8/20 Faceless Insanity Breaks Rotation

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Gandolfinidagreat, Aug 21, 2015.

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  1. Gandolfinidagreat Journeyman

    On 8/20 Faceless Insanity broke the rules of the rotation.

    See here.

    "Guilds are expected and encouraged to use a neutral guild to mediate disputes before resorting to guide or GM intervention."

    Roshen: "The guiding principle for the progression server rotations is “If you believe a guild is breaking the rotation, please approach any of the other Guild Leaders in the rotation, and let them handle it on the GL level. If they're unable to reach a solution among themselves, one of them will make it public and ask for GM intervention.”

    On 8/20 Faceless Insanity violated these rules by going directly to the GMs before attempting to mediate the dispute properly. This action directly cause the suspension of hundreds of accounts. This violation of the rotation rules should not go unpunished as the actions of members of the leadership of FI (who are well aware of the rules) directly violated them. The rotation rules are more than just what mobs can be engaged when. Any violation of any rule should be punished proportionately.

    Accordingly, Modest Man should seek redress against Faceless Insanity with the other Guild Leaders on the server. In the event they are not able to reach a resolution, the GMs need to intervene and punish Faceless Insanity accordingly.
    Baldur and Kegwell like this.
  2. Zublak Augur

    Good troll.
    zhakran likes this.
  3. Gandolfinidagreat Journeyman

    Not a troll.

    They broke the rules of the rotation. Please explain to me how they did not?

    Are you saying that only the mob priority rules matter?

    And if you want to talk about the effects of their breaking of the rules vs. one boxer in MM.

    Well - the boxer in MM had no negative impact as the mobs were back up before the raid started.

    The FI rule violations caused 100s of suspensions.
  4. Ambiguously Journeyman

    I understand you're frustrated, but I don't see how this is helpful. Short of petitioning, you're doing the exact same thing they did.
  5. Protocol Dragon Defender

    I eagerly await my suspension.
  6. Faceless Cares New Member

    Dear Modest Men Guild Member #23845, kindly return to that clown car you all call a guild. The adults are talking.

    Zublak likes this.
  7. Gandolfinidagreat Journeyman

    I am not doing what they did. I am posting about a violation happening and advocating MM using Guild Leaders to resolve the dispute, and if nothing happens then they should escalate it to the GMs.

    I am not calling for any GM action until the proper channels are utilized.
    Kegwell likes this.
  8. Tulgin Augur

    As per the rules, you need to approach other Guild Leaders before resorting to posting on forums with the intention of GM intervention.

    Please suspend Modest Man for a further 24 hours.

    We consider this case closed, any attempt to re-open the case via any means will lead to more penalisation.

    That is all, thank you for your continued support.
  9. Ambiguously Journeyman

    Maybe ask Dima to reach out to then before calling for blood on the forums? I agree that Faceless had better avenues yesterday for handling the issue, and also that they intentionally ignored those avenues to take a cheap shot at the guild they dislike the most, but it doesn't mean we should be pulling the same stuff.
  10. Silentchaos Augur

    Gandolfinidagreat likes this.
  11. Gandolfinidagreat Journeyman

    How do you know I am in Modest Man? Also - the rules state that you need to approach other Guild Leaders before seeking GM intervention. I am not seeking GM intervention, but rather calling for the Guild Leaders to handle this rule violation.

    Reading is hard.
    Kegwell likes this.
  12. Fort New Member

    Faceless should not go unpunished when their leadership deliberately breaks the rules imo.
    Kegwell and Gandolfinidagreat like this.
  13. Zublak Augur

    Apparently you missed the part in the other thread where they brought it up in the leadership channel and no one said a word, hence why it went to petition.

    Again, you're just trolling at this point and no one is going to take you seriously. Get over yourself and hopefully Roshen will ban you for acting like a tool.
  14. Zublak Augur

    Member since today 8/21/2015 - Way to make another account to agree with yourself so others might try and follow your lead. Well played.
  15. TL_KRONOLORD Augur

    Please ban both guilds for failing to mediate this dispute with one another per the rules.
    Olmstedder likes this.
  16. rekais910 Augur

    This is true. Though Guild leaders will meet probably today and have a lil chat about what's going on. I think if anyone will be punished it will be the petition holder since most of the guild didn't have any power in breaching the rotation only the leadership. Right now the guilds are probably going to mediate and as well make the rules even clearer I'm sure. It's clear from the evidence posted that Faceless didn't make proper contact with a neutral guild or even post in the leadership channel about the breach of rotation. Instead qflexx is the one who mentioned it first in leadership channel. The simple fact is that some of the leadership took it upon themselves to lazily send one tell to an afk GL and then start posting on the forum and sending petitions instead of following the arbitration/mediation rule of the rotation. The fact that they sent in a petition should have meant that mediation failed when it didn't. That is why the GMs acted so quickly because they THOUGHT that mediation failed when none occurred.

    Feel free to check out Gulfein's post on the reddit forum. Read it and then move on with life. The situation is in the hands of the guild leaders and will be taken care of in whatever way seems fit. I don't know if faceless will receive repercussions, though based on what happens the guild members are definitely not to blame, only the leadership. I'm thinking that this might be a lesson learned to put a bit more effort into contacting an officer (which is a joke to do) instead of jumping the gun.
  17. Ambiguously Journeyman

    Ah, while I disagree with his original post, this is incorrect. Here is the pastebin of the leadership channel. Note: AFAIK Qflexx was online as well, and autojoins the channel.

  18. rekais910 Augur


    That's a lie
  19. Gandolfinidagreat Journeyman

    Sorry - not me.

    You don't think it's possible that one of the 100+ suspended people has been monitoring the forums and created an account just to post because they feel pretty aggrieved by this whole thing?
  20. Fiyero Augur

    Gulfein's letter is the most manipulative nonsense I've seen yet. He's playing the victim card, when he and MM have done more shady crap, hacking, and rotation breaking than anyone else on the server.
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