASAP
  17. genericX

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  18. Bernd Lauert

    I'm on a decent i7, 32GB RAM, SSD and GTX780Ti and the game runs like **** on even low settings. Im down below 20fps in even small fights. Ping shows a feel-good value of about 50-70 for the most part but the effective "ping" - that means the time gap client to client) is more like 2000ms (judging by how long I'm back into cover while the bullets still hit me).

    Don't invest in new hardware for ps2 - whatever the know-it-all duders are telling you, it's not your rig. It's the game.
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  19. Putte08

    PS2 truly is unoptimized, but something is extremely unstable with your system. I get 60fps+ with 780Ti, i7, HDD with max settings on 1440p resolution even.

    Maybe you forgot to plug in your GPU cables to the motherboard so it runs on the CPU, haha.
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  20. Predat0ry

    THIS. On that hardware PS2 should work on ultra with normal fps with ease. Badly optimized game is badly optimized game. End of story.
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