Mix it up a bit for new expansions

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by BarryGarry, Oct 2, 2023.

  1. Zunnoab Augur

    That's exactly what I addressed. The game has been able to load models selectively for years now. And if they were going to roll out a huge feature like that, I highly doubt the people in that niche having to see Luclin models for certain players would be a factor in the decision. I'm not saying I expect them to do it. I just doubt that would be the reason.
  2. Randomized Augur

    It's not selfish to have ideas. It's selfish to push an idea that benefits a minority of a minority and claim it's for the greater good (vocal majority is a minority. those who want wide spread zones in new expansion is a minority of that minority).

    Most popular? Then why do TLPs drop off heavily after PoP and not TSS? Something doesn't add up. And no, it's a bad idea and here's why.

    Take away the Drakkin. Now players who are level 70 and looking to push to level 75...what incentive, what reason do they have to go back and see Crescent Reach, Blightfire Moors, Stone Hive, Goru'kar Mesa, Roost, Steppes, Direwind?

    None, they're beyond that experience/loot and it's of little use to them. That's exactly what you're asking for by having a wide spread in the new expansion. There's no incentive for players to go get a new 85/100 Heroic to play through zones that are below them currently. There wouldn't suddenly be a huge influx of income from the DBC and people buying Heroic toons to see these lower levels. No, they'd take their 120's and plow through them in minutes. Now you have vacant zones that hardly anyone is going to use. "Hard dev work paid off" - yeah, no, not exactly. More like they wasted their time when they could have put that energy from those 4-5 zones into end game content where the majority of players are, and where they're going to be going (forward, not backwards).

    Are we ignoring Seeds of Destruction through Night of Shadows. All those zones encompassing levels 85-120? What's logical in your eyes already exists...You're just wanting the convenience of being lazy and having it all wrapped up in one little package. News flash, 15 expansions and all it's zones is a lot more support for "many coming years" than 1 expansion and 3 zones.

    No one is ignoring anything, nor has anyone said "low level content does not matter" - what was said is "more low level content does not matter". Again, 15 expansions and all its zones is there for the replay factor. In fact, having more choices than just 3 zones spread out over 30 levels has a lot more replay factor than the aforementioned 3 zones.
    Windance likes this.
  3. Waring_McMarrin Augur

    No, they currently load models by race which means that they would have to force new models on everyone and not just those who what the new combinations.
  4. Iven the Lunatic

    During The Ruins of Kunark and earlier:
    Skuz and Nennius like this.
  5. Iven the Lunatic

    A whole expansion with 14 new zones just for a new race ? No way. It would had been possible with just Crescent Reach and Blightfire Moors. TSS got developed as a catchup expansion for new players to make their life easier and by granting them more quests and guidance. Another reason was to offer newbies better graphics and to add an ingame tutorial. Escape to Norrath was a separate exe file before it got converted into the Mines of Gloomingdeep with TSS.
    Skuz likes this.
  6. Iven the Lunatic

    Which zones do you mean ? If you mean the blocked door in JPF, the Unkempt Woods will be added soon I think. There were more blocked zone connections but I cannot remember them atm.

    Maybe someone could help me to remember where this screenshot got made ?
    I does show one of those fake zone connections.
  7. Iven the Lunatic

    Yeah, it should be handled differently like unlocking the Heroe's Forge feature per account or completely removing that pay wall.
  8. Iven the Lunatic

    Ten mob levels (i.E. 80-89) per zone is not really a wide spread. It was very common until EoK... before the server populations were going down.

    Maybe because TSS is to modern for old school players ? Most of them did quit in 2004 and 2005. Why do nearly all newbies, including returned players, keep staying in TSS until lvl 60 or so, and why are all other newbie locations like GFAY and Butcherblock, always empty (on AB) ?

    Your forgot to mention SoF. Yes, for a catchup expansion it is better to put the large level range of 17 expansions (counting already forward) into a single one with better adapted zones, a consistent theme and background story, better guidance, graphics, better balanced difficulty, and so on. Defiant Gear could be even continued until lvl 110. It would build onto the success of TSS for a seamless catchup experience from lvl 1-125.

    I do not consider content for lvl 85 heroic characters being "low level". Level 80-129 mobs are upper mid level content up to high level content. Thank you for your attention so far.
  9. Iven the Lunatic

  10. Skuz I am become Wrath, the Destroyer of Worlds.

    I covered this ages ago:

    Does appear to be coming with the new Expansion, I like that.
  11. Iven the Lunatic

    Ah, those ones. I think you can add Lake Neriuss or is it covered in DoN ?
  12. Waring_McMarrin Augur

    First TSS didn't introduce a new class, it introduced a new race. Second the 14 zones was more inline with the size of expansions at the time and that has shrunk considerably over the years.

    There is no need to make new zones for lower level players at the expense of higher level zones for players at the max level. Lower level players already have plenty of places to catch up.
    Ssdar and Windance like this.
  13. Yinla Ye Ol' Dragon

    You forgot Drinal !!!!! You know Norraths other moon!
  14. uberkingkong Augur

    Yeah that would disrupt the roleplaying vibe of EQ.

    EQ was originally a big roleplaying game.
    Turned into different game.

    Thats why I say, EQ has a dilemma.

    EQ pushes out more expansions game changes, not the same anymore.
    Lose situation if its not getting newplayers in.
    EQ does nothing keeps it as is, but it gets outdated by other games and what they can do.
    Lose situation.

    Hence EQ3, EQ3 doesn't impact core EQ roleplaying nostalgia, etc vibes. Its a new game up to date, everything, has the lore, everything.
  15. Skuz I am become Wrath, the Destroyer of Worlds.

  16. Skuz I am become Wrath, the Destroyer of Worlds.

    Yeah I think I may have missed that one previously, good catch.

  17. uberkingkong Augur

    Your including T3 zones, T2 zones.

    The second with same level range, its harder. And you including their T2 T3 zones.

    Someone just leveling isn't going to goto those T2 T3 zones.
    Maybe not even some of those T1 zones.

    Now how many zones. Now what can you do?

    Those zones in those expansions are not designed for catchup play those zones are designed everyone full gear and ready to move onto it. Not for people just trying to get to the max level.

    Hence FFXIV and other games, max level no problem.
    EQ months years to get to max level.

    Also factor,
    in FFXIV and other games, gear upgrades occurs more relaxing.
    EQ you gotta beat some named that you need a group for, you gotta beat some mission you need a group for.
    EQ Gear upgrades occurs exhausting tiring, too much effort just to gear.
  18. Waring_McMarrin Augur

    I am including every zone that was released in the expansion which was 14. I don't care what tier they are just what expansion they got released in.

    It doesn't take months or years to get to max level in EQ and even if it did there is many zones for players to use to work to that goal and a much larger number then zones for max level players.
  19. uberkingkong Augur

    Thats like saying
    Go xp and go do progression in DSK.

    Aint no one is going there, especially if they are new/returning don't have a main at max.

    Theres 12 zones available, 9 of them are like DSK.

    See this is where you have someone who doesn't just look at data and knows and plays the game vs someone who just looks at data and says "we got a lot, theres a lot there, lets continue"

    No continue, this is an issue.
    Reoccuring year after year for the past 10 years, issue.
  20. Waring_McMarrin Augur

    There are 14 unique zones in TSS and there is nothing changing that fact. This isn't a question of which of those unique zones players use depending on their level and play style but how many the expansion actually came with.