[Suggestion] Remove 3rd person view for vehicles

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Tytos, Jan 27, 2013.

  1. Talizzar

    3rd party view in an FPS is bad.

    The FOV (field of view) from inside a sundy is terribad! I drive ATV's and my FOV in real life is far greater than what I can see on the Flash. I suck at flying but it is really hard to land a hovering plane when you really can't look down from the cockpit easily.
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  2. Johnnyseven

    That's how it should be, that's where flying a plane should need a bit of skill. A Sunderer is a huge truck, huge trucks have blind spots.

    I think the developers ought to put some effort into the inside of cockpits/cabs, stick a rearview cam in there, some mirrors. Make all those lovely dashboard lights mean something. This would mitigate the FoV penalty but leave it still a bit challenging. It would make using a vehicle infinitely more immersive.
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  3. fish998

    Yup, remove 3rd person view and fix the low vehicle FOV. You'll have a better game overnight.

    As for infantry getting run over more, it might teach them to think about where they run.
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  4. MiZrY

    Have fun going in reverse
  5. Chowley

    They stick to the roads? ******** and you know it
  6. cardboardbacon

    I'm for the removal of third person, but only if we're allowed to adjust our field of view when driving/flying in first-person. Also, there would probably need to be fov limitations depending on vehicle-type since you're not going to have the same visibility in a tank as you would on a Flash.
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  7. Exidius

    How about better equipment (mirrors etc.) to use with the (allready funtioning) LOOK button
  8. Poobah

    Rear View Digital Camera
    Side View Digital Camera
    Proximity warning for friendlies
    Back-up "beeps" like any big truck has today
  9. Poobah

    I don't think anyone minds Flash/Sunderer having 3rd person view.

    It's the MBT's, Lightnings and ESF's that need the change.
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  10. Exidius

    nah Sunderer shouldn't have one either but flash can hold on to it imo
  11. MarioO

    An idea:
    let us use 3. person view when everything around us is peaceful, but as soon as the vehicle is getting hit by anything we are forced into the 1. person view.
    So landing with ESFs and traveling with tanks isn't affected, but the problem of tanks being able to smell every footsoldier sneaking up from behind would be solved.

    I also saw games in which people were only able to use a 3. person view in a tank if they "get out" of it. That means that the driver will be visible looking out of the tank and so exposing him to enemy fire.
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  12. cardboardbacon

    That would be good as well, although designing functional mirrors and other visibility-enhancing features would take time. Allowing adjustable fov inside vehicles would probably be the easiest and fastest solution.
  13. KAHR-Alpha

    As I thought, it looks like people have completely forgotten about the proximity radar...
  14. Poobah

    Proximity radar is fine. Without 3rd person view, it will make the cert stronger. Right now, you get rank 1 just by playing in 3rd person view.
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  15. Sowahka

    In fairness, I don't think they're sneaking up THAT close to you, and it's considerably easier for you to look behind yourself than for a tank to do so, especially the Magrider because they have to turn their whole tank around. Also, you can hear people running up behind you quite clearly, wear headphones?

    Anyhow, the "because infantry can't see in 3rd person tanks shouldn't get to either" argument makes no sense at all to me. Maybe if infantry had turning & collision issues, moved at half speed, and took 5 seconds to look around them it would make sense, but they currently have none of the movement issues that tanks have. I'm not saying that tanks have to have it, but that argument makes absolutely no sense to me. It's akin to "My anti-inf sniper rifle doesn't do splash damage so I don't see why tank HE shells should get it." The two subjects are COMPLETELY unrelated.
  16. Exidius

    Aren't mixing apples and oranges here. All the disadvantages you listed come with more armor and firepower and all we say is that the restricted visiual overview is (normally) another disadvantage of tanks and would fit in quite well because it would nerf tanks without making them weaker stat wise. Which should be what a balance between Infantry and Tanks should aim at.
  17. Poobah


    The giant metal death-machine can't run as fast as the infantry it helplessly farms, therefore it needs 3rd person view too?

    Strong logic there.
  18. MrPokealot

    OP go home, you're clearly drunk
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  19. Darlith

    Realism isn't much of an argument for this considering setting up a camera system for seeing around your vehicle and a computer to turn that data into what the current 3rd person view would be fairly trivial with modern tech.

    Game balance however is always a good reason for changing things. Not really sure 3rd person view is so powerful it needs removing.

    Also is there a way to make third person zoom out a little so I can see more than 5 feet away from my bumper so I can can magically see all these engineers running up behind my tank as well?
  20. MrPokealot

    Also, OP goes to show that despite the clear evidence out there(Higby's Graph) people will still demand for ridiculous, useless changes in the game for "Balancing" which have either no impact or worsen the overall experience.