(TLP) Possible solutions to "permacamped" raid targets

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Smallpox, Jun 8, 2015.

  1. Drexll Augur

    Oh drop the "find more friends" canard. I know it won't be like this forever, but it's like this NOW and for what, the next 5 months? I'm just really put off by the idea that "in order to compete" one has to stoop to the level of Magey McNeckbeard and some folks are arguing that such is ok and everyone else should just jump on the bandwagon and do it. This serves merely to compound the problem.
  2. Drexll Augur

    Yeah I agree that raid instancing would at least be a workaround to the problem. There's a nice, long discussion about just that going on in another thread, here. Come join the party!

    That said... maybe I'm still an idealist in my old age, but the whole "if you cant beat 'em, join 'em" thing just really grates at me. As I just said in another reply, all it does is compound the problem. I personally dont want to see even more folks running around boxing mages for the next 5 months.

    But it's not even that, it's that someone (idr who) actually argued that one is not "competing at the right level" if one is not ALSO boxing mage armies with a buddy or two. This, imo, is horse hockey. If one has mastered their class, mastered the game, learned the mechanics of the raid content, and is ready and willing to quickly mobilize to down a target, they shouldn't lose out by default to 1 or 2 guys exploiting both broken mechanics and an unfair "policy" from DBG that allows for such to happen. To argue, as some guy did, that such is just regular "competing" is ridiculous, IMO, and completely counter to the spirit of the game. A spirit which, I may add, brought lots of now disillusioned people such as myself back into the fold of paying EQ customers.
  3. Bigz_Zupdarty Augur

    Many of us knew this was going to be exactly the problem drexll, if you look at older posts from before ragefire started you'll find me advocating to have the very things your complaining about fixed before they became a problem.. yet you attack my posts like im against your very existence of being.. I was following the OP when I made my first post in this thread.. he had a far fetched raid idea, so I threw mine into the hat.. that's why Im here..
    Drexll likes this.
  4. Drexll Augur

    I do sincerely apologize if I seemed to be attacking you. I mean that. Tbh I dont even remember what you may have said or what I said in response to it. Lot of talking going on here :D As you see, I get fired up about a couple of these issues, but I in no way mean to personally come off as "attacking" someone, not even the obvious goobers... tho I slip sometimes with a couple of them :D I don't want to seriously upset anyone or make things personal, I'm not "that guy," and if my passions make me come off too strong sometimes, I do apologize. That said, I *TRY* to not let it get personal even with the obvious trolls, as all that does is lead to a threadlock.
  5. Bigz_Zupdarty Augur

    I think your fight is in the right camp drexll, I think you're aiming at the wrong targets..
    Drexll likes this.