TSO Easter Eggs and Surprises or, Najena was an UO PKer

Discussion in 'General Gameplay Discussion' started by ARCHIVED-Indur, Nov 24, 2008.

  1. ARCHIVED-gith Guest

    Eveningsong wrote:
    I thought it was spelt Valen in B5.. But you could still be right about the reference.
  2. ARCHIVED-livejazz Guest

    M0rticia wrote:
    ROFL, nice catch!
  3. ARCHIVED-kling3r Guest

    if ever they'd do one thing right, they'd steal the botanist 'profession' from UO...
    vorpal bunnies here i coooome!
  4. ARCHIVED-ke'la Guest

    Alienor wrote:
    Well consitering the lore conserning why the Tower of Vhalen is named that. I think it is safe to say you are correct. Though why the Dev named Vhalen choose that name is likly do to his liking that band.
    As to the lore about the tower... the tower itself was at one time a warning tower for Qeynos, it had a large bell in it(you can see it now at the base of the tower). When a Bard Named Vhalen saw an attack comming from the Gnolls he rang that bell, and continued ringing it while those around him fell... he was finally killed by those Gnolls, but his effort was not in vain as Qeynos heard the warning and was prepaired for the attack.
    FYI, Bards are the Lore Keepers of Norath(and most Mid-evil worlds)... and that just happened to be Vhalen's Job both in EQ1 and EQ2.
  5. ARCHIVED-Paladin776 Guest

    kela wrote:
    Not sure when the change was supposed to have taken place, but Vhalen Nostrolo spent more time in EQ1 a lot closer to Splitpaw than he did Blackburrow. (He could be found in South Karana, which is 3 zones from Qeynos Hills, which is approximately where the current Blackburrow is located.)
    Also, not only are Norrathian Bards the keepers of lore, but the League of Antonican Bards could be found almost everywhere back in the day and ran the mail service. You could talk to any of the strategically placed bards (if you could find them up....most players used them for combat practice...:D ), and get a piece of mail you could run to it's destination and get a bit of XP and coin out of the deal. This service is the basis around which the Heritage Quest "The Journey Is Half The Fun" takes place.
  6. ARCHIVED-Faine Guest

    Gubbo Chanley on the docks in the Enchanted Lands rants "Fritz! They've killed Fritz! Those dirty, stinking fairies have killed Fritz!" - or something very similar. This is taken directly from an animated film called "Wizards". Was pretty funny.
    Also, in Gnomeland Security (a minor easter egg, in and of itself), while doing the quest for the Earring of the Solstice,
  7. ARCHIVED-ke'la Guest

    Dylara@Crushbone wrote: