Server Maintenance for Game Update October 2nd

Discussion in 'Official News and Announcements' started by RadarX, Oct 1, 2014.

  1. Stormsinger

    I want this one. :p
  2. Stormsinger

    Any sundy driver Ever when someone brushes up against the wheels, spawns with graphics unloaded, and finds their face materialized in the hull, or gets squished when the vehicle vibrates against a hill, etc etc etc

    I've been weapons locked when AFK, due to my deployed sundy crushing people trying to hide from enemy fire in my wheel wells.
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  3. Bernd Lauert

    An interesting test would be to play the game with all the customizations like over 9000 camo textures disabled. Because when they started adding camos and whatnot like crazy, thats when my frame rate went down the drain. It feels like I'm getting a better frame rate in huge fights with a lot of default-camo players than in smaller fights where everyone got a unique camo. I don't think that more textures do the texture cache a favor.
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  4. The_Blazing

    I remember someone posting on Reddit an image showing the increasing RAM usage as he kept playing the game, which is indication of a memory leak. I'm wondering if perhaps the core game and engine itself is good, but camos and other customization items are causing memory problems; considering how many and in how many varieties and arrangements you can have them, it could be possible that in some cases the game freaked out over them.

    The devs could really use a test like what you described.

    Also, holy ****, GTX 780 Ti and i7 with 32 gigs of RAM, I have a 770, i5 and 8 gigs and it runs fine on ultra, what in the actual ****. This is just bad coding, hire some more coders SOE, you really need them, trust us.
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  5. Schwak

    [*]TR: Prowler: Anchored Mode: There is a delay before you can use to deploy

  6. placeholder22

    Du trollierst doch! Wahre Geschichte, Bernd?

    I can confirm this as true. The longer PS2 runs, the more memory it uses. I just killed it with an usage of nearly 6gb RAM. It seems to either be some sort of memleak, or maybe the manager intentionally doesn't unload stuff properly, assuming infinite ram.
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  7. ToxicFire

    Thought i'd throw in my thoughts as a semi new ps2 player/long time gamer regarding this fracas and this is why people should pay attention because its new player experience that can define a game's success or failure, now I got into the game early august, and though my system probably does ride the lower end of the required system specs, after a bit of tweaking settings the game ran fine maybe fps drops in the realllly big fights but the game was ok and stable apart from the odd random CTD though i suspect i know what that may have been so im not putting that one down on the game.

    Soo essential working fine... then we have the PS4 code branch merge and the 29th aug patch and things goto pot, namely stuttering, hitching, even the odd total lockup, progressively worse the bigger the fights got, but it wasn't soley in those large fights or even some smaller ones. It smoothed out a bit after a lil time but was still there I tend to play support roles so could cope a bit more with the freezes. Anyway Im not in game for a couple of weeks and I start thinking it will be sorted by the time i get back.... but nope, still there a month later then we have the latest patch which seems to have produced some bugs that Im suprised got through QA and I've played some games where there were bugs that were known about for years but never resolved so I don't get frustrated by bug's easily, but these are slightly over the top which is a shame because PS2 could really do well its in a niche market which im sure is far from fully developed yet.
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  8. Kingsblend

    since the server update my game will only load to 94% and after that it kick me to the Game Error G99....but up in the link there is a "unable to login server" sentence....sooooo Game Server Online but Login in Server Offline or do i got a problem ?! =D can anyone help me !? or give me some information about this problem....thanks =)
  9. ey2l

    Does anyone knows when will the SERVER be back up ? ;D
  10. ToxicFire

    Anyone noticed that in the hotfix notes, the squad ui problem is now listed as not yet fixed.
  11. CrunchSlamchest

    This is most likely because the bug is not yet fixed.
  12. Blaze81

    Had the same issue yesterday. It went away when i Validated Game Assets and waited about 20 Min.
  13. PadreRemington

    The squad ui issue needs to be resolved quickly, having to invite every squadmember by hand is a slap in the face.

    Also, SOE might want to rethink the removal of passive cert gain for non members, which new players are gonna be.
    Thus the new player experience is reduced and even more tiresome to get certs for unlocks.
    This combines with the credit card subscription being the only possibility for non mebers to sign up for membership in EU (or having to buy cards from Prosieben) also dulls new player experience.

    Didn't the devs say they want to focus on "improving" new player perception of the game?
    Well this isn't the way to do this.
  14. Kyrill

    Thats because the servers are still offline,thats the same ,what happend to me a while ago.
    Guess we need to wait till they open them :)
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  15. Scofald

    I lost all of my characters.. What's up with that?
  16. ToxicFire

    The servers aren't actually up yet, there locked for testing, things like if a squad ui is broken etc
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  17. yoericup

    cuz the server are down for mainentance they are locked atm so it wont take long i think
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  18. Kyrill

    Same situation,as long as the servers are down,your account cant connect to the log in servers and your chars,that is fixed the moment ,the servers are back up.
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  19. Scofald

    Oh I see.. Was afraid there for a second lol
  20. Kyrill

    Had that too often after maint,was scared as hell too ,so i know how u feel :)