Any news on new TLP?

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by beefeater_dp, Feb 22, 2017.

  1. Galdous Augur

    Because people who left EQ a decade ago no longer care to voice their opinion on the matter? Only those who do enjoy boxing and despite a no boxing server would not affect you in any bit with your other servers to box on it would open the game back up the original setting the game was suppose to be based around. Flame me if you want for playing the game that Richard Garriot made which is a horrid pay to play alpha game right now but a topic that is often brought up by my guild of 200 ish members is the perception they have of EQ being full of bots/cheaters/boxers who steal every camp and make grouping a horrible experience.

    This server would assuage such (yes misconstrued mindsets) and show to players who left because of the above reasons that EQ has a server that caters to people who believe in one toon/one person which what allowed P1999 to initially prosper if not the defining reason it has been the success it has been. If near 100 people who dont touch EQ right now would look at EQ again with this type of server then that is a core reason I feel this has merit. How would such a server affect your boxing on the other 99% of the game? You seem to care about shooting down this idea for reasons other then your own real reasons. Inquiring minds want to know.

    The only truth we have right now is GOD was the true downfall spiral of EQ back in 2003. My guild did through hell and high water made it to itleast Qvic just to watch 10-20 boxers camp Qvic mini named 24/7 to RMT gear still is in the back of the mind of actual people who might be willing to give EQ a second glance and you giving reasons that you think would keep DBG from giving the server a try over your real reasons is what I find is amusing. If this is as unpopular as you say it would be then allow a one vote per person to see if this type of server would have any merit with its actual customers and not future customers which I could be as wrong about as I am right. That might be a bitter pill to swallow but I would be willing to acquiesce if a valid poll was taken over what ifs given as counter arguments to my what ifs.
  2. Galdous Augur

    And the majority of the player base do not post either so a minority vocal is not exactly a reason to shoot this idea out of the water.
  3. bodes Augur

    It's time to acquiesce that the idea is stupid. No poll required.
  4. Galdous Augur

    What makes the idea stupid? Because you do not support it?
  5. bodes Augur

    1- there's very low demand for IP-restricted servers
    2- it can be bypassed
    3- you say that creating a new server is cheap and "like spawning bunnies", it's not
    4- spreading population out among too many servers starts killing them. If you had played EQ during the live days and seen all of the server mergers you'd understand this. They won't launch a TLP unless they are confident it will sustain a large population.
    5- Seriously - nobody is asking for this. A "TLP ruleset wishlist" post appears on these boards every 2 days and none of the others ask for IP restrictions. The amount of posts complaining about boxing on Phinny is tiny.
  6. Rhodz Augur

    Actually a TLP with the original or even SoL FV ruleset with the new bells and whistles would be amazing and might get me back.
    But meh not holding my breath we get by very well without EQ but I am not opposed to supporting the right server.
  7. Galdous Augur

    1. Your interest in a ip restricted server is low. Why are you even posting if you are not interested?
    2. VPNS and cell phone ips can be dealt with easily.
    3. New server is coming out so anything I say or you say is pointless. Been confirmed and is happening. Only its ruleset is up in the air and one I am highly motivated to see as a no box server because of my previous reasons.
    4. Which will happen regardless because a server is coming whether or you like or not and not despite costs you claim but because its already been stated so two reasons is pointless already.
    5. I am asking so thank you for slandering me when I have respected your views. And we dont know the amount of interest on this server because the same thing applies to what you said. The amount of people who post on the forums overall is tiny compared to its playerbase. A gamewide poll would be beneficial for datamining such an interest and would be seen by players as you log on and just give the vocal minoirty dominance on direction of new servers.

    I dont recall anyone asking for a boxing limiting server when Phinigel was released but released over a year ago it was. So obviously someone at Daybreak see's some merit in my suggestion.
  8. Hdizzle Augur

    Firstly, WoW killed EQ, not God and beyond. It was a horrible happenstance that GoD was brutally hard when it came out and WoW was insanely easy. Not a good combo for Eq at that specific time.

    Secondly, poll all you want. Boxing, Farming krono / items for RMT, and use of 3rd party software to accomplish boxing and farming are always going to be on any EQ server.

    Show me the EQ server where those things are NOT present. Not even the great and amazing Phinny server is absent of any of those three things. They can't make a server without Boxing, Farming, and 3rd party software. You literally would need a time machine to play on a server a lot of you guys are describing. The resources aren't there, the cow has left the stable, etc etc.

    With that being said, the ruleset needs to work around boxing, farming for RMT and use of 3rd party software. Easy answer? Just release Ragefire with the instances in it.

    If they want to lure sheeples who remember Evil_boxer425 stealing their juggs camp 15 years ago, or on fippy, or on ragefire, or even on phinny, then sure brand it as another "Truebox" server. Because "Truebox" code sure helps eliminate boxing and people afk auto farming :rolleyes:

    @dbg just make the server yall shoulda made in the first darn place two years ago. Ragefire exp rates with instancing. Don't overthink this.
  9. Catashe Augur

    Theres a BIG lie there! lol
  10. Galleyan Augur

    ... and the original implementation of /pick that makes us casual scum happy.

