Class balancing

Discussion in 'General Gameplay Discussion' started by TheCrux, Apr 20, 2016.

  1. Blaupunkt Active Member

    I don't see why they cannot run the fighter specific armour through the "buffing/tweaking" program they have and add extra STA and a MIT increase, they have done it once why not again but be more specific towards classes than just a general across the board boost.
  2. Blaupunkt Active Member

    Forgot to say and while they are at it Lower STA on cloth armour as from my understanding that will lower the pets STA/hit points, it's not like they need it ;)
  3. Livejazz Well-Known Member

    Nice summary, Onra, thanx.

    Veta, I think I'm leaning towards agreeing with you, even if I don't want to.
  4. Havokks New Member

    Huh. I thought rangers and assassins were way above normal for damage. Thanks for the list, though. That helps
  5. Dilf Member

    Can we get a summary for those who are red-green colorblind? I can't read more than 75% of it.
  6. Livejazz Well-Known Member

    Healers: mostly balanced, small tweaks would be nice for Druids
    Scouts: Assassins (need ST) & Rangers (need AE) need some love; other Scouts OK; Bards still "give too much utility."
    Mages: Summoner pets overpowered, game-breaking issue in need of immediate fix; Wizzie (need ST) & Warlock (need AE) need some love, others mostly balanced. Chanters still "give too much utility."
    Fighters: All need more HP, but not as game-breaking an issue as badly OP Summoner pets.

    ST = single-target DPS
    AE = area-target DPS
    Arielle Nightshade likes this.
  7. Havokks New Member

    Which melee healer do you think does the most damage, inquisitor?
  8. Poofe Active Member

    I disagree with your assessment of bards as bringing "too much utility". All utility is mostly incremental at the group or encounter level. How you can make that claim and not concede Pally heals are too OP, I do not know. Add in that bards are some of the weakest soloing classes and the trade-off is obvious.

    Additionally, I believe we should be looking at synergistic group HP buffs rather than fighter only ones - i.e. healer HP buffs affect fighters more and resonate with each incremental non class healer added. This maintains balance for solo vs group.
  9. Poofe Active Member

    Then have progression be tied to itemization of the buffer rather than the tank.