    Hdizzle likes this.
  11. Kanuvan Elder

    this server is lame now, just alot of people in their own little bubbles and not really interacting with the new players and making eq1 feel alive, eq1 feels dead everywhere except PoK, we NEED a new server soon with much slower progression

    and sorry DBG but a no krono TLP is going to have to happen sooner or later, people want to start FRESH and with NOTHING but the cloth armor on thier backs, we want a TRUE classic server and we shouldnt have to download illegal software off piratre bay and play it emulated to get that experience
  12. Hdizzle Augur

    Long as I can 3 box like its 2017, I don't even care about the pick changes. Would be nice to have old picks back though.

    You want an even playing field, I get that. Lots of people feel that way. There is no way to even the playing field when dealing with krono.

    If a server was created with no Krono, items and platinum would be sold for $ instead of krono. Its the same difference.
  13. Galdous Augur

    Why do a rage fire ruleset with instancing when you have ragefire already which will soon enter the xpansion phase of instancing. Maybe someone is right about new people getting the shaft though. Part of the reason is why care when i can log on my box team and goto town. And no... eq killed eq with god. My guild fell apart trying to tackle god and yes wow popped up right as we became eq fatigued.
  14. Fohpo Augur

    Guilds come and go all the time, there were still plenty of populated servers and a variety of guilds well into OoW and beyond. The changing game culture/atmosphere and the release of new games like WoW has an undeniable correlation, and I'd argue impact, on the decline of EQ. That's not to say the game is dead, hence being ready to celebrate 18 years (something a number of other MMO's can't boast).
    Hdizzle likes this.
  15. bodes Augur

    Then you weren't reading the forums at all. Every 3rd post was about mage armies blocking players out of content. Truebox largely solves that and more severe solutions don't add any additional benefit
  16. Galdous Augur

    Something done to the mage armies yes but I do not recall anyone posting wanting a server specifically limiting boxing. That was to combat blocking content as you said and truebox code is a decent first step to bringing EQ closer back to its origins which was infinitely more successful then our current game plan that EQ has been riding upon the last 7-8 years.

    When was EQ its most successful? When it didnt have all the boxing and ease of use of third party programs that permeate the game right now. When did boxing start really sky rocketing in popularity? Around the Shadows of Luclin. There was minor boxing in vanilla/velious but i never saw it more then a handful of times in the first year of the game.

    And you are yourself showing how much better the game becomes when boxing is limited. Imagine actually having to network and fill groups up with actual people but egad-es man that requires to much work to have to talk to someone.
  17. Galleyan Augur

    I'm confused. Are you claiming blocking content was NOT a vital and every day aspect of vanilla EQ? It was. We just did it with LESS boxes (not zero, but less). I frequently was running 3-6 chars on raids in classic and Kunark. More in Velious. All in the name of making sure we had numbers and were FTE.

    You're right -- the popularity increased as the game got older. I'd argue there were a *LOT* of 2-boxers towards the end of classic and moving into Kunark. IDK how your server was, but we had quite a few 6-boxers owning Sebilis on Povar & Xev. I remember the guy who used to sit at nox and pull the top half of the zone 18+ hours a day. He was Chinese. We were all pretty sure he just lived in an internet cafe. But that's one example; there were quite a few more.

    Tightening up the "truebox" code to be harder to circumvent would probably be the only thing they need to do, imho. If you're gonna buy 40 computers to box 40 chars... more power to you. The most I ever was comfortable with was 6. And that was a major drain. I quit doing that after Velious. (We're talking separate PCs, I've boxed more since then with the popular programs.)

    Randoms cost me too much money in blood pressure medication. (FYI, that's sarcasm... but only slightly. Gamers these days are icky.)
  18. Galdous Augur

    How you think I am claiming anything is just twisting my words about blocking content. My statement was specifically meant for the response to seeing no one post about wanting a boxing limited server. Dealing with the mage armies and making a server that limits mass boxing are two entirely different subjects.

    I played on Karana and my journey consisted of maybe a few people logging in their friend/family account and buffing my group then logging off. My experience is different then yours.

    You do not have to tighten up the truebox code. This would be one server out of 20 that would be specifically for people who do not want boxing. You can still have your boxing and people like me would have more options. It does not affect your ability to box whatsoever and more options is always good.

    Sounds like a single player game offline is more up your alley then EQ but that is just my opinion.

    Make EQ 2017.
  19. Sipsac New Member

    I was playing on the karana also, and by Mid kunark, most of my guild had 2-3 box. We were a big guild filling raids of 72 most of the time we raided. Also, it is a terrible idea. Boxing brought a lot to this game, and it kept it alive all these years.

    I just asked quickly to some friend and guildies and nobady would like a 1 per ip account. It is not a very popular idea and a server wouldn't survive classic or kunark.

    New server should bring new ideas, but keep what is working now. They are here to make money and just check how many people have boxes now, 50? 60? 65 % of phinny's population ? I really don't know the real % but if i take my guild as exemple, id say a good 60 %. Let's say 35% of the server has acces to 1 or more Box, that's 35% of the income they won't receive. It is like saying make a krono free server, it will never be worth the time investment, people will simply sell FBSS for real $$. Blocking ip per adress will cut families and all boxers, and it won't be worth the investment. You should start to see the trend on people talking on this thread, it's not a viable idea.
  20. Galleyan Augur

    Ya know what, nevermind.

    (Nothing against you Sipsac. I concur with you.